Friday, August 19, 2005

Physics and DARCs

Long ass day. worked on kb physics when I should have been training and got a very late start.We starte out trying to discern velocity and acceleration forces on the KB and ended up looking at Work, Power ,Watts and speed. Very, very, very interesting stuff. Waiting to confirn our calculations, which seem TOO high.

If these numbers are right it will verify what I have been saying about kettlebells all along, which is they are the most work and calorie dense method of exercising you can do. I mean, you can always swing a heavier bell,or two, swing higher, or faster or rest lest between sets. It can take and ordinary humans and make them athletic mutant, if they have the need.

Or can make the ordinary person,with just a modicom of effort, a much better man or woman. From a functional performance standpoint.

I finally got around to training. but went right to the whip:


53x100!!! PR.

not bad at all. got psyched after we did our calculations even though it was solo training.another goal down. windmills 36x5
left left leg stand, right arm press 26x3 left knee aint happy

53x5 left 36x2 right x2

darcs 53x50
53x50 felt a sudden surge of energy
200 DARCS !

front squats 36x6+6 53x5+5x3 sets wider stance.more like mike c's


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