Tight left calf/politeus after workout for no good reason so I opted to go ruckless today
SO much easier and fast, More fun too lol
BW walk
9 laps
9620 steps
timed laps 7:45
Top speed 4.3 MPH
Stride length 37.4 !!
"And in those simple beautiful movements I remembered what was really important in training; that consistency trumps intensity; all the time. That intensity is born from consistency. That one cannot force it, one has to lay in wait for it, patiently, instinctively, calmly and be ready to grab it when Grace lays it down in front of you."
Tight left calf/politeus after workout for no good reason so I opted to go ruckless today
SO much easier and fast, More fun too lol
BW walk
9 laps
9620 steps
timed laps 7:45
Top speed 4.3 MPH
Stride length 37.4 !!
What a difference a week makes! Back to normal, all systems go, including good sleep
Bell height power and speed solid.
25 sets in 35 min. not bad at all
goblet squat
16 x 4
20 x 4
24 x 4
Not sure exactly how many laps I did as I had to stop and call police about a transient breaking into a car. Probably about 4.5 laps total but I was on my feet for the full hour
45 lb ruck
6037 steps
60 min
HOT outside no wind
This went very well. Learned a lot all the misses were at the top, in the groove. With this less dynamic start I will need to get stronger but it seems to stay in the groove better
I have to re drive the hip earlier as well over 205. Not as important below it but crucial at these top end
But it feels very natural and replicatable
And nothing hurt. yet
As I suspected the biceps tendon issue was hiding in my radiobrachialis. Tried flossing it but the wave too did the trick
So what could have been another disastrous workout turned out to be excellent!
The technique held with this light weight with very simple cues
Elbows up
Lock in
Press back
Not sure how strong I am at this point but this has got to be the best technique I can do with my structural limitations
20 lb laterals and rear delts
15 lb curls
172.9 !!
really still feeling "off" headache was not too bad but body all out of kilter. went slowly but it was hot and hard, Finished ok but not strong at all
45 lb ruck
9 laps
3 mph
3 mph top speed
got it done and didnt die
Fucking crazy. Woke up after a good nights sleep with a tight right levator scap that didnt really let go
Warmups were weird and my bodymaintenace warmup was tight too. Every thing felt off. Rash is much better but it's been a weird two weeks for sure
32 kg warmup was ok but on the 36 the transfer from left to right didn't grab right and I felt my right biceps tendon was not in the slot!
went up to 40kg but it wasn't right on the right arm so I went down to 32 kg on the right and did the 40 on the left
Weird but it was fine and right shoulder felt basically normal after 8 sets or so but I was not going up
today was supposed to be 44 kg too!
Don't be greedy!
Swings finished well but when I went to lunges with the 16 kg on the second set right leg leading my right hammy pulled a bit!! WHAT THE FUCK!?
really? stopped right there but didn't see where that came from
pullapart 3 x 30
then rest
40 kg left arm swings 12 sets of 5
32 kg right arm swings 12 sets of 5
we'll see if its a ruck or a walk tomorrow.
Feels almost normal already
Man that was hard. Got a delayed reaction rash from the antibiotics and took a benadryl to try to stave it off. I knew I would get a little sleepy but wow, that was brutal!
made all six laps but I was dead on my feet. surprised the laps times were not slow but I need to stop and rest a lot. won't do that again
45 lb ruck
6 laps
3 miles
57 min
This couldn't have gone better. Every rep was damn near the same. The only ones that got in front was when I didn't maintain upward pressure on the bar after the unracking and before pressing
Then it 'dropped and popped' and went forward. If I maintained up pressure and just thought "push it back" ( with just arms) there was a subtle drop and rebound but it didn't go forward
1) elbows up on take off
2) pushup on bar and maintain up pressure
3) lock knees
4) push bar back to X
5) drive hips forward at sticking point
Short version
Back to this technique Wednesday. Monday was a disaster. Only plus was I did not get hurt
This went ok as well just a little tired getting started
Added in some supported squat stretches on laps 4,5,6, but then felt a little right arch strain so I left it at that
45 lb ruck
9 laps
4 squat stretches
top speed 3.4 mph
This went way better than expected. Right hand was no problem at all during the training or after at all. Almost 100% better now thank g-d.
Strength, power, speed and between set recovery were excellent
174.4Just five laps. Pressed for time for Tracy but I was beat too for some reason. Legs heavy and slow. average around 3 mph and it was 80 degrees but it got done
45 lb ruck
5 laps
2.5 miles
55 min
Another night of horrible sleep. Glenn had a household emergency and wasnt there so I was solo,
Went back to the same technique as last monday but with a heel but it didn't feel good: way too vertical and lockouts were slow even at 185 so went back to layback til I see the X and it worked good
Pretty sore and beat up too, strained the middle finger knuckle somehow ( overstretching on the hang? but it was tender, right hip still tender as I went into the hip fowarard position and woke up with right levator scap locked up!
Perfect! but it was decent nonetheless
Well this didn't work. Everything was out in front. I was driving my head back well but couldn't seem to get much of an upper back arch/layback
Must have been the shoes. When I switched them at the very end for 180 it was too late. I miss that too,lol
205 x MISS!
205 x 1
220 x miss x 3
205 x miss x 3
180 x 1 x miss
Decent one. A bit stiff and tired but legs were strong and pace good too, after 4 laps or so to warmup
A bit cooler this morning too, always good
45 lb ruck
9 laps
10,000 steps
1:25 min
top speed 3.4
Finally slept well last night after two shit nights and a root canal on thursday. I was concerned this would be super hard but it was decent. Not easy ( I missed thursdays ruck) but strong til the end
VMO on left was fine for the squats and they warmed up well Well that was hard. Super tight and stiff from Monday. Luckily it was only 90 so I warmed up fast lol..
actually heat wasn't that hard but trying to get enough arch was for the first 3 sets or so. then it was ok
every rep was very similar and it bodes well for the technique and consistency
Still solo and that has it's pluses and minuses. definitely allowed me to completely focus on myself but takes more total energy
one arm kb front squat 16 kg 5/3
surprisingly I could still feel the left VMO a bit on the first few reps although it loosened up quickly. I think this will be my next leg move on Saturdays. Legs are definitely down in size but that's no surprise
I also think more lunges too, alternating with pistols
Well that is a miracle. Totally had my head up my ass today. NO desire to train at all. Shocking actually, But I got to it anyway but then I MISSED 195 AND 205 lol! FUCK
Out in front. I knew I didn't spot the X enough so I took the jump anyway to 215 and made it!
Them made set 2, 3 but missed 4 backwards on balance. Took over and made 5 solid singles! All time PR
I've made 4 sets before but never 5!
Also made sure to take 2 min minimum between sets, this helped but the technique was correct!
This is two weeks in a row finally. Then down to 205 and made five unbroken!
Next weeks multiples with 220
173.8 this AM
Felt really beat up but the ruck was strong. Kept checking my watch to make sure it wasn't 'off' lol
Did the first 3 laps in 24 min and the 6 laps in 54!
all 9 in 1:23 very happy with it all
Left VMO was totally normal thank G-d
45 lb ruck
9 laps
4.5 miles
This was a weird one.Glenn was out but that wasn't an issue. Slept well but my mind wasnt right. All this bullshit was israel and biden and trump getting convicted messed with me and it was hard to focus
But I did but still everything felt 'off'. Had a hard time getting in my legs.Swing height and power wasn't bad at all but I didn't feel right
Got through the swings and went right to the 60 as per the plan, first set was ok but felt the left vmo working too hard. Stopped at 8 reps instead of the planned on 10. Second set I stopped at four and it definitely was twinged a bit.
So stupid. should have warmed up with lighter bell.
But, as I write this at 7 pm it feels much better. thumped it, kinesiotape, kwon long ointment and let it alone
Hope it's good for the ruck tomorrow. I think it will be
Hot one but good one. Bad night sleep but no problem at all and the heat was no issue either. All good signs
Might be in decent shape to start out the heat season
45 lbs
6 laps
3 miles
56 min
loving the cold shower immediately after!
This went well but those small jumps are interminable! Completely necessary but SO hard to say calm while doing; I feel like I'm wastin...