Thursday, August 10, 2017

Handstands, headstand forward roll, and a ruck

Had a cancellation this morning and decided to play with handstands again and see if anything's changed.
It  has
I can't believe it but I finally got overhead and held again! Almost fours years after my TKR and losing my HS!!

it wasn't pretty, nor close to perfect but I got my feet to touch the wall and I got the weight transfered to my hands, something I have not been able to do.
I can see from the video I am still not moving my hips over the shoulders near enough.
Using the bosu ball helped a lot.

Tried a headstand and rolled out fast! My forward roll mechanics are still there, muscle memory at work but it scared the shit outa me! I thought I might have killed myself  or broke my neck or upper back!
No kidding
Haven't done a roll in thirty years! good thing I survived!

I also played around with some towel grip pullups. These are WAY harder than I imagined! I couldnt even hold my bodyweight in a hang! So I went to the gravitron and was able to hang and do sets of 3 with 70 lbs offset weight but it wasn't easy!

Fucking crazy.

these might be ok for my shoulders too. Getting my handstand AND my pullup back would be a dream

1 pm Rucking
45 lb ruck
6 laps
55 min
hard but steady pace.

just not in the mood and was pretty hot again. I can do it but it's just a slog

BW 168.6
BF 11.7
W 56.8

1 pm
BW 168
BF 11.3
W 57.5

off tomorrow and then the big guns on saturday!


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