Sunday, May 29, 2016

Crossing a line ruck

It seems my legs have crossed a line, of late. A good one. Now, even my slow days are faster than  they've ever been and my fast days are much faster. My legs seem loose now as soon as I start to ruck; and even if they aren't perfect, they loosen up much faster than before.

I recognize this from my running days, even so long ago.It's called, getting your legs in shape. My lungs still take time to "open up" by even that is faster. But the heavy tight leg feel that I used to have so often is now noticeable absent or diminished.

Heavy day yesterday too and usually that really slows me down but not today. Takes forever to get in decent shape but it's so cool when you're finally there. Or at least close enough to feel it

47 lb ruck
12 laps
1 hr 55 min
10 iso squats
4th lap 8:08
8th lap 7:58
12th lap 7:43

pack weight goes up 2 lbs next week. lets see how that goes. Nice crisp morning out and that always helps. The heat adaptation is kicking in much more slowly this year. One thing at a time I guess.

On this Memorial Day, remembering those who gave all to keep us safe and free


Kikolu said...

Seriously Rif, what the hell?
I mean I always like to read your Blog and also enjoy your articles here and there.
But this military here military there.... I just dont get it.
Millions of people died and already die, many children, many mothers, too many fathers never saw their children.
So many parts of the world, out world, suffers from wars.
Ever been in the Champagne, France? From the first WW, still contaminied woods and riverbeds.
Peace mission? What a gigantic lie!! Money mission, big balls hanging out mission, yes.
Killing is never a thing i will be thankful for, whatever reason it is for.
My grandfather served in WW2. 18 years old. He lost a leg. That is war. And nothing to be thankful for or be proud of.

Mark Reifkind said...

It's just something I feel very strongly about. The "idea" of America and individual freedom, the chance to pursue liberty and not be bound or limited by your heritage or family name was an entirely new concept in history where most people were more slave than free man.
The cost of that was the ability for rough men to do the hard work. They kept us, and keep us free and I honor that.
Without that the wolves will be at the door at no time, wanting our things, our people our families and most importantly, our freedom.
Killing in defense of that is always justified.

If one won't protect themselves and their family they are not much of a man imo.

Of course ALL wars are ultimately bullshit politics but the bad guys are very very real

Plus, as a Jew I am acutely aware of what happens when world opinion turns against us. This too is a very real thing.

I'm sorry if my patriotism upsets you. This blog is for me and the now, 25 or so people that read it.If it bothers you please move on. I won't be offended

Mark Reifkind said...

My grandfather served in WW1 in the Argonne forest both my Dad and my Uncle were in the service during Korea and all were very thankful for the opportunity to serve their country and protect theirs'and our, freedoms

Mark Reifkind said...

and hey, it is Memorial day.

Kikolu said...

Probably I dont understand it that much because I am a german jew, living in europe and patriotism is not something we are up to.

Kikolu said...
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Mark Reifkind said...

I'm not sure if you are being sarcastic or not but probably not.But as a German Jew you of all people know that evil is a real thing and that it exists and must be fought.It's the "idea" of America and the freedom and liberty of the Individual that is so important. this is what makes America so unique in history and the world.

Kikolu said...

In my opinion we share this world.
So, in the case of naming the evil, this comes from human opinions. In most cases it's defined by which side you are standing, which race , religion, whatever. Humans decide that and they create realities. Hitler was a completely other thing.he was dangerous and a enemy to all human kind.
Iraq, Sudan, Korea, Vietnam,... all these countries got a lot of oil, gold, platinum,... So?
No, not being sarcastic. It's the way it is here. Not much german flags are showing here.

Kikolu said...

In my opinion we share this world.
So, in the case of naming the evil, this comes from human opinions. In most cases it's defined by which side you are standing, which race , religion, whatever. Humans decide that and they create realities. Hitler was a completely other thing.he was dangerous and a enemy to all human kind.
Iraq, Sudan, Korea, Vietnam,... all these countries got a lot of oil, gold, platinum,... So?
No, not being sarcastic. It's the way it is here. Not much german flags are showing here.

Mark Reifkind said...

Here's the point- you may be a loving, considerate and tolerant person.But when the bad guys appear on the horizon, and they will, because they have all throughout history somebody has to be prepared to stop them.
Hitler was not an anomoly, men like him are littered all throughout history. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. the history of the world, really, is a history of mainly war with very brief interludes of peace.
America, with all it's faults is still the greatest country ever because of the value we place on the individuals' RIGHT to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
But that freedom will be willing stripped away if we let down our guard.

John Crawford said...


I agreed with you 100% the world we are living in is rapidly becoming more and more violent and the soon or later the Values our founders of this country will be challenged by religious extremism or if you like terrorism. At no time show Americans lose their guard since this freedom we have will be gone. Memorial day should serve to remind us where we are coming from and the future that we must face. We must always be ready to stop anyone who dares to limit our freedoms.

Mark Reifkind said...

thank you John for that comment. Very much sums up exactly how I feel.We have to stand guard not only for our freedom but for the culture of freedom as well.And never forget those who gave everything to preserve it.

Mark Reifkind said...
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Jessica @FitnessEquipmentsLab said...

Hello Mark, successful post. I was intrigued by other writings. thank you

35 lb ruck 3 miles 46:39, 15:30 ave pace

 Went back and re measured the distance for my half mile loop and I was right; it was spot on. Using the stopwatch and the walking app must ...