"And in those simple beautiful movements I remembered what was really important in training; that consistency trumps intensity; all the time. That intensity is born from consistency. That one cannot force it, one has to lay in wait for it, patiently, instinctively, calmly and be ready to grab it when Grace lays it down in front of you."
Monday, May 30, 2016
24 kg KB Press, 5x5,32 kg Belt squat, floor pushups., leopard crawls,rear delts
Chose to do kb presses instead of barbell and found although they went fine I don't like them as much as I do the barbell version. Although each arm still has it's own idiosyncracies the overhead position and lockout are much better with the KB than before. And the bell felt very light and moved fast but I still think I prefer to train the barbell press and will go back to it next week,
It certainly has it's own issues but I think the locked in position the bar puts me in is better, in the long term, for my shoulders and scapular/humeral rhythm. It was good to be able to do it again, though
KB press
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5 x 5
32 Kg belt squat
x 12, 14, 20 ,20
these went very well and deep too
Floor pushups
4 sets of 25
100 reps!
Nice, haven't done this in a long time
3 sets of 60 ft
shit! pavement so hot I though I got 2nd degree burn! scorcher!
rear delts
3 x 12 with 20 lbs
love this move. wish I hadn't neglected it so long
BW 161.6
BF 10.00 !!!
W 58.1
LOL, this is what happens when I weigh at 1 pm after fasting all morning and drinking green tea. Forgot to weigh in the morning as my routine is still given the home contruction.
Nice numbers though. Haven't seen that hydration in a while
ok stretch and roll tomorrow
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Crossing a line ruck
It seems my legs have crossed a line, of late. A good one. Now, even my slow days are faster than they've ever been and my fast days are much faster. My legs seem loose now as soon as I start to ruck; and even if they aren't perfect, they loosen up much faster than before.
I recognize this from my running days, even so long ago.It's called, getting your legs in shape. My lungs still take time to "open up" by even that is faster. But the heavy tight leg feel that I used to have so often is now noticeable absent or diminished.
Heavy day yesterday too and usually that really slows me down but not today. Takes forever to get in decent shape but it's so cool when you're finally there. Or at least close enough to feel it
47 lb ruck
12 laps
1 hr 55 min
10 iso squats
4th lap 8:08
8th lap 7:58
12th lap 7:43
pack weight goes up 2 lbs next week. lets see how that goes. Nice crisp morning out and that always helps. The heat adaptation is kicking in much more slowly this year. One thing at a time I guess.
On this Memorial Day, remembering those who gave all to keep us safe and free
I recognize this from my running days, even so long ago.It's called, getting your legs in shape. My lungs still take time to "open up" by even that is faster. But the heavy tight leg feel that I used to have so often is now noticeable absent or diminished.
Heavy day yesterday too and usually that really slows me down but not today. Takes forever to get in decent shape but it's so cool when you're finally there. Or at least close enough to feel it
47 lb ruck
12 laps
1 hr 55 min
10 iso squats
4th lap 8:08
8th lap 7:58
12th lap 7:43
pack weight goes up 2 lbs next week. lets see how that goes. Nice crisp morning out and that always helps. The heat adaptation is kicking in much more slowly this year. One thing at a time I guess.
On this Memorial Day, remembering those who gave all to keep us safe and free
Saturday, May 28, 2016
48 kg One Arm swings ( 3rd time) 200 reps, barbell hacks, sandbag pushups, side delts/curls
Ok got through this. It was hard as I expected but I was prepared. And the first five sets were the strongest and fastest ever. Then I started running out of gas and the the sets were still ok but not as strong and powerful as the first five.
But, the first set felt absolutely strong and my wind was better than ever. Not sure I had enough food yesterday but it could just be this thing is heavy and I was swinging harder than ever.
Had good mental prep yesterday, good sleep and hydration. I focused on seeing the bell move fast in my head as well as not being winded at the end. Did pretty well. Did not go back and look at old attempts of this weight as I usually do. I wanted to see them even stronger in my head ;)
One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
28 kg x 5/5
32 kg x 4/4
40 kg x 4/4
48 kg x 10/10 x 10 !
200 reps
21,200 lbs
Interesting. Tracy commenting upon seeing this video that it 'looked like a 'lift' as much as a swing' and she's right. That's the best part for me. this is like the best of powerlifting with the bell and not the downsides.
This is Strength Speed work; taking a heavy load and trying to move it as fast as possible making it as light as possible.. As opposed to Speed Strength work, taking a light load and trying to maximize force by keeping the speed as high as possible Both maximize acceleration for force on the body but in different ways.
Barbell hacks
65 x 10
85 x 8
95 x8
115 x 8 x 2
used the heels up on 1/2 inch plates , made sure to create and keep foot torque during each rep and let myself lean over more than usual. ALL worked great and I was deep with no right knee pain but great quad pain :0
Horiz bar pushups
BW x 12
32 lb sandbag x 12 x 3 sets
solid,elbows in and left elbow felt great
Side delt/curls
15 lb x 12 x 3 sets
same for curls but 8 reps
ok lived to fight another day. this was a very good workout, especially since it's the 4th time we've done this and it's stronger and more powerful each time. AND conditioning is better too. Definitely on the right trend line
big ruck tomorrow. missed last week so this should be interesting
BW 162
BF 12.1
W 56.6
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Speed Ruck
Surprisingly fast today. All systems go; legs felt loose, back and shoulders good, energy back on track
55 min Ruck
42 lbs
6 laps
3rd lap 8:08
6th lap 7:50
hot as shit though and hard to breathe well. Just the beginning of summer heat adaptation training. Hate this part but by end of summer I should be a heat tolerant machine
BW 161.8
BF 12.5
W 56.7
55 min Ruck
42 lbs
6 laps
3rd lap 8:08
6th lap 7:50
hot as shit though and hard to breathe well. Just the beginning of summer heat adaptation training. Hate this part but by end of summer I should be a heat tolerant machine
BW 161.8
BF 12.5
W 56.7
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
24 kg Speed swings,10 min,sandbag walking lunges, parallel bar pushups, rear delts, see saw curls
Easily the most all out powerful 10 min speed day yet. I was able to keep the power output of each rep as high as I ever had for the full ten minutes.And mentally it was no problem. 10 minutes seems like a break now, even at full bore.
At least with the 24 :)
Speed Swings 24 kg
15;15 x 10
10 minutes
200 reps
10,600 lbs
Walking lunges 32 lb sandbag
4 laps of 20 steps + shoulder carry back
Parallel pushups
3 sets of 25
1 sets of 20
triceps are definitely back, about time!
Rear delts
3 sets of 12 with 20 lbs
strongest ever
See saw curls
20 lbs x 8 x 3
haven't used this technique in years. I really like it
ok ruck up in the heat tomorrow!
back in gear
At least with the 24 :)
Speed Swings 24 kg
15;15 x 10
10 minutes
200 reps
10,600 lbs
Walking lunges 32 lb sandbag
4 laps of 20 steps + shoulder carry back
Parallel pushups
3 sets of 25
1 sets of 20
triceps are definitely back, about time!
Rear delts
3 sets of 12 with 20 lbs
strongest ever
See saw curls
20 lbs x 8 x 3
haven't used this technique in years. I really like it
ok ruck up in the heat tomorrow!
back in gear
Monday, May 23, 2016
125 lb Military press 5 x 3, 20 kg kb press,48 kg belt squat,Floor pushups, crawls, side delts
Freaking beat up after this weekend. Construction all week, a houseguest!,then travel to Seattle, teach all day and come home not getting enough water or sleep and I was rode hard and put up wet this workout.
But I got it done.
Strength wasn't too bad but I was beat tired, still had headache from dehydration so endurance sucked. Didn't push it at all but feel much more back on track alread
Not too much focus into this but I knew I didn't want more than 3 reps.. all things considered this moved well and I definitely had 4 reps in me per set
Kb Press
just did one set to feel it out. this was solid
20 kg x 6/6
Belt squat
48 kg x 10 x 4 sets
have to stand on higher plates on this weight from now on
Floor pushups
3 x 20
de load
3 x 60 ft slow
these felt great
Side delts
3 x 12 with 15's
now I'm just beat and hungry
ok time to rest eat and sleep- We have the 48 for 200 reps coming up soon.
totally forgot to weigh in today , I actually really wanted to know since I hardly eat or drank all weekend. we'll see tomorrow
Saturday, May 21, 2016
44 kg One Arm Swings, barbell hacks,sandbag pushups, rear delts, curls
This went great! Surprisingly well. Five's are SO much easier than 10's it's not funny. Especially after weeks of 10/10's which is the idea. But doing just fives really lets us hyper focus on power out put with NO holding back.
I hardly felt like it was the 44 at all also! Just another bell. Nice
One arm Swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
28 kg x 5/5
32 kg x 4/4
36 kg x 3/3
44 kg x 5/5 x 10
100 reps
9700 lbs
Most excellent to have my student Denny Prokopos train with us today. He killed his work sets with the 36 kg even after swinging the 44 kg yesterday. The man loves to swing kettlebells :) and he knows how much it's helping his jiu-jitsu game
Barbell hacks
was going to do kickstand squats but decided to do these with the heels down and it was fine.
65 x 10
95 x 10
115 x 8 x 2
Sandbag pushups
bw x 10
32 lbs x 12 x 4
strong again!
Rear delts
20 lbs x 12 x 3
DB curls 20 lbs x 8 x 3
ok off to Seattle for tomorrows BodyMaintenance course so I'll miss the ruck but lots of nice rolling stretching and hanging will be great!
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Freakin' fast ruck! All time lap Pr
I have no idea where this came from. Drank too much wine last night, went to bed too late, didn't sleep well and didn't even know if I was going to ruck or just get more rest. Felt ok so I went out ( tracy is with our out of town friend) alone.
Right away I knew something was up as I actually felt good. Legs felt light and loose .It didn't hurt either that the weather was 25 degrees cooler than yesterday!
42 lb ruck
6 laps
50 min !!
3rd lap 7:54 ( very fast for a thursday)
6th lap 7:24!!! All Time PR!
Felt like I was flying around the track with very little effort at all. Pack felt like nothing and legs and lungs were awesome
BW 161.8
BF 12.1
W 56.7
day off tomorrow then onto the 44 kg and my BodyMaintenance workshop in Seattle at Fuel House gym with Molly Scott
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
24 kg Speed swings 15 min, BW walking lunges,parallel bar pushups, side delt
TOUGH one today. Been tired for the last few days as the heat lamp goes on in California. Definitely not heat adapted yet and the start is always the worst part. Not having a real kitchen as things get remodeled is 'interesting' too and not sure I'm getting enough calories. Weights not dropping too fast but I don't like this fatigue.
Dropped the ZMA and substituted just the magnesium and that doesn't seem to have helped.that last batch of powder that had the 5-htp didn't work at all so I'm awaiting just pure powdered zma
I'm taking all the same ingredients but not at the same time, hard to believe it would work that well BUT proof of the pudding is in the eating
So this was TOUGH. Just a slog from start to finish but I finished stronger than I started.
24 kg Speed swings
15:15 x 10
15 min
30 sets
300 reps
15,900 lbs
BW walking lunges
4 sets of 40 steps
these were tough too. Just tired
Parallel pushups
3 sets of 25
tough but the strength is back.not easy though
side delts
3 sets of 12, 12 10 with 15's
not bad but I was ready to eat
BW 162
BF 11.9
W 56.6
ruck up tomorrow and get some more cals in today
Dropped the ZMA and substituted just the magnesium and that doesn't seem to have helped.that last batch of powder that had the 5-htp didn't work at all so I'm awaiting just pure powdered zma
I'm taking all the same ingredients but not at the same time, hard to believe it would work that well BUT proof of the pudding is in the eating
So this was TOUGH. Just a slog from start to finish but I finished stronger than I started.
24 kg Speed swings
15:15 x 10
15 min
30 sets
300 reps
15,900 lbs
BW walking lunges
4 sets of 40 steps
these were tough too. Just tired
Parallel pushups
3 sets of 25
tough but the strength is back.not easy though
side delts
3 sets of 12, 12 10 with 15's
not bad but I was ready to eat
BW 162
BF 11.9
W 56.6
ruck up tomorrow and get some more cals in today
Monday, May 16, 2016
120 lb Military press 5x5,24 kg KB press, 44 kg belt squat, floor pushups,crawls, rear delts
So I took my grip out to medium grip and things ended up just the same, but with a wider grip! Same offset in the elbows. The lift seemed easier with this width but I'm not sure it's any better on my shoulders or elbows in the long run.
But I'm not sure it's bad either, given the fact I haven't felt pain in the shoulders elbows or back after these workouts for the last year or so.
Confusing as to what to do.
Plus I did a few sets of kb press after wards and they felt great. seriously strong and easy and my overhead was nice.
Is it from the barbell presses or the bodymaintenance work is paying off?
Not sure.
The barbell has definitely made my press stronger, that's for sure, just from the sheer load of it BUT even 140 lbs on the bar is just a 32 kg in each hand.
Was hoping for an answer today. did not get it. more thinking to be done
Military press
stick x 5 x 1
bar x 5
65 x 5
85 x 4
105 x 3
120 x 5 x 5
Fifth set
about the same as the first
KB press
16 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 2/2 x 2
These felt strong and good but not sure if it's not because of the barbell work :)
44 kg Belt squats ( on plates)
4 sets of 12
set the foot torque on each set and MAN what a difference! right knee pain is totally gone and the whole of the foot is nailed to the floor like it never has been before. About time I took my own advice.
Floor pushups
3 sets of 25
Yes! this is finally feeling fresh again
3 sets of 60 feet fast! these are motoring now.
Rear delts
3 sets of 15 with 15s
ok bodymaintenance tomorrow and then 15 min on wed
Sunday, May 15, 2016
Surprisingly fast ruck
The Man, Ed Bugarin.
Did not expect the walk so go so well this morning. Didn't seem to have enough water yesterday and woke up a little tight in the lower back. Also yesterday the power was up big time and that might have had something to do with it
But I didn't think it would be that easy and actually thought I wouldn't even time any laps, just take an easy one but my OCD got the best of me
50 lb ruck
12 laps
10 iso squats
1 hr 54 min !
4th lap 7;56
8th lap 7;43
11th lap 7:39
this is without a doubt the three fastest times together. I thought the first lap time was going to be 8:15! shows you how bad proprioception and perceived exertion can be at times
But the pack felt light and both Tracy and I were flying around the track! Wind was solid and legs felt loose. back was fine after I stretched a bit
BW 161.8
BF 12.1
W 56.7
unless it's on an exercise that's not working. we'll see how the presses go tomorrow.
Did not expect the walk so go so well this morning. Didn't seem to have enough water yesterday and woke up a little tight in the lower back. Also yesterday the power was up big time and that might have had something to do with it
But I didn't think it would be that easy and actually thought I wouldn't even time any laps, just take an easy one but my OCD got the best of me
50 lb ruck
12 laps
10 iso squats
1 hr 54 min !
4th lap 7;56
8th lap 7;43
11th lap 7:39
this is without a doubt the three fastest times together. I thought the first lap time was going to be 8:15! shows you how bad proprioception and perceived exertion can be at times
But the pack felt light and both Tracy and I were flying around the track! Wind was solid and legs felt loose. back was fine after I stretched a bit
BW 161.8
BF 12.1
W 56.7
unless it's on an exercise that's not working. we'll see how the presses go tomorrow.
Saturday, May 14, 2016
40 kg One Arm Swings,Kickstand squats,horiz pushups,side delts/curls
Good one today but hard. It wasn't heavy as much as the volume just hurt. The key is not doing the work but REALLY trying to make every rep as powerful as possible. It's good that what gives out are my legs.I'm just trying hard to push through the floor as strong as possible on each and every rep and after rep five on the second arm there is no air so it's extra hard, lol
But it got done, and that's what counts, And all the reps were strong, it just hurt .
One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
28 kg x 5/5
32 kg x 5/5
40 kg x 10/10 x 10 sets
200 reps
17,600 lbs
It's the same workload every week on these weights but the intent and focus is try to to maximize power more and more and that changes the workload from week to week. A natural variation wave loading.
Kick stand squats
2 sets of 10/10 bw
2 sets 10/10 32 lb sandbag across shoulders
these were good without the bag. with it VERY good. Just make sure I don't go heavier but focus more on mobility and ROM
Horiz pushups
bw x 12
32 lbs x 12 x 4
shoulder/elbow much better. pushup finally feeling stronger again for reps. That peak took more out of me than expected it seems
Side delts/curls
3 sets of 10 with 20's
ok long ruck tomorrow
BW 162.8
BF 12.1
W 56.8
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Caffeinated Ruck
Definitely got the coffee schedule down right today and for the future I'm betting.Since I fast in the mornings til about 9 am when I have a handful of almonds I am usually heading into the worked pretty damn fasted. If I have a third cup of coffee in the morning it's usually been around 7 which helps me not for the workout
Last two days I waited until ten to have another black coffee THEN some almonds and I'm still feeling good at 1 pm for the workout. This may work well. Any later is too late but this may work well. Plus I'm sure I will eat less almonds as well.
43 lbs
6 laps
3rd lap 8:12
6th lap 7:56
BW 163
BF 12.3
W 57
restup then 40 kg on saturday
Last two days I waited until ten to have another black coffee THEN some almonds and I'm still feeling good at 1 pm for the workout. This may work well. Any later is too late but this may work well. Plus I'm sure I will eat less almonds as well.
43 lbs
6 laps
3rd lap 8:12
6th lap 7:56
BW 163
BF 12.3
W 57
restup then 40 kg on saturday
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
20 Min Speed swings 24 kg, sandbag lunges,parallel pushups. side delts db curls
Glenn had to miss last weeks 20 minutes and wanted to do it today so I did it with him.First time ever doing it back to back weeks and it was no problem at all. Well,not NO problem, as the last 10 sets were just, well, fatiguing but I ground through it strongly.
Used double breathing from about 8 minutes on and the reps were strong and powerful for the entire time. Mind was strong too.
Speed swings
24 kg
10 reps per set
20 min
400 reps
21,200 lbs
this speaks well to overall conditioning and power endurance
sandbag walking lunges
32 lbs x 3 sets of 20
farmers carry on shoulder back
solid still but didn't want to do four sets
Parallel Pushups
3 sets of 25,25,20
coming back but I thought I would get 3 x 25
rear delts
3 x 15 with 15
db curls 3 x 10 with 15s
ok short ruck tomorrow
BW 163.2
BF 12.3
W 56.7
weird numbers all around. eating very differently because of the remodel but Less, not more. strange fluctuations
Monday, May 09, 2016
115 Lb Military press 6x6, 40 kg belt squat, floor pushups,crawls, side delts
After watching my press from the front for the second week and trying to "square it up" by tweaking this or that I'm not sure that I should be doing this move anymore. It's probably because of my scoliosis and even though it doesn't hurt, and I actually feel better ( shoulders and back ) after training it I'm not sure I'm not compensating too much just to do the lift.
Try as I might I could not keep my left elbow under me and that got me to thinking whether it's my left elbow that's flaring too much or my right arm that's not in position. Both shoulders were FUBAR from all these years but it's the right one that was dislocated and ended my gymnastics.
The only think left to try it to take both arms out wider until the flare on the right matches the flare on the left and see if I can even press that way. It's probably mid grip( which used to be a very strong bench press position for me).I'll play with it this week a bit but I have to be prepared to stop pressing overhead :-(
Then I have to decide which move will be number one on Tuesdays? Perhaps cleans? 2 kb front squats? Not sure. Ring dips? Ack
Mil Press
stick x 5 x 2
bar x 5 x 2
65 x 5
85 x 4
100 x 3
115 x 6 x 6 PR
No problem on strength at all. It was very comfortable
Belt squats
40 kg x 4 x 12
off ten pound plates very easy. remembered to torque the foot at the start and HOLD it throughout the entire set and what a difference it made! Put my weight just where it needs to be for the ankle and took all the pressure off my right knee
Floor pushups
3 sets of 25
Finally! Pushup strength is coming back
3 sets of 60 feet fast
these felt strong light and fast!
Side delts
3 sets of 15 with 15's
love these!
alright I will do some thinking about my press situation. meanwhile my shoulder feels great :)
Sunday, May 08, 2016
Hard Ruck
Felt fine upon awakening so I thought it would be a good ruck and it was.
Not much time to stretch out ( the sleep was more important) but my legs did feel tight at all , even at the start.
Weather was cool and overcast, just how I like it.
50 lb Ruck
12 laps
10 iso squats ( three on toes, as above)
5th lap 8:12
9th lap 8:04
11th lap 7:50
not bad thought I was slower but mind was calm and wind was good so there ya go.
BW 161.4 ( light)
BF 12.5
W 56.4
Presses tomorrow 115 for 6 sets of 6
Not much time to stretch out ( the sleep was more important) but my legs did feel tight at all , even at the start.
Weather was cool and overcast, just how I like it.
50 lb Ruck
12 laps
10 iso squats ( three on toes, as above)
5th lap 8:12
9th lap 8:04
11th lap 7:50
not bad thought I was slower but mind was calm and wind was good so there ya go.
BW 161.4 ( light)
BF 12.5
W 56.4
Presses tomorrow 115 for 6 sets of 6
Saturday, May 07, 2016
36 kg One Arm Swings,goblet squats, sandbag pushups, side delts, rear delts curls
It's freaky to imagine I can now throw around the 36 kg like I did the 24 not too long ago. Now the focus is trying to maintain max power on each and every rep of the 200 reps in the workout. Getting close.
Wind was good today and form felt spot on. Let myself lean over a little more than usual to get a slightly bigger back swing, and it felt really smooth and fast. Faster than normal too.I remember when I first started down this heavy one arm swing road the 36 kg killed my grip after THREE reps!!!
Now, no problem at all
One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 x 5/5
28 x 5/5
36 kg x 10/10 x 10
200 reps
15,800 lbs
really strong!
Goblet squats
20 kg x 5
24 x 5
28 x 5
32 x 5
40 x 5
doing them continuous instead of the drill/paused style. I am SO much stronger in this lift now it's not funny. The 40 kg was NO problem at all
Sandbag pushups
bw x 12
32 lbs x 12,12,10
the groove is on it's way back.85 %
Side delts
3 sets of 20 with 12 lbs
Band rear delts
3 sets of 12
Alternating db curls
3 sets of 8 with 20's
ok great stuff
BW 162
BF 11.4
W 57.1
ruck up tomorrow
Thursday, May 05, 2016
A that's why they call it work, Ruck
Not really in the mood or a number of reasons but it's on the schedule and I'm not sick or hurt so just got it down.
Not too slow not too fast. legs felt ok, just ready to eat and get done with the day.
43 lb ruck
6 laps
3rd lap 8:12
6th lap 8:04
BW 163.2
BF 10.8
W 57.7 !
day off tomorrow and then some 36 kg swings!
Not too slow not too fast. legs felt ok, just ready to eat and get done with the day.
43 lb ruck
6 laps
3rd lap 8:12
6th lap 8:04
BW 163.2
BF 10.8
W 57.7 !
day off tomorrow and then some 36 kg swings!
Wednesday, May 04, 2016
20 Min 24 kg Speed swings, sandbag lunges, parallel bar pushups, side and rear delts, cable curls
Shockingly strong set today. Have to admit I was a bit worried about this. Seems like I haven't done it in longer than usual and I was solo today. I knew it would get done, just didn't know how much it would suck.
Turns out not much at all.
Hot out too so I set up the fan and that always helps. Moving air beats stale old garage air any day, even it it's hot.
Since I couldn't go off of Glenn's lead I had to watch the clock too, something I usually hate to do and can mess with my head. No problem today
24 kg Speed swings,
15:15 x 10 reps
40 sets
20 min
400 reps
21,200 lbs
really had a good groove early and went to double breathing around 8 minutes in. that helped a lot too.
Walking lunges/sandbag 32 lbs
4 laps of 20 steps with on shoulder farmers carry back
these went very well too and I decided to use power breathing on the descent and that made it much stronger in the bottom .Kept shoulders straight,no rotation. this also helped balance
Parallel bar pushups
3 x 25
1 x 18
these are still taking their time coming back. shows me what a true max effort can take out of you, even in a pushup. big difference between a no psych max and some adrenaline in the mix
Side/ rear delt
2 sets each of 15 reps
love this combo now. break between sets just alternate. will work up to 3 sets each
cable curls
2 x 20 just for balance
ruck up tomorrow.
BW 163.4
BF 10.8 !!
W 57.7 ( haven't seen this number in forever)
added the full fat fage yoghurt and 1/2 teaspon honey and the hummus of course :) they are staying in the mix
thinking now Low Carb High fat instead of straight keto. Still keeping total carbs under 75 gms/day easy.
Monday, May 02, 2016
105 lb Military Press, 36 kg belt squat, floor pushups, crawls, side/rear delts
This was interesting. Glenn is out of town so it was a perfect time for the de load. I also took the video from the front and got some very important data
The first sets I taped I saw my left arm/elbow much more out to the side than my right! Like 20 degrees more. That was shocking and could definitely explain my left tricep, front delt weirdness. BUT, is the pain causing the elbow out or the elbow out causing the pain?
Personally I think it's my scoliosis that sets all of this up. On the third sets I tucked the elbow in but it looked basically the same on tape. Then, I moved my grip IN an inch, An offset grip. Bingo! As even as in the above set. Not perfect but way better.
And neither the shoulder nor triceps twinged at all either after I did that.
Got to look at the movement from all angle. Big mistake on my part, I should have done that much earlier.
No wonder the tricep and shoulder didn't like that position. It had no real support under it! This way the arm gets the needed support from the ribcage and lat.
But from a workload perspective this was very strong 6x6 was no problem at all work wise. and that's good. Next week 115 for 6x6 and see how that goes
Mil Press
stick x 5 x 2
bar x 5 x 2
65 x 5
85 x 5
105 x 6 x 6 PR
never did this much work with this much weight before, I'll take it :) A pr is a pr
Belt squats
36 kg x 10, 12, 14, 16
on ten lb plates
Started out playing with front squats again but really don't "feel" this move, Except, as usual in my shoulders, which I don't like at all
Floor pushups
not strong. was hoping for 4 sets of 25 but it wasn't there. didn't push it.Just energy wise - shoulder is fine. it was hot too
2 x 25
1 x 20
1 x 16
86 total still not bad
3 x 60 ft
Side delts / rear delts
2 sets of 12 each with 15 lbs
need to up the volume here. probably do both exercises each workout for 3 sets
ok day off tomorrow
no vertigo at all today!!
BW 163,2
BF 11.5
W 57.1
had more carbs. gave in to two big shortbread cookies. Interesting though. When I eat more carbs( still under 100 gm)my weight goes up and my bodyfat goes down. always. and my hydration goes up too.
very predictable.
Sunday, May 01, 2016
Sunday Ruck Lap speed pr
Surprisingly good ruck today. Vertigo is completely gone thank goodness. Not sure if it was Joe's acupuncture magic or just luck but that shit is no joke. It basically paralyzes you, especially when it's full bore.
It's so good to feel good.
Tracy's schedule changed so I will be rucking by myself for the near future. As much as I enjoy her company I also enjoy doing cardio stuff like this by myself. Always have. I can completely go at my own pace and get lost in my thoughts.
Legs felt loose right from the start, always good sign. I started off slow because I have to but then it seemed my pace was picking up by itself. It seems to work best this way, when my legs are ready to go fast they do. when I push it they just get tight and slow.
Took my heart rate too per lap and it was about 130 the entire time except for after the last lap when it went to 140. That's a good pace for 2 hours straight.
50 lb Ruck
12 laps
1:52 min!
10 isometric squat holds
5th lap 8:12
9th lap 7:56
12th lap 7:32!! PR
that is the fastest yet, breaking 7:34. Boy that came out of nowhere, too. I've felt slower than ever of late.Pack felt light too. I adjusted the carry position a bit, letting it hang lower than normal and it seems to help keep my center of mass lower and my torso more upright
Perfect weather too, warm but with a cool breeze and the clean crisp morning air. Love it
Military press tomorrow for 115 for 6 sets of 6. Will bump the volume a bit here before my next assault on 135 :)
Also two kettlebell front squats will sub for belt squats. I think I'm ready for these again.
BW 161.4
BF 11.5
W 57.1
It's so good to feel good.
Tracy's schedule changed so I will be rucking by myself for the near future. As much as I enjoy her company I also enjoy doing cardio stuff like this by myself. Always have. I can completely go at my own pace and get lost in my thoughts.
Legs felt loose right from the start, always good sign. I started off slow because I have to but then it seemed my pace was picking up by itself. It seems to work best this way, when my legs are ready to go fast they do. when I push it they just get tight and slow.
Took my heart rate too per lap and it was about 130 the entire time except for after the last lap when it went to 140. That's a good pace for 2 hours straight.
50 lb Ruck
12 laps
1:52 min!
10 isometric squat holds
5th lap 8:12
9th lap 7:56
12th lap 7:32!! PR
that is the fastest yet, breaking 7:34. Boy that came out of nowhere, too. I've felt slower than ever of late.Pack felt light too. I adjusted the carry position a bit, letting it hang lower than normal and it seems to help keep my center of mass lower and my torso more upright
Perfect weather too, warm but with a cool breeze and the clean crisp morning air. Love it
Military press tomorrow for 115 for 6 sets of 6. Will bump the volume a bit here before my next assault on 135 :)
Also two kettlebell front squats will sub for belt squats. I think I'm ready for these again.
BW 161.4
BF 11.5
W 57.1
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