Sunday, April 01, 2012

Sunday stretchout

Woke up feeling great this morning; the best my joints have felt in a long time. For once nothing was talking to me and that was even better news considering my training yesterday. But I've been up for 6 hours or so and I started to feel a bit of DOMS settling in and I knew it was the perfect time to stretch and mobilize.

So:Lower body series first

1) back bend over stab ball; 4 min
2) foam roller; 3 min
3) Brettzell, two ways 5 min
4) Hamstring strap series : 5 min this is essential I now realize as they all are but this is a key
5) Straddle sits: all directions toes point and flex: 3 min
6) up dog with toes dorsi flexed 3 minutes
7)down dog : 4 minutes ( another essential one for my knee and back)
8) thai squat ( various foot widths) 4 minutes
9) side splits on floor; 2-3 min
10) side splits on back hips against wall 2 min ( love this one)
11) kneeling hip flexor stretch
12) Calf stretch toes on wall

thats it,lol. now onto the upper body after a short break. body already feels better. This work opens up the tightness better than anything, I just have to re direct my discipline back here again. I will.


Boris T said...

Glad your feeling good. I dislike doms, especially the really bad ones that sneak up on you. I am living through it now and it ain't fun.

jockeRKC said...

Love it Mr Rif =)
I glad to hear that you fell good.
I spent my whole Saturday practicing Primal Charge with Tommy Blom and i felt SO loose when i drove home (8hours of mobility work) and i fill from it =)
take care Sir

Mark Reifkind said...

boris I bet after those big clubs!

Mark Reifkind said...

Jokim if you're not loose after 8 hours of mobility work I would be worried :))

210 chin press Pr, rolling db extensions, laterals, rear delts rev bar curl

 This went well but those small jumps are interminable! Completely necessary but SO hard to say calm while doing; I feel like I'm wastin...