Saturday, April 21, 2012

In the swing/snatch of things

It was good to get back to my regular schedule. I was seriously itching to train again although the last two weeks of relative inactivity and lack of intensity has left me a bit smaller and softer and less conditioned.

I know it will come back asap but these first few workouts are always harder than you want them to be; not from the loading but the weights feel heavy, lol. Even the light 24 kg,lol

But one has to sack up and just get it done or weakness, both mental and physical will creep in and take over. It's more than a slippery slope, it's an ice field; a few steps down the path and it's a freefall into laziness. Not for me cause I ain't gonna let it happen.

7-8 am Full stretchout

the whole kit and the kaboodle.Shoulder and back( even knee) feel good.

One arm swing warmup
16 kg x 5/5/5 x 3

16 kg x 5/5
20 kg x 4/4
24 kg x 5/5 x7 sets
20 kg x 10/10
90 total snatches - not too bad. groove felt solid while technique felt, how I can say it. foreign.It's so easy for me to forget how to use my hips it's not even funny.

135x 3 x 2
155 x2
175 x1
205 x 1 

datsit. just getting back to the movement

two hand clubbell arm cast
15 x5/5
25 x 8/8
35 x 5/5 x 3

good to have this feel solid and actually light in the hands. triceps delts and pecs need the work.

floor handstands
4 sets of 10 seconds

band rear delts
4 sets of 20 and 15 ( alt red and blue bands)

given all my in activity of late I was actually itching to do more. good feeling. I survived the windmills and 1/4 getups nicely too, a good sign as well.


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