Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Snatch Vo2 is back.

The workout that put me over the 50,000 snatch mark, no surprise it was Snatch Vo2

While I have all the respect in the world for those that can snatch at a regulated pace it makes me crazy. Endurance snatching is just not for me. It just bores me. While I will still train to pass the RKC snatch test strongly without putting the bell down utilizing Snatch VO2 training has got me fired up again.

I stopped training it last November or so when I realized I had lost my swing and snatch groove and couldn't go fast without feeling like I was going to hurt something. When one can do a  movement fast they are, by default, moving well. You can't sprint fast if your mechanics are off. And my snatch mechanics were off.

Now that they are back I figured snatch vo2 would work again and it did/ How ironic that I'm starting it back as the weather turns hot again; it would have helped warm us up this past winter but that's the breaks, and the timing. I'm just glad it's back.

And so was Glenn, cleared for takeoff and his first introduction to max vo2 snatch training. I threw him in the shallow end of the pool but he still had to swim. He kicked it's ass. Nice.

Nothing has ever gotten me leaner or in better cardio shape faster than this protocol by Kenneth Jay and  I know it will work again. It always works. And it always sucks. It's stand there and take it pain by default. 25-40 minutes of Hardstyle acceleration training in 15 seconds bites of hell.

Nothing personifies the idea of KB training as 'sprinting with weights' as does max vo2 training and the fact that the idea is to take a light weight and move it as fast as possible appeals to me. Just like speed day in WSB world. SO few understand that and even less no how to really apply it and that's fine with me. Just means I make faster progress:))

Throw the damn thing around :)) Rinse and repeat and be bathed and cleansed in your own sweat. Perfect.

6-7 AM

Full stretchout.Left fibula isn't sitting right and  it just won't go where it's supposed to. Always good to start the day out like this.:))

1 pm
One arms swings
16 kg x 5/5/5 x 3

Snatch Vo2
16 kg x 30 sets of 7
210 reps
15 minutes of fun
7560 lbs

Now that I have my lumbo pelvic rhythm down hinging properly and really hitting the bottom position and just popping up is so much more  than grinding the weight up :)) It's easy to go fast this way.

Two CB swipes
15 lbs x 10 x 5 sets

this seemed the right thing to do. More endurance work. In a nice small dose. Same LPR here as well Every time I squatted at all I felt a clunk in my SI so I knew immediately it was the wrong gear. My form is strong is just feels like it looks so stiff legged, so drinky bird. Oh well, it's how it works, not what it looks like that really counts.

KB arm bars
14 kg x 3/3
16 kg x 3/3 x 2

have to do these  outside. my platforms are too narrow. yet they were better than last week and I know I really need them

Triceps extensions bands
4 x 20

Floor handstands, free no spot
4 sets of 8-10 second

easy. about time.

Band rear delts
3 x 20

getting stronger here too

Sisu. NeverQuit


Diana said...

"sprinting with weights"....love that!
I'm such a huge fan of doing snatches. "Snatch Wednesdays" are my favorite day of the week!
Doing Max is a little like going to the dark side at times, especially when the number of sets reaches those high numbers; 60's-80's. Doing it for 100 sets definitely "hurts so good"!!
Welcome back to the Vo2!!

Mark Reifkind said...

ack 100 sets? that's beyond nuts. I like 50 sets as a top end. I am not 'that' masochistic, at least not these days. :))

210 chin press Pr, rolling db extensions, laterals, rear delts rev bar curl

 This went well but those small jumps are interminable! Completely necessary but SO hard to say calm while doing; I feel like I'm wastin...