"And in those simple beautiful movements I remembered what was really important in training; that consistency trumps intensity; all the time. That intensity is born from consistency. That one cannot force it, one has to lay in wait for it, patiently, instinctively, calmly and be ready to grab it when Grace lays it down in front of you."
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Starting over.
Not really but it feels like it. Back from a great cert in MSP. Great not only from meeting such stellar people and watching them go through the crucible that is RKC and BECOME RKC, but physically.
I have always have at least one person or more ask my what's wrong with my knee during the weekend,;either on day one( bad start) or on day three(I always think I'm going to squeak through). No one asked me this weekend which means I was walking and moving better. I felt like I was and looked at the long days as my gait training and peaking.
And it worked well.Didn't even bring my travel rumble roller; just the pain ball. Hardly used that either.Focusing as much on using proper movement as much as possible to square me up worked great. I did 100 up marching and trotting in place in grease the groove style all throughout the weekend and it worked very well.
I also focused on squatting as my rest position and that seemed to help as well. I wore my magnum boots and they were super comfortable all weekend long. the VFF's stayed in the backpack.
One of the great treats this weekend was meeting my friend from India, Balasubramanian Ramana, AKA "Rambodoc" on the DD forum. I've been helping him prepare for the cert as he worked through some serious injuries and he did awesome! He also brought me my latest pain ball, his person cricket ball
this thing works well. I also have to say I experimented with using a KB as a foam roller and it worked well. I'm always saying I'd like to have a rumble roller made out of steel and this was pretty close :)).
But I hadn't trained, really, since last Tuesday and it felt like it. Small and weak even though I did lots of demos and taught the snatch ( and tried to sneak in a workout as I did so) it wasn't the same.
I also wanted to get back to two hand swings and find a way to train them again( with my new hinge technique) as well as get back to practicing the getup, windmill, pullup and even the goblet squat!
I feel I am ready to start practicing these moves. In fact, I think the windmill, get up and arm bar are JUST what my shoulder needs to balance out the anterior dominance. Just have to go very slowly and carefully.
6 am stretchout
full regimine with bodyweight windmills and getups to high bride at the end. Just working the pattern.
I am actually very pleased and proud of my training that I have rehabbed my shoulder enough to be able to start working these again. Not long ago I couldn't even entertain the idea of right arm windmill or getups. Now I know I will train them again.
12 noon ( solo, Glenn still out)
two hand swings
16 kg x 10
20 kg x 10
24 kg x 8 x 2
28 kg x 8
32 kg x8
x 10
x8 x 2
these felt great and I wanted to go heavier and do more but I know better. The lumbo pelvic rhythm approach worked great, and as I leaned into it my hips loaded perfectly and my back felt solid. I also could keep my elbows straight, the thing that was messing up my shoulders in the 2 hand swing before. Ain't pretty but it felt strong.
And SO nice to be able to play with THE most basic and powerful swing pattern there is.
My Beast was sitting there mocking me but it should know I've got it's number and it will be a regular in my rotation very very soon.
16 kg x 10/10 x 5 sets
these were easy just as I wanted them to be and the groove was very solid. Just have to remember to NOT power breath during the endurance work :))
3 sets of 5
decided to just play with it and it worked fine. Just didn't go to full shoulder flexion ( dead hang) at the bottom, as this is what moves the biceps tendon around. Strong than expected.
Floor Handstands, free.
5 sets of 10 seconds
very easy and very strong. Nice. I even missed a kickup and overkicked and did a half pirouette with no pain! very cool reflex!
KB arm bar
12 kg x 2 x 3 sets
wow! what a difference between my left and right arms! The left rotators were shaking and quivering and working like crazy to stablize while the right side was quiet as could be. Definitely on the right track here.
really need these posterior stabilizers now. this could be the balancer.
band rear delts
3 x20
these felt good too.Plan on starting with windmill , get up and goblet squat practice on Thursday. very excited to be able to train these incredible movements again. just have to NOT be greedy and really think of it s PRACTICE and not training.
Sisu. Never Quit
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Awesome to hear Sir =)
We may never be as perfect as we want but we are always working on getting better so we can move well and without pain.
You are my hero Mr Sisu
:)) thank you Joakim. the better I move the less pain I have,that's for sure. I am now working on moving better first to try to change the pain cycle as well as working on the muscle/facia.
now that I have a little slack in the system that seems to be the way to go.
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