Saturday, February 12, 2011

Clubbell play day.

We were supposed to be in San Diego today for the DD marketing seminar but an expected family obligation tomorrow meant we had to cancel at the last minute so I had time to train today. I had done swings with my snatches on Thursday and could have done some more but decided to take the day off kbs entirely and see if my body could handle a clubbell only workout.

When I first got my clubs I was excited to see if I could swing with my arms outside my legs as with my arm length and hyperextending elbows it was always a challenge to keep my elbows locked as the bell went into the back swing, one arm or two hand version. The basic two clubbell swing reminded me of swinging on the parallel bars.

Plus, the closer stance played better to my strengths, as I found out( too late), to help my powerlifting squat and deadlift . I don't exactly have wide hips or big legs and glutes so the closer stance allows me to exploit my leverages better. My stance in my kb swing is pretty close as well.

I ended up being very strong in these lifts and my upper body strength and extensive training history really made things relatively easy. I ended doing a decent number of swipes with both the 10 lb'ers and the 15's but then my back went south and I couldn't tolerate the close stance position at all for over a year. Clubbells got limited to arm and shield casts and used mainly for arm and shoulder hypertrophy and mobility. Not a bad thing but I knew I could do some decent weight and numbers with the swipes if my back would let me.

The only way to not get what you want, is to quit and I don't quit much. So it was very satisfying to see that after all this time I could not only do the two bell swings and swipes but that all my other strength gains transfered well to them. Nice :))

Started out with two clubbell swings

(2) 10's x 20 reps
x 15 reps
(2) 15 's x 15
(2) 20's x 15

I havent had the chance to play with the 20's at all since I got them in swings so this was another 'maiden' voyage. These things REALLY tax the grip in a completely different pattern than the kettlebell but still a serious challenge, especially as you accelerate them, as the torque goes up FAST!

I really like the elbow rotation and lockout possible with these swings as they really open up my always tight biceps and brachialis and compliment all my kb swing work perfectly.

heres a clip:

Next up were pendulums, which is basically what I considered a CB 'clean'. Scott Sonnon calls them cleans when done from a dead stop on the floor but to me it's very much like a bottoms up kb clean in mechanics and lat, grip and shoulder stability requirements.

CB Pendulums
10 lbs x 10
15 lbs x 10
20 lbs x 8

these started off fairly rough as the catch at the end required way more stability strength than the 15's and I played with different grips for a few reps til I figured it out.But still the first time with the 20's!

It was great to watch Tracy really handle the 10's and even the 15's in her swings and really really enjoyed the challenge as well! She is such an athlete that she really rises to the occasion , and clubbell or kettlebell the girl knows the swing!

Next up were swipes and at this point I thought I was probably pushing it considering I hadn't done any real double bell swings for ages and now I was doing some decent reps AND laddering up to somewhat heavy weight but I wasn't feeling ANY indication of imbalances or asymmetries in my hammies, glutes or back so I kept going.

This is the move I think I have the most performance potential in, IF my back would let me.I did the 20's for the first time ever today and they were not as hard as I expected. Strong fixes almost everything and being able to put up some decent weight these days in my kb presses has really transfered well to , well, everything.

I have waited a HELL of a long time( many years) to be able to feel like I can express externally what my mind conceive of internally. I know I have to be very careful and not get greedy but things haven't felt this balanced in forever. My being able to walk with just about normal mechanics speaks to that AND, I know, will further help my recovery.

At the very least by not jacking me up with every step :))

(2) 10's x10
(2) 15's x 10
(2) 20's x 7

I started off with a medium choke but started to let my grip move back as the set went on and they were easier. The next set I took no choke.

Two Handed Swings and Pendulums

I saw this in Scott Sonnons Big Book of Clubbells when I got it years but never played with it.Having done all the two handed arm casts and shields and swipes with the 25lber recently made me really want to play with the cruiser bell with this move too.

Two handed swings/pendulums
15 lbs x5/5/5/5
20 lb x5/5/5/5
25 lb x5/5/5/5
35 lb x5/5/5/5 x2!

nice ,I like these alot.I have to get a bit taller on these or stand on something elevated as with the two handers if I don't choke up a bit I tend to hit the clubhead on the floor as I dig deeper into the compression position,lol.

after SO many years of being able to do nothing but one arm swings and snatches being able to tolerate new kb moves as well as use my clubs again is very exciting! I know I am going to be able to train the squat again as well soon and that will be proof positive I am back!

Stretchout and stability work
all the basic stretches 20 minutes

Alternating Superman on stability ball

right arm and leg leg only 20 reps x 3 sets followed by static full body hold 30 seconds with eyes closed

these are WAY better. I could never do 30 seconds with my eyes closed.

Amosov squats
15 reps x 3



Boris T said...

Clubs are fun! I was playing around with a brand new pair of 10lb clubs at the gym where I work occasionally. Been a while but the fundamentals are still there.

Too bad the heaviest weight that I can find locally is only 15lb.

jockeRKC said...

I am saving up money to go to you and Tracy for a week and learn from you two =)
You are both bad ass trainers =)

Mark Reifkind said...


clubs are fun and my back is just fine this morning, which was what I was worried about. Hey, the 15 lber kicked my ass for a long time, even just one at a time.
hope things are going better for you man :))

Mark Reifkind said...


thanks man, it would be cool to work with you.

Unknown said...

Very nice session! Glad to hear the back is fine! Awesome work

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks Todd, it's very exciting to think I can actually Train clubs again.

175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...