Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The classic lifts and loading parameters.

When I studied Westside Barbell methods one of the most basic principles Louie taught was that one does not try to raise the result in any of the classic lifts by using the lifts themselves in a linearly progressive fashion.

Trying to increase the weight on the bar week in and week out; even if one deloads and waves the process usually results in your results going backwards in 5-6 weeks if you are a beginner, way sooner if you are advanced.

One of the reasons this occurs is because as the percentage of your one repetition maximum increases the bar moves more slowly and your power output, or rate of force production, goes down.Eventually WAY down, until the bar is moving very very slowly and once the force you can produce can't match the weight on the bar, it stops moving entirely.

If one uses the squat only to increase their squat at some point your ability to create power goes so low all you have in one gear: first/ Great for grinding but not so good for explosive acceleration.

On the flip side if all one does is lighter weights ( under 85 %) the bar or the bell flies up but when the loads gets heavy( it's all easy til it's heavy, remember :)) you don't have the capacity to grind out the slow moving lift.

So you need both, dynamic speed strength for power production ( and, in the WSB method, maintaining form on the classic lift) and grinding strength for the increase in absolute strength.WSB uses the classic lifts for speed and form work and variations on a theme of that classic lift( same but different) on another day for absolute strength gains.

I've been thinking for awhile about how this works with kettlebells, specifically the press and think I've got it figured out.

While I've been thinking about how to apply this to bell work I've also been reluctant to do so because my progress with the classic lift has been so good. Don't fix what's not broken eh? But last week got me thinking that I've been trying to do TOO much heavy work with the classic press itself and it showed up in me losing my groove a bit last week.

So today it was back to the 24 kg for 5/5 x 5 sets long cycle and a complete emphasis on form and speed during each lift.I can see doing this with the 28 kg as well but instead of hitting the 32 kg for doubles and triples I probably should start including some variations on the pressing theme for 3-6 singles in lifts like the stacked press, bottoms up press, and clubbell torch press.

When I want to test the standard kb military press just test it.

The only problem with this is that I am worried about doing max effort lifts anymore on a regular basis,lol! I do think this program would work but not sure I should be the one to test it out.

Regardless, todays workout was killer. I almost don't want to train short cycle presses anymore, that's how much I am enjoying the long cycle :))

6-7 am stretchout

this always is good. lots of emphasis on adductors and overhead.

8:30 Long cycle clean and press
one arm swing warmup
16kg x5/5/5/5 x3
16 kg x5/5 x2

clean and press
16 kg x5/5
20 kg x3/3
24 kg x5/5 x 5 sets.

so easy. this is a video of my last set

Two Handed Shield cast
15 lb x8/8
20 lbs x8/8
25 lb x8/8
35 lb x8/8x 2 PR

these went great but were intense! That bell is no joke and it was great to get more than 5 reps on this move.

One arm casts
15lbs x10/10
20 lbs x 7/7x2

these were tougher than expected ,especially on the left arm, where my lat wanted to go to sleep and not do it's job! I haven't done these with the 20's before so that was good.

Bodyblade laterals
2.5 lb blade to 8/8 x 4 sets alternating arms non stop


I might try to start alternating tuesdays where I do multiple sets of long cycle sets of 5's with the 24's and 3's with the 28's for speed work and then do the 'special' presses on the next week. I'll think on it :))

1 comment:

Boris T said...

I am loving that big indian club you got! I've been playing with the 10lb ones and it's a lot of fun. Forgot how much fun it was, but I want something bigger.

210 chin press Pr, rolling db extensions, laterals, rear delts rev bar curl

 This went well but those small jumps are interminable! Completely necessary but SO hard to say calm while doing; I feel like I'm wastin...