Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Max vo2

Only having to face 40 sets of 7 reps per cycle is almost an easy day for me now. Almost.Work always fills the time that is alloted to it and when I have to do 8 reps per cycle I can make it with a half second to spare. When I only have to do 7 I still almost fill the entire interval,lol. Actually I pause the lockout longer at this pace, a good thing.
The nice thing is is that this workload no longer gets my HR up to the mid 170's much less the high 180's that it did not too long ago.I can talk abit, get a drink, make my hash marks, wipe the sweat,sand the bell; whereas before all I could do was stand there and try to breathe.Of course the GOAL of Vo2 training is to create an adaptation to the high HR and that means actually doing enough work to get it up there! But this is a down week and it's cool.I've earned it.
And I've learned to go with the 'groove of the day' instead of forcing my body to do 'what it did last week'. THe differences are very subtle but noticeable to me; how much I sit back versus how much I lean,etc.I go with where the power is that day and avoid the stress positions. Been working well and nowhere does it come out as much as when I have to go fast.Can't fake fast.

Max Vo2 Snatch 15:15
16kgx7 reps x 40 sets
280 reps
10,080 lbs

hands are fine again.

Two Clubbell Swipes
10lbs x125 reps
x60 reps
x50 reps

As usual, it took the first set to really open up and find my groove. THe first set wasnt hard at all, really, but I wasnt getting my chest up enough in the back position so it wasnt as smooth as I wanted. Grip was fine.The second set of 60 was excellent and really got a good lean back and stretch into the pullover .The last set was a slog; I'm getting tired now and my triceps are toast. They were still tender from mondays arm casts and shield casts.
I am switching these to Mondays starting next week and they are up first in the rotation. It's time they had their own day. I feel like I can do some serious numbers in this move and it's got to be trained first to really improve.
So I am going back to one arm swings on Saturdays( using the percentage cycle I wrote about) with one arm mills after.
Mondays is two clubbell swipes, shield casts and clubbell swings
Wednesday is going to alternate max vo2 and ssst work with the 20 or 24 kg, two hand swipe,flag press

One arm Swings alternate 24 or 32 kg
Arm cast
Flag press

Two CB Swipes
Two hand shield Cast

16 kg Max Vo2 or SSST 24 kg
Two Hand Swipe
Shield Cast( one arm)

this looks good and is the correct progresion for me.time for the cbs to have their own day.And I do want to up my swing prs and make my mvo2 pr.These are the key points to focus on.
Of course it will evolve as I do it and find out its strengths and weaknesses. But it makes my course of action clearer. So nice to have a course of action again,lol. I have so missed being able to train for real.It's cool.

BW 161.4
BF 9.1%
Water 60.4%

datsit,staying loose.


Sean Schniederjan RKC said...

"And I've learned to go with the 'groove of the day' instead of forcing my body to do 'what it did last week'."

If that's not wisdom I don't know what is.

If the lifter can do that, he will grow in patience and be a better man, IMO.

Mark Reifkind said...

well, I certainly spent enough time trying to fit a round peg into a square hole!the variations in form are minor unless I dont go with them, then they become major!

175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...