Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Max Vo2- back off

It was very nice knowing I only had to do 30-35 sets of 7 today in the snatch.Monday's little foray into power and speed reps left me way more sore than I imagined I'd be and was glad for the break in volume with the snatch today.It was also nice to know that my conditioning level is such that 210 snatches in about 15 minutes is now light volume for me.

5:30 am
60 minutes rifga stretches, foam roller work and full body Z drills

first client cancelled at the last minute so I had a great start to the day with flexibility and mobility work first thing. This is the best way for me to start the day.I usually get 15-20 minutes but the whole hour is perfect and nothing gets left out.I love those new high density foam rollers; they're almost impossible to wear out.

1:30 pm Max Vo2 Snatches 15:15
16kgx 35 sets of 7 reps every 15 seconds.

Had seriously thought I would only do 30 sets today and get a real low volume but I felt fine at 30 and stayed on course with 35.This was the easiest this has ever been. Rep speed is fast too, power is high and my body is not breaking down but adapting. This is good news.

CB Mills
15lbx 8/8

15lbx50/50 PR!

This was tough but good.really could feel how I have to recruit the trunk stronglythrough out the entire movement as I fatigue with this weight.I can't play around with it like I can a bit with the 10lbers.

Two hand mill

WOW, this is a monster move!You gotta use everything and with moving tension.was very cautious as this takes everything through very big dynamic ranges of motion.Havent trained in the frontal and transverse planes in many years. If you told me I would be doing this type of dynamic rotational movement with heavy resistance and torque just a few years ago I never would have beleived it possible. Its amazing.

two hand arm cast to flag press( barbarian)
25x8/8x3 sets

wow. this is what I originally got this monster for. perfect. so great to lock out the triceps hard on this plane. like doing planches and straight arm gymnastics work again.

BW 161.6
BF 8.8%
Water 60.6%



fawn said...

I can't wait for my visit out west next month... I can learn clubbells and finally understand what your workouts mean!

Adam Steer said...


You'll be ready for the Bruiser Clubbell soon... ;-)


Mark Reifkind said...

yes it will be here very soon. can't wait to see you.Tracy is all a twitter,lol.

Mark Reifkind said...


NO WAY man,lol. EVERY time I pick up that 25 the first thing I think is "how can 25 lbs be so freakin heavy?"
Can't imagine what 45 lbs of club feels like.

Adam said...


what is a 2 hand Mill? Is it still like the one arm version? Could you post a vid for me?


Mark Reifkind said...


yes it is exactly. I will get one up on saturday when I train again.

Anonymous said...

Yeah...about these need to school us :)

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, the half foam rollers are good for toe pulls. ;) I brought one back from the last Z and my clients and husband dig it.

Mark Reifkind said...

great idea for the foam roller toe pulls, i've been using a rolled up yoga mat.
and yes the clubs are way fun and the perfect compliment to kb training for me.

175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...