Saturday, April 07, 2007

32 kg one arm swings.

Great workout today.No Saturday AM client anymore so I was able to put my full energy and thoughts into the workout from the moment I got up. I used to be be able to do that with all my workouts but dems the breaks! This was great.Stretched out, got fully caffeinated and went to work.

Clean and press into Windmill( left only)
16 kg x5x2
32kg x3 x2!!

Awesome! Havent pressed this in ages and it was easy.One press and three problem

One Arm swings
16 kg x10/10x2
24 kg x5/5/5/5
24 kg x10/10

32kgx8/8 x 13 sets
208 reps
14,976 lbs!!

This was great,although my balance was off on a few reps, as I was swinging the bell higher than I have in a long time. This thing comes down FAST,LOL!

snatch holds( right only)
16kgx30 sec
24kgx35 sec
x60 sec
x50 sec
x40 sec

I realize now that I need to do clean/press/windmill left and snatch holds right AFTER I do my swings.Left shoulder was not needing any snatch holds after the 'warmup'.Normally one does heavy grinds first and then ballistics. As usual I'm backwards.

ALSO did easy negative presses at the end of each snatch holds with no shoulder pain! My shoulder is definitely healing.

The swings went easy, it's good to feel strong!

datsit, time to stretch.


D Silveri said...

Nice Job your making a come back using the 70 more.... BEAST is next!

Tracy Reifkind said...

thanks dustin; actually I'm looking at the Bulldog that sits next to my 32 every day talking to it. One thing at a time eh? I'm very happy to be throwing the two pood around again.
thanks for dropping by.

Mark Reifkind said...

doh, thats me, not tracy.

Royce said...

Hey Tracy eerr doh I mean Rif. ( sorry, had to give you a hard time )
Nice one man, those things do come down fast. It's really nice to workout without distractions.
Glad your shoulder is doing better.
Peace man.

Taikei Matsushita said...

Nice one on 70 lbs swings.
I never thought about switching left/right by actually DARCing. I always do extra swing stuff.

Mark Reifkind said...


darcs as their own swing version rock. much more emphasis on just the legs, hips and wind.

Royce said...

Rif, talk about instant karma, I was giving you a hard time about posting as Tracy then I did it on Barb's blog. DO'OH

Mark Reifkind said...


instant karma indeed,lol!

Royce said...

Yeah plus I responed all lovey-dovey, like honey I love you last night was great...bla bla. you get the picture.
Well it looked like she was talking to her female friend who had responded to her post. I thought is funny, her....not so much. LOL

Franz Snideman said...

Sweet Rif. I notice you follow the KB with your head/eyes when it goes between the legs. Is this on purpose?

I see alot of GS type of athletes do this.

Mark Reifkind said...


totally coincidental. I trained for gymnastics with my head down, looked down when i squatted and deadlifted as well. old motor pattern.thanks dude, it was nice to throw some weight around for a change.

215 x X x 3 205 x 1 x 5, 20 kg swings 5 x 8/8, laterals db curls

 despite the misses at 215 from sheer fatigue ( monday) the groove and form was more than decent. Really created leg stiffness just as I dro...