Wednesday, March 21, 2007

One of the best benchers ever

in my opinion. Matt is one of the best bench technicians I've ever seen. You can really see how he uses his legs to lock out even in his setup. 800 pounds by a 220 guy is unbelievable.


Royce said...

Insane strength. I remember hearing about Anthony Clark's 800 lb bench at well over 300 lbs and thinking that was insane. I wonder what the upper limits are?

Mark Reifkind said...


in the bench, about 1000 lbs it seems. I dont think you will see a 1500 bench no matter how strong the shirts get. You wont be able to get it to touch,lol!

you will,however,see lighter and lighter guys do it.

40 kg Swings 25 x 6, 40 kg belt squat 3 x 10 pistols 3 x 5, pullaparts

 SUPER strong today. Slept really well and was a strong under the bell as I can imagine Best height on swings as well All systems go 40 kg x...