Friday, March 02, 2007

Tom Platz, 23 reps with 220 kg.


Geoff Neupert said...

GREAT VIDEO! I love that one. I wish I were Tom Platz.

I thought it was an even 500lbs, no?

Mark Reifkind said...

geoff, me too! I had heard it was 500 even but the vid says 220 kg. I'm sure the other 15 lbs wouldnt have changed a thing.He didnt even push, the 23rd rep was the only one that slowed even a bit,.

Royce said...

Platz is cool, some of the stuff I've read about him doing is just insane. Like finishing his leg workouts with 100 partials on the hack squat machine, that borders on other-wordly
Great video thanks for posting it.

Geoff Neupert said...

Yeah, I know it looked like he could've kept going to 25 or even 30. SUPER SICK!

Anthony Springman said...


Platz was/is awesome...but I recall there was some "funny" business with the weights during this time? Jim Quinn (seen as a spotter in the vid) related to me and others of some "light" plates. This video was from the battle of the squat challenge- Hatfield versus Platz. Neither guy was in there prime...and this was to promote Vince McMahon's WBA? and there supplement line. I know that Platz in his prime was the real deal though...600 for 10 olympic style.. either way a motivating vid.

Mark Reifkind said...

you know now that you mention it there might have been some controversy about it. as you said though platz was the real deal and did
405x40 something
505 for 20 something in the gym)
and the 600 for 10.

there is no doubt about his squatting and hack squatting ability

New Old technique, 175 x 1 x 12, 20 kg swings 5 x 5/5 band pushdowns 4 x 20

Didn't like how much knee kick I got on Monday and looked back at my best 225s and realized this might work again. Two years ago pretty ...