Friday, March 02, 2007

Jim McCarty still has it! 750 squat at 47 y/o

I remember reading about this guy back in the eighties when he was both an Olympic lifter AND a powerlifter.He's back at it: This from Go Heavy forum

Jim McCarty, former "SUPERMAN OF THE CENTURY" in all 5 lifts, has made a terrific comeback recently in powerlifting. At age 47, 194 lbs, loose suit, he easily squats 750 lbs (video says 740, but actual weight counted was 750 lbs)2 inches below parallel.
He has done only 2 meets in 10 years. This meet being his 2nd.
He also deadlifted 710 lbs in training 3 weeks ago, "RAW" (did use straps..but at the end of the workout).
*** APC National Chairman, LB BAKER and CURTIS LESLIE were both in attendance. This was a national record.
** he also snatched 264 lbs EASILY in training the day after the meet. He cleans in the mid 300's. Remember, Jim is a national champion in both olympic weightlifting and power. To my knowledge, the only lifter in america to ever do both in the same year.
Jim should be over 800 lbs this year in the squat(looked like he could have done it...since it was easy) , 500+ bench and hopefully, if he can hold on to the bar (crushed his wrists years ago in a bad accident), should pull around 700 lbs.
He really is amazing "STILL". He did these lifts last weekend at a APC meet he ran. Amazing lifting, considering he ran the meet and lifted during the time he was running it.
I can see him easily totalling 2,000+ as a 198 this year. Wait for nationals
** he wore a large 54 single poly Inzer Rage shirt at the meet (very loose).
** Deadlifted "Raw".


Chris said...

Amazing guy......

Rif - in my RSS reader it indicates that you posted another post yesterday called Addendum, starting "I am at my center a hardcore powerlifter and miss it everyday" , but that post has not appeared on the blog itself. Some problem?

Royce said...

Damn dude, 2000 at 198, crazy.

Brett Jones said...

Looked very easy - if that is 2" below parallel than I am squatting too deep ;)


Mark Reifkind said...


yes I posted that then I pulled it.After re reading it it seemed to much of a knee jerk reaction to all the drama going on and I thought better of it.

Mark Reifkind said...


almost impossible to tell true depth from a video much less from the front. and you probably are squatting too deep,lol

Geoff Neupert said...

Someone ought to tell him he doesn't have to walk out of the Monolift. ;-)

Very inspiring.

Brett Jones said...

The squat looked good - no doubt - just some levity!

I thought the same thing - in fact I wondered why he was walking it out - probably doesn't get to train on a monolift and had to walk it out to get set.

Mark Reifkind said...

most guys dont have access to a monolift and if you arent used to it trying to set up without walking can really mess you up. I did that in my last meet and got reds on my opener cause I set up too close.

walked out my second attempt and got whites.

mCcarty is a stud.

Chin Press 135-165 x1 x 5, 170x 1x2, CBswings 5 x 15, laterals, rear delts, rev band curls

 This went well although my left lat was definitely working too hard. In a crampy way that had me worried but stretched out pretty well righ...