Monday, January 23, 2006

Back at work

Man being sick sucks. ANd the recovery's not that much fun either. Feel tons better but really can tell what a stress it was to my system, especially the lungs. Strength work was ok but swings were tough. Starting back is good though.

Clean and Jerks
62x3/3x4 sets

These were much stronger than last weeks 4 sets of 2's

ballistic pullups/kb lunge
7 36x8/8
8 44x8/8
6 53x8/8
7 62x8/8
8 72x8/8 strong@!
9= 60 reps

these both went very well. lunges are so necessary for me.
pullups were very fluid. they werent kipping pullups by amy means but I got a good stretch reflex up to the last two reps, which were rest paused.

one arm swings
53x10/10x4 sets.

these were suprinsingly hard, but a lot of it was fatigue from my first day back at work after this flu. This really weakend me; havent felt like this in years. Do Not like it. Strong is much better.

4 sets of 8-10 seconds.

these were weak, I was ready to finish and was hungry.Got to train with Tim Dymmel today and what a stud he is. So glad he got exposed to kettlebells, he will be a great ambassador. Between him and Joe( whose body is changing daily) these guys got tons of muscle. Joe's deadlift will be definitely over 500 pounds at 170.Wish I were 30 again......



Joe Sarti said...

What a great day at Stones...we all kicked butt!

Rif, your pull-ups are frickin amazing

Tim Dymmel said...

Thanks again for the hospitality. It was a lot of fun and I learned a lot in just a short time.

Thank you for your compliments. You are too kind.


210 chin press Pr, rolling db extensions, laterals, rear delts rev bar curl

 This went well but those small jumps are interminable! Completely necessary but SO hard to say calm while doing; I feel like I'm wastin...