Monday, January 30, 2006

Leanest in Twenty Years

Can't beleive it- weighed in at 162.8 and 9.5% bodyfat!! This is the leanest I've been in twenty plus years. Since my bodybuilding and endurance days.I've been hanging around 10-10.5% bf for the last few months and this is the first time I've dipped under ten.very very pleased and my strength is up to boot!Warrior Diet rocks.Its not like I'm deprived at all.

One KB press/Weighted tactical pullups
36x5/5 bwx3
44x5/5 18x3
53x3/3 26x3
62x3/3 26x3
62x3/3 26x3
53x5/5 26x3
53x5/5 26x3

Did not feel super strong today but very steady with the 28 kg and the pullups were good volume. Back to my 4 am wakeup again and was not quite ready for it.

x7/7 72 reps

This felt ok.not great, not bad, just ok.groove was solid, just have to remember to jump and use the legs not just the pull.breathe was fine. fast pace with just me and Joe.

depth squats

these were great- standing on 13" blocks and on bell was on 2 board, not 3 board like last week. THese always open up my hips and work my legs really well. The best squat motion for me.

Farmers walk
2 53'sx 2 laps x 4 sets.

did these in the rain. no problem. I have to do these. I can really feel the difference when I dont.trying to walk as fast as I can too which is amazing considering not long ago I was just concerned with just being able to walk at all.


Saturday, January 28, 2006

Hard day at the office.

Woke up stiff and tight today. Cold and damp out as well and hard to get started. Probably a bit dehydrated as well and that never helps.

18# slingshots, two hand swings, one hand swings, cleans; 3 sets

clean and jerk
53x6/6x5 sets

this was easy but right shoulder a bit tight. was going to do another set but thought best not to. still had a lot to do.

1 Kb Lunges/low rack

supersetted with

Ballistic pullups
28 reps

Left hammie was tight on the lunges but warmed up ok. Pullups were pretty strong. Only Jonathan and I today and the pace was definitely faster than norm. thats good.

bottoms up cleans
supersetted with

One arm swings

The bottoms ups were very strong and the swings were too. Just tired. Swings are just freaking HARD!!! Theres no where to hide in a swing.

good superset too.


Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Feeling stronger every day and I again realize how much I loathe being felled by viruses and bacteria.Hate being and feeling weak. So to feel stronger again, as I did today, feels good. SO glad I bought the 28 kg, it is perfect transition weight for me to the 32. With only a few key weights to use these intermediate ones are more important than many think to slow, regular progressions and "perceived exertion" waving which are my secret to long term progress.

My grooves are really getting solid now and doing the same routine every other day is interesting. I'm always repeating the same moves with just about the same weights but my capcity and strength vary slightly each time. But they are also, slowly but definitely, moving upwards overall. THIS is my real goal. Build a wider and stronger base and the peak is, by definition, going to be higher.

My overhead press is starting to feel like my old bench press did and I am getting some confidence back in my shoulders. Letting myself do my grooves based on what feels right is definitely the key for me. Forcing myself into the "right" mechanical position has screwed me up more than its ever helped me. By pressing, swinging, snatching and the way it feels strong to me, as well as using the basic principles( strength as a skill, the body as a unit, linkage, etc.) I am feeling the strongest and the safest as far as injury.

I am snatching the same way I was in 2003 when I first did 25+25 with the 53 after watching Pavels RKC dvd. The more things change.....

tactical weighted pullups/ one arm kb press
bwx3 36x5/5
bwx3 44x5/5
18x3 53x5/5
36x3! 62x3/3 strong!
44x2!!PR 62x3/3
36x4! 62x3/3

Wow! great work and some PRs. Never doubled the 44! and two sets of 3 with the 36.Who would have thunk I would be doing this much pullups a year ago?????Or even could?

44x8/8x6 sets 96 reps

these felt great and easy. less than a minute rest/sets/ cardio no problem. have to remember to cycles these weights for my biceps sake.

Depth squat
12" box and 3 board
72x8x3 sets

Added these back in as I need to do SOME squat motion and these are the safest, most symmterical and help open my hips. Plenty of tension here with a paused stretch in the hole.Works the lower back too.

Farmers walk

2 36'sx4 laps x5 sets

Joe snagged the 44's and 53's so I went with more laps. Really tried to walk as fast as I could. Its amazing how much better I can walk now than just a freaking year ago when its all I could do to manage a very painful limp. I hve learned so much from Pavel and training the; RKC its way cool to be able to move again with so much less pain. People who havent lived in chronic pain just dont realize how much it saps your energy. To be freer of that and feel like you can move again is an amazing gift.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

GiryaStrength and Team Shamrock

I am pleased and honored to announce that Girya Kettlebell training will be working with Frank Shamrock in his bid to defeat Cesar Gracie in their March 10th bout.
Frank came to us to teach him kettlebell training to bump his real world strength and power as he prepares for this tough battle.Previously he has used bodyweight only training for conditioning and bodybuilding techniques for strength. This will certainly be a new world of strength and power training for him.He is raring to go and has already ordered full sets of kbs.
Joe Sarti will be working with Frank hands on and I will be handling program design. This is a great honor for both of us,and a great step for GiryaStrength. We are extremely excited.He will be making a dvd of the training for this fight and GiryaStrength will be part of that as wll.
Frank has told us he intends to fight at least 2-3 more years and wants to use kb's for those meet preps as well.
This is very good news.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Back at work

Man being sick sucks. ANd the recovery's not that much fun either. Feel tons better but really can tell what a stress it was to my system, especially the lungs. Strength work was ok but swings were tough. Starting back is good though.

Clean and Jerks
62x3/3x4 sets

These were much stronger than last weeks 4 sets of 2's

ballistic pullups/kb lunge
7 36x8/8
8 44x8/8
6 53x8/8
7 62x8/8
8 72x8/8 strong@!
9= 60 reps

these both went very well. lunges are so necessary for me.
pullups were very fluid. they werent kipping pullups by amy means but I got a good stretch reflex up to the last two reps, which were rest paused.

one arm swings
53x10/10x4 sets.

these were suprinsingly hard, but a lot of it was fatigue from my first day back at work after this flu. This really weakend me; havent felt like this in years. Do Not like it. Strong is much better.

4 sets of 8-10 seconds.

these were weak, I was ready to finish and was hungry.Got to train with Tim Dymmel today and what a stud he is. So glad he got exposed to kettlebells, he will be a great ambassador. Between him and Joe( whose body is changing daily) these guys got tons of muscle. Joe's deadlift will be definitely over 500 pounds at 170.Wish I were 30 again......


Saturday, January 21, 2006

Eerily Strong workout

Feeling much better after the last two days with the flu, but still nowhere near 100%.Strange night sweats still and woke up very dehydrated. Tons of grapefruit juice and water helped. Went in not knowing at all how well I would be able to train, if at all.Suprisingly everything went well and I even hit a recent snatch pr!

weighted pullups/see saw press
bwx3 36x5/5
18#x3 44sx5/5
18x4 44sx6/6
18x5 44sx8/8
18x4 44x8/8

all this felt fine. no lightheadedness or racing heart. decent pace too. energy up.

62x3/3 recent pr!

wow. that was a shock. everything felt fine and very strong. groove was very solidand natural. the triple was easy. the 8's with the 44's told me the lungs arent back yet. very happy.

bottoms up clean
88x 3/4!!x2

Damn. So close with the Bulldog which will be an all time pr. Just being a little hesitant but the second attempt was much closer than the first. very suprised.

great workout and I think I am on the mend.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Training sick.

Came down with something yesterday and slept about one hour all night;waking up coughing and peeing from all the tea and honey I drank.Sinus pain and headache and a nasty cough,which luckily is breaking up already( I hope).

very slow and easy today. heartrate went up very easily. strong though.

clean and jerk
53x5/5x5 sets

These went fine and wind was okay but I'm not slow and easy.

bw pullups
5,6,7,5,6,7 easy. nice fluid motion but not kipping. shoulders best in years.

bw assisted pistols.
6x3-4 eh.I am not strong enough for these yet it seems.

these just suck for me on my left leg still and I should have done lunges. I have to try low steps walking up hill.I think the key is low 6-8 inches off the ground so its easy and my hip can take the load easily.I think holding a kb will make a big difference here as well. It should lower my center of gravity.maybe make it more ballistic instead of static? WOuld that have the same effect on the muscle tissue of the left leg that it has on my back muscle? Interesting.

two hand swings
53x15x5 sets. these were feeling strong but i was really sucking wind and the end. groove was great though.

datsit. some nyquil and some sleep.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Another great one in the bank.

Got a chance to speak with Pavel for awhile today before the workout and that always fires me up! Better than a warmup,lol!

Wt. Tactical Pullups/ See Saw press
bwx3 26'sx5/5
18#x3 36'sx5/5
26x6 ( these were strict!) 44x3/3
36x2+1/2 decent! 53x5/5 strong !!!!
36x2 53x5/5
44x1 PR! 53x5/5
36x2 1/2 53x5/5
bwx3 long holds 53x5/5

the pullups were very solid with a recent pr. trying to hold the chin over the bar and squeeze. the presses were as strong as when I was benching. a little extra body mass doesnt hurt at all.

53x5/5x6 sets

the Olympic style snatch technique is holding up well with no bicep or shoulder pain.really focusing on pulling the bell up and in with the upper back and not the arm, as I think "jump"! these were almost easy! Joe did his first 5 minute secret service test training with 100 reps in 9 minutes. the rest times will get progressively shorter. he kicked ass. and this is after deadlifting triples up to 371 for two sets. no problem.

One arm snatch grip hi pull

just wanted to see if I could snatch it. no problem. will do this soon.

bottoms up clean
72x3/3 solid

have to do this earlier in the workout one day. Perhaps I will circuit these movements soon as a break from the strict recon w/o.or alternate the styles.

Farmers walks
2/44's for 3 lap sets x 3 sets

these felt strong too. great to have a strong day.


Teaching the Russian Kettlebell system as a method.: Kettlebells, Strength, Fitness, Martial Arts

Teaching the Russian Kettlebell system as a method.: Kettlebells, Strength, Fitness, Martial Arts

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Can't Stop The Bleeding � Couch Potatoes, Meet Pukey

Can't Stop The Bleeding � Couch Potatoes, Meet Pukey

And this as well.

Girevik Magazine- Interview with Greg Glassman

Girevik Magazine- Interview with Greg Glassman

The Greg Glassman/Crossfit story. It looks like we are the same age and got a very similar start.

Muscle up, Fat down.

No wonder I feel better, and stronger.

Bodyweight 163.8


Havent weighed myself in quite awhile but I've been eating better, and more, and letting my weight climb a little. Didnt know that I would also be losing fat but it looks like I am. When I was down to 159 and 160 I was getting some 11% and plus fat readings. Too much cardio and not enough strength. This is a better balance. No heavier than 165 though, dont need it.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

The 28 kg goes on its maiden voyage.

Took my brand new 28 kg kettlebell for its maiden voyage at the Rifstonian Institute this morning.Its a great kb with perfect shape and handle;except for that crappy high gloss paint they put on it. I liked the inital coating dragon door had on the kbs so much more.Much better grip and they chalked up like a gymnastics ring, paralllel bar or horizontal bar.. Have to sand off the paint on the handle now, so it will accept chalk.

Creaky and stiff this am for some reason. Two days off,perhaps I'm ready for some friday training again. tacy's swing complexes maybe.

Clean and Jerk
62x2/2x4 sets! strong and solid.
53x5/5x3 sets. so easy after the 62.

The jerks went very well after my right biceps tendon settled down.cleans were nothing. felt very strong.

Pullups/one kb lunges
3,4,5,6,7,5,6,7,8+ 51 total reps plus 8 is a recent pr.

62x8/8x2 very solid.

two hand swings
62x15,20,10,15 20

very strong. technique is best ever. last week of these though. DARCS next week for three weeks.

Handstands 4x 8 seconds each.
havent done these in too long. decent.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

How to achieve anything

1) Decide on exactly what you want to achieve.

2) Figure out as near as possible what this will require.

3) Commit to doing as many these things as possible with your full intention and focus.

4) Put these things near, or at the top, of your life's priority list.

5) Refer to Numbers One and Two frequently during each day.

datsit.done deal. if you are not willing to pay the price don't complain when you dont get what you want. we dont get what we want, we get what we choose.


Muscle tension is a good thing. The more tension you can generate in the muscles the stronger you are, all other things being equal. But you can have too much tension. If you have muscle imbalances you can create painful rotations and torque on the joints, spine and connective tissue causing lots of pain. THis is why the ballistic nature of the kettlebell is so good for me. It builds the ability to create force( tension) but also teaches the muscles to relax on each rep. This loose, tight , loose is similar to other ballistic motions such as walking and running.

Powerlifting requires as much overall muscle tension as possible and really messes me up. Even too much kb grinding will mess me up. Have to stay loose as possible and as square as possible.

Joe was sick today so I did it solo. Cold and tired going in but I have added a third cup of coffee on training days( double cappucino with half and half!! Yum!) so it kicked in quickly!

Tactical Pullups/See saw press

3 26'sx5/5
4 26'sx5/5
5 36'sx5/5
3 44x5/5
4 44x5/5
5 44x5/5
3 44x5/5
3 44x5/5

see saws felt great! did ouside leg clean till 44's . tact pullups were done with LONG ass hang pause at bottom and hold at top as well. this makes it MUCH harder. but good. can hang fully from my shoulders, safely now, for the first time in years!!! I love these presses too. great inside groove.

53x5/5x5 sets

These went very well also!I was really thinking pull back from the upper back( lawnmower start) at the beginning as well as JUMP. Let myself go up on my toes as well. Easy now.Fast pace too, 30-45 sec rest between sets. excellent.shoulders and biceps felt solid.

bottoms up cleans

my arms were feeling cooked my now and I had gone up to the two pood last time so I stayed with the 53 the whole time. LONG HOLDS at the top and conciously flexing the lats/glutes. good stuff.

Farmers walk w/53's

5 .5 laps.

also short rest. cardio feels good today. :))

need to stretch out though. datsit.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Another solid one.

Wow. This must be a recent record for staying with a workout plan. Leave it to Pavel. This was pretty tough today and Joe and I went at a very solid pace. The swings at the end were killer and I wasnt able to do the extra farmers walks that I had planned. Workout took 80 minutes and I was done. I might have to sub them out with the swings but I plan on getting in good enough shape to do them both.

one kb clean and jerk
x5/5 Done one clean and jerk, then transfer and repeat til reps are done.
x6/6 " "
x7/7 =72 reps. not bad

Used more of a GS style on my left arm today, really resting it on the chest and letting my knees drop forward to initiate the jerk from the quads.much easier to NOT lose connection between the arm and my torso. As I warmed up I went more into the continuous mode as I did the entire time with my right.

bodyweight pullups/ split squats w/ kb
5,6,7,5,6,7 18#x8,26#x8,36x5x2 sets. strong !

two hand swings
72x15 tough!
53x20 man these are tough after split squats.

no farmers walks today.


Saturday, January 07, 2006

I love these workouts!

This force recon program fits me to a tee. Really enjoying the training and my body is liking it as well. Orthopedic issues are minimizing really well. Slpet well last night too, deep and long for a change. It really helps that my body doesnt hurt so much. Wakes me up less.

Two KB clean and press/Weighted Tactical Pullups
2/26'sx5x2 11#x3
2/36'sx5x2 18#x3, 26#x3
2/44'sx5 36#x2x2
2/54'sx4x5 sets 26#x3x2

These went really well. Felt very strong warming up but jumped a little fast on the 44's and strained the left triceps a bit. no problem but have to warmup slowly on saturdays ams.The pullups were tougher than I expected.

two kb lunges
2/36'sx5x4 sets

these were a bit awkward as I am not used to doing two kb lunges. will take some time.

x10/10 x2 sets

These went so well. I am pleased. Very easy and form was spot on. Olympic snatch style and really focused on pulling with the upper back and NOT the biceps. worked so much better.

Bottoms up clean

This is my move! These felt great. almost easy. excellent.solid even at the end.


Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Bodyweight feats of strength.


This is an interesting site devoted to handstands, pullups, iron crosses and other great bodyweight strength balances.

Recon workout two

This is the second of Pavels workouts for this method. Very deceuving. Each componenet doesnt seem that hard but boy do they add up. We;ll see how this goes after doing two of these workouts in a week. With only two every other week workout "A" gets done twice and then vice versa;

Tracy style swing combo warmups with 26# for lots of arm swing, two arm swing, darcs and cleans in various sets/reps

One KB clean and Jerk

x7/7 left arm has a hard time stabilizing the shoulder on the dip/push. have to find the groove better or my elbows flares out. not bad but not perfect.right arm is very easy. not quite flexible enough for a true jerk so I do more of a push press. focus is on leg drive.

bodyweight pullups/one kb lunge
5 36x8/8
6 53x8/8
7 53x8/8
5 53x8/8
6 53x8/8

Pullups were done almost ballistically with a little stretch reflex of the lats in the bottom If you would have bet me I would be able to do these a year ago I would have bet big money against myself.

the lunges were very solid, almost easy. have to work on range of motion more but this is a much better movement for me than front squats.

two hand swings
72 x10

ouch! These were my best form ever. I mimiced Mike C's finish position on the front of his DVD and man what a difference! It allowed me to get my hips all the way through, lock my elbows easier, get better projection more easily and drive into the ground longer! Good stuff for just one change.
All I did was lean back at the top more and all kinds of things opened up! I tried to :pull the kb apart" with my triceps at the top of the movement and it worked great!

farmers walk

2 44's x three laps. legs are shot! LOL!!feels great. handstands next time ss with walks.


Monday, January 02, 2006

Pavel's Force Recon Workout

I loved this workout! Pretty much all my favorite exercises thrown together. Made a few modifications( of course....) but did the first day fairly standard issue and it was fine. Trained with Joe and pushed his butt. He's WAY stronger than he is working. He's too nice to himself.thats gonna change.

Force Recon day one.

two kb clean and press/tactical pullups
2/26x5 5 reps these are supposed to be weight but just did weighted sat.
2/36'sx5 pullups with decent pause at bottom and chin over bar( barely)
2/44'sx5x5 supersetted with same 5x5 in pullups. pretty strong. good pace

2 kb front squat
2/36x5x5 with one sec pause. these suck. havent done squats of any kind in awhile and I dont miss them. have to go wide and push back or my knee locks up. so Ihave to lean more and theleft shoulder adjusts. not good. did them but fighting my joints the whole time. Replace these with lunges. Pavels workout has front squats in each workout,just with a different rep load. I will do that with lunges .

snatch /hanging leg raise

53x5 yes! strongest set of all.
raise straight knees( almost) x5x5 man these brought back memories. they are easy for me. really helps to have light legs! LOL!! good combo though. we are moving qucikly.

two hand swings

was going to do farmers walk but it was POURING so I did light swing with short rest periods.

36#x3x20 reps
it aint the weight its the rep. I die after fifteen with ANYTHING. Its al lthat fast twitch, white fiberthat fatigues so fast, yeah thats the reason......


DECATHLON2000 - Development and training for the decathlon

DECATHLON2000 - Development and training for the decathlon

From the "warped mind" of a specialist. How a real decathlete trains.

210 chin press Pr, rolling db extensions, laterals, rear delts rev bar curl

 This went well but those small jumps are interminable! Completely necessary but SO hard to say calm while doing; I feel like I'm wastin...