Saturday, March 04, 2017

48 kg 5 min Swing test 60th Birthday Challenge COMPLETED

I tested my spirit and it shone through even better than I had hoped! This test was really getting to me the last two weeks. I was getting scared and I couldn't find a calm space in my head about it. It was the culmination of three years of training and preparing; for a goal I really wasn't sure I ever would achieve.

But now it was at hand and I was nervous. The last test with the 44 kg was stinking hard. Very hard and I wasn't sure how the last few sets of this one would go. Especially since I had just change my technique a few months ago. Sure, it felt better in practice but would it hold up? I wasn't sure. Plus I hadn't tapered at all for those other tests, would the taper help or hurt.

Then there was the creatine. It should help my cardio but I would worry it would also cause me to pump up too fast and or cause cramping. Another unknown. Sure this was my first attempt but, to be honest, I don't wan't to do this again :) SO I had to make it this time

I was nutting up pretty hard behind this until I saw an old video my first test with the 36 kg and the headline "preparing to test my spirit with the 36 kg"

YES! This is what it's all about! Testing my spirit. NOT being attached to the result but the effort and the experience. As soon as I got my mind wrapped around that I calmed down and the last two days were amazing.

I was in the zone, calm and relaxed and yet with a very pinpoint focus. As the day proceeded all else faded into the background but the test itself did not take center stage. Just a centered focus on readiness. Mushin. Exactly what I was searching for.

I slept well. My body felt great. My weight was a few pounds heavier than desire but still light. My back shoulders and muscles felt ready.My mind was clear.

I wanted to go into this calm and cool and here it was.

The last speed day workout gave me such confidence and I know I needed to focus on that and not the bell. Just the technique. I wrote this yesteday morning and  this was also key to staying calm. Just focus on the 'launch' technique and nothing else. Do it JUST like a Wednesday speed day.

So I did. Five minutes is so short but it can seem like an eternity at the same time.

Stupid phone ran out of storage after the sixth set but Joe got the whole thing on his which is on facebook if anyone's interested.

It went so well. The first five sets were seriously strong and my wind was perfect. I didn't even have to take off my shirt ( a sure sign I am working very hard as I overheat) . The sixth set was strong but I could feel "it" coming on; the shortness of O2, the buildup of lactic acid in the glutes. The mental doubt.
Seven was strong, and even eight but set nine was very tough, I was double breathing now and I didn't care, I just needed more oxygen. Set ten was sketchy, especially the last few reps but IT GOT DONE!

Three years in the making!
 What a relief and pride!

then I did some handstands and although the overhead wasn't great I could hold myself up no problem with a spot- waaay better than my last attempts when I couldn't even support my weight! this will come back I know it and the military press is the reason.

Swing test
48 kg
10 reps per arm per 15 seconds
10 sets
100 reps!

Mission accomplished and my 60th Birthday challenge completed.

Handstands with spot
about 6 sets of holds

Hack squats
65 x 8
85 x 8
105 x 6
115 x 6

BW 166.8
BF 11.1
W 57.4

ok tomorrow is my Birthday Ruck 60 lbs for  6 miles!



Unknown said...

Proud of you! Honored to do the work along side you, Glenn and Nick. Your spirit is strong, your spirit is alive!

Kettlebell Courage Corner Seattle WA said...

Amazing Mark well done and congrats!

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks Chris! glad that got done!

Monika said...

Happy belated Birthday, Mark!

Mark Reifkind said...

thank you Monika!

32 kg swings 9 x 10/10, 40 kg belt squats 4 x 8, Chin Press,up to 95 x 5, pullaparts 3 x 30

 Trigger thumb still active so I didn't know how this would go. Kind of a test run for if I want to do a Birthday challenge next week wi...