"And in those simple beautiful movements I remembered what was really important in training; that consistency trumps intensity; all the time. That intensity is born from consistency. That one cannot force it, one has to lay in wait for it, patiently, instinctively, calmly and be ready to grab it when Grace lays it down in front of you."
Monday, January 30, 2017
130 lb Military press 5x5,44 kg belt squat, floor pushups PR, crawls, side delt
Technique from last week held, AFTER I figured out what I was doing wrong the first two sets. Ack.
Not my best mental day as I was distracted with tax and money thoughts but hoped the technique would carry me though. It did as soon as I did it right.
The first two reps saw more bicep tendon slippage than I've had in months and I couldn't figure it out. Then I realized I was catching the lip of the rack on the walkout and realized I was holding the bar on my chest as I wanted, but too LOW on my chest.
Once I put the bar right on the collarbone the rest of the technique fell into place. Dramatically. The weight felt light but there is no room for technical error on presses. You can't fight the groove and the weight at the same time.
This groove/technique is SO different than the static layback one that it probably will take a whole bunch more reps to really get it on auto pilot
Military Press
stick x 5 x 2
bar x 5 x 2
65 x 4
85 x 3
105 x 2
120 x 1
130 x 5 x 5
not bad once things got sorted. video above is set 4
44 kg belt squats
these felt very strong
Floor pushups
3 sets of 33 PR!
hard but strong
3 sets of 70 ft
strong too
side delts
3 sets of 15-12 with 15 lbs
out of steam in shoulders now
BW 165.4
BF 11.9
W 56.7
roll out tomorrow
Sunday, January 29, 2017
Fast and Strong Ruck
As strong a ruck as I've done. Legs felt light and loose from the start; an amazing thing considering yesterday's workload. But also testament to the technique change in my swings as well. Didn't have to grind on them as I have been doing at the end. All good
50 lb Ruck
12 laps
11 iso squats
4th Lap 7:43
8th lap 7:18
12th lap 6:59 ( second best ever time!)
was really really strong til last lap when I had to dig deep to get it going. But up til then fresh and strong!
Again, at the 7 min pace I really can't move my short ass legs any faster unless I start to trot!
BW 164.4
BF 12.1
W 56.6
not bad at all
ok tomorrow 130 lb press and we'll see how the new technique holds up
50 lb Ruck
12 laps
11 iso squats
4th Lap 7:43
8th lap 7:18
12th lap 6:59 ( second best ever time!)
was really really strong til last lap when I had to dig deep to get it going. But up til then fresh and strong!
Again, at the 7 min pace I really can't move my short ass legs any faster unless I start to trot!
BW 164.4
BF 12.1
W 56.6
not bad at all
ok tomorrow 130 lb press and we'll see how the new technique holds up
48 kg One Arm Swings 10x10/10 (15), hack squats,wt pushups,rear delts
A day late with this report but not a dollar short. Best 200 rep session with the 48 kg ever! AND, a solid comeback from the last time I swing this three weeks ago. The biggest difference was the technique change.
I was leaning too far back at the top trying to keep my combined center of mass (CCOM) over my base but I was doing it the wrong way and it was making me work much harder than I needed to.It was restricting my back swing and overloading the hips too much by themselves. This technique lets me get my hips and legs into play much stronger and increases back swing instead of inhibiting it.
It feels like I have a "launching pad" to jump off from now. WAAAY stronger and easier to produce higher force.
After 13 plus years of basically specializing in the one arm swing I'm still learning. Still refining. It's all easy til it's heavy is true. The desire to maximize the speed power and endurance of this maximal weight requires I figure all the details out perfectly.
I was leaning too far back at the top trying to keep my combined center of mass (CCOM) over my base but I was doing it the wrong way and it was making me work much harder than I needed to.It was restricting my back swing and overloading the hips too much by themselves. This technique lets me get my hips and legs into play much stronger and increases back swing instead of inhibiting it.
It feels like I have a "launching pad" to jump off from now. WAAAY stronger and easier to produce higher force.
After 13 plus years of basically specializing in the one arm swing I'm still learning. Still refining. It's all easy til it's heavy is true. The desire to maximize the speed power and endurance of this maximal weight requires I figure all the details out perfectly.
With my lumbo-pelvic rhythm if I lean forward my hips automatically go back then, if I push them back and down a bit I hit the "launching pad" position that really propels me forward. My internal cue is Lean then Launch. Of course I have to be upright and flat on my feet at the top of the rep. If I lean back too much it throws me off.
But this was the strongest of all the 48 kg sessions. I just kept saying to myself, "swing it like it's a 44" which doesn't psych me out, while this does.
Did. :)
But this was the strongest of all the 48 kg sessions. I just kept saying to myself, "swing it like it's a 44" which doesn't psych me out, while this does.
Did. :)
One arm swing
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
28 kg x 5/5
32 kg x 4/4
36 kg x 4/4
40 kg x 4/4
48 kg x 10/10 x 10 !
200 reps
21,200 lbs
65 x 5
85 x 5
105 x 5
115 x 5
125 x 5
130 x 5
Sandbag pushups
bw x 12
32# x 12 x 3 sets
last set harder than expected but we were going faster too
Rear delts
3 sets of 10 with 20lbs
BW 164.4
BF 11.2
W 57.1
Thursday, January 26, 2017
Surprisingly strong ruck
Pretty damn fast and easy today!Much surprised. No issues at all after yesterdays' 20 min session. Surprised there too.
The switch in diet back to more red meat and the addition of the creatine is definitely helping.
45 lb ruck
6 laps
55 min
3rd lap 7:43
6th lap 7:21 !
heatrate was low and legs loose. No worries
BW 164
BF 12.3
W 56.8
off tomorrow then back to the 48 kg for 200 on Sat
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
24 kg Speed Swings 20 min, walking lunges,parallel pushups, side delts
I wasn't sure how this was going to go but it was fine. Definitely more tired in the glutes than ever before as this new swing groove really works them, but the groove still held! even for 20 minutes.
Haven't done this in a long time; it's really a mind workout more than anything and I now recognize it's importance. It's not about the time it's about being able to calm the mind and stay the course.
Breathing too is critical and this really helps with that. It's gotta be a main focus, maintaining easy solid breathing.
Power wasn't 100 % of course but goal one was finish
Speed swings
24 kg x 10
40 sets
21,200 lbs
400 reps
Still felt like I had the groove and a power position even at the end and I was able to control the movement all throughout
Walking lunges
3 sets of 40 steps.
all I had, these creatine pumps are nasty! I forgot what a pump felt like! great for bodybuilding not good for strength endurance work.
I am going to cut back to 2.5 gms instead of 5. Plus I'm eating a ton of grass fed hamburger. I want to be able to get tight when I want it but not walk around too tight.
Parallel pushups
25 25 20
good here but still tired now
Side delts
3 sets of 15 with 15
better rom on these
BW 166.4 ?!!
BF 12.9
W 56.6
this is weird.
ok ruck up tomorrow
Monday, January 23, 2017
120 lb Military press 5x5 breakthrough!,36kg belt squat,floor pushups pr, crawls, rear delts
Wow. A HUGE breakthrough on technique today. Just as big as the groove on my swing was saturday. perhaps more.
I always have felt it wasn't my strength that was messing up my press but my mobility and today I proved it right.
I knew I had to get the bar to rest on my chest if I had a chance to do 5x5 with heavy weights. It's too long a set to hold the damn weight in my arms and shoulders. That was the first part, The second was using the cue I got from Omarlsuf's video of the quick lat activation and thoracic spine extension.
My mistake was setting back too much at the beginning and trying to hold it.I just got wore out. This technique lets me stand more upright, holding the weight with my body instead of my arms,flex the lats and push back with some speed.
JUST like my old lats "squeeze the sponge" technique on my kb press
It's also called a tempo press in the Russian literature but there is more t spine movement in a true temp press
Either way this was the easiest presses I've ever done. With good speed. If you can't move the bar or bell fast in a groove it's not optimal. Thats the test. I thought I couldn't just because of my lack of mobility but it was really a technique issue!
I can see 140 for 5x5 now easy. being able to hold the bar on my chest/body is everything. I was getting worn out hold the bar at the body AND the top of the lift ( no bone lock on lockout)
This changes everything.
Military press
stick x 5
bar x 5
65 x 5
85 x 4
105 x 2
120 x 5 x 5 easy!
36 kg belt squat
Floor pushups
3 sets of 32 ! PR
not killing my arms in the press first helps
3 sets of 70 ft
Rear delts
3 sets of 15 with 15
BW 164.8
BF 11.2
W 57.1
ok stretch and roll tomorrow
Sunday, January 22, 2017
Ruck in the muck
A very nice two hour slog in VERY wet sand courtesy of the non stop rain we've been having the last week. It's great we no longer are in drought but I really hate all the rain gear. At least it's warm and not freezing cold. That I wouldn't do .
But I got the gear on, covered the ruck up and rucked up :)
Felt almost no soreness or tightness from yesterday's training> Awesome!
50 lb Ruck
1:55 min
11 iso squats
No timed laps just steady state but an 8 min pace or so
BW 164
BF 11.6
W 57.1
very very weird. Not sure why so light after a saturday but I'll take it
ok not sure what I'll do tomorrow in presses but probably go down to 120 and play with techniques
Saturday, January 21, 2017
44 kg One Arm Swings 10x10/10, hacks,wt pushups, side delts
Epic comeback! The best session with the 44 kg ever> best power, energy, recovery, groove, height,etc.
The groove part is the most important. I think I have finally found the sweet spot to generate maximum power and backswing and staying in balance the whole time. Felt it on Wednesdays speed swings and hoped it held and still worked with the heavier bell
It did.
I knew it was good when my glutes were getting pumped! That's almost never happened before. part of if is the creatine, that's really improving my pumps all over ( although perhaps not a great thing for endurance) but the main part is improved mechanics- not a moment too soon.
The video set above is set 6, where I usually start to all apart. Not today. Set ten was even better than this!
One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
28 kg x 4/4
32 kg x 4/4
36 kg x 4/4
44 kg x 10x10/10
19,400 lbs work
65 x 6
85 x 6
105 x 6
125 x 5
135 x 5
Sandbag pushups
bw x 10
32 lbs x 12 x 3
side delts
3 sets of 15 with 12 lbs light and strict
BW 165.4
BF 10.6
W 57.8 ( post bath)
ok feel great, long wet ruck tomorrow
Thursday, January 19, 2017
No ruck ruck
so freakin' weird. started the ruck with clear skies ( well cloudy but nothing threatening) and 1.5 laps in it starts to rain. Then rain hard. And I had no gear so I turned around.
Perfect metaphor for the day before trump's inauguration.
legs are sore anyway. stretch and roll.
Perfect metaphor for the day before trump's inauguration.
legs are sore anyway. stretch and roll.
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
24 kg speed swings 18 min,bw walking lunges ,parallel pushups, rear delts
Creatine for the win. Between the twice daily red meat I've been eating for the last ten days and 5gms of creatine I've been taking for the last three my short term power endurance seems to be better. Today was not hard at all, and solo at that.
That active warmup hot bath I started taking too makes short work of the meatlocker I train in. I start sweating just a few sets in now. It makes all the difference. I just suck in the cold, til I get fully warmed up, it's just how it is.
Also found a seriously good groove on my swings today and it really served me well. Allowed me to 'hit the hole' better than ever and get perhaps the best stretch reflex hinge I've ever gotten. If I can maintain this it will really make a huge difference in my swing and my test
24 kg speed swings
18 min
15:15 x 10
360 reps
19,080 lbs
No double breathing at all. Crazy good. solid power throughout too. Didn't even think about the clock at all even though I had to constantly look to see the go time but my mind was as solid as it's been in years with this.These long sessions are necessary for many reasons it seems but training the mind to be strong and relaxed at the same time seem to be at the top of the list
BW walking lunges
4 laps, these were hard, legs just pumped up. which is a good thing
Parallel pushups
started way strong and I had visions of 3 sets of 17 but not to be. great pump though
Rear delts
3 sets of 12 with 15
slow and strict
BW 165.4
BF 12.3
W 56.7
1 pm post bath
BW 164.8
BF 9.5
W 59 !!!! best numbers in forever
ruck tomorrow but we'll see what I carry. It might just a no ruck ruck if this crazy rain keeps up. Just a fast walk might be interesting. Don't want to wait four days for my ruck to dry out again,
Monday, January 16, 2017
140 lb Military press 4x5 1x3, 48 kg belt squats, floor pushups,crawls, rear delts
Damn! SO close, again. I was shocked again that I didn't make it. The first four sets this time were even stronger than they were three weeks ago even though I ended up with one more rep last time.The bar rack position and the drive and lock out were better. But not being able to rest at all in either the lockout or the rack ( can't lay the bar on my chest fully) is just adding up and I'm not strong enough yet to get that last rep.Even with a solid 3 min rest before the last set
But my shoulders didn't ache or the bicep tendon go out even once and everything felt good so no excuses except I missed.
Saw this video earlier from Gary Funck and the "break the bar' cue REALLY helped a ton off the chest
Lots of great stuff here too, and again it's Lats, the super muscles to the rescue.I get more sore in my lats from heavy press day than anywhere else!
I still just need more mobility/flexibility overhead. Right now that's the weak link, not my pushing ability. the reps where my arch is right the press goes up easy. But because it's pretty extreme ( because of my lack of pure OH mob) that I just can't "set in", I end up searching for it and that costs me energy and the platform for more reps.
The more energy going into stabilizing the bar the less one has for pushing it up
Still going in the right direction it just really slowed down. Now the question, what to do next?
My first thought was go heavier for lower reps; say 145 for sets of 3. But with the peak of Sinister swings in just six weeks probably not a good idea
The other idea is to just add sets of whatever reps and build strength endurance. I could have done another two sets of 2 reps or so today. Build the total reps up so 4x5, 2 x 3 ,1 x 2 so 28 total reps ? not sure have to think on it
But again the swing test has to take priority.
Military press
stick x 5
bar x 5
65 x 5
85 x 4
105 x 3
120 x 1
140 x 4 sets of 5 1 set of 3
I seem more upright in the video than usual, which would be good, but I get more upright as the reps go on and the 4th rep attempt on the last set the bar got WAAY out in front.
48 kg belt squat
12, 13, 14, 15
solid but legs are sore a bit
Floor pushups
3 sets of 31
hard but do able
3 sets of 70 feet
hips lowest ever
Side delts
2 sets of 10 with 20 1 set of 8
these were hard but good!
BW 164.6
BF 11.7
W 57.1
still surprisingly good for monday
need a really good stretch and roll tomorrow
Sunday, January 15, 2017
Steady state ruck
Slow and steady today. Cool and crisp and no rain. Even the sand had dried, so no ruck in the muck. And that was nice. But my legs were tired from yesterday. Not wrecked by anymeans but tired and I didn't push it.
Nice steady pace and slow breathing through my nose the whole way. Time was right too so not too slow
Got it done strong and that's what counts
50 lb ruck
12 laps
11 iso squats
no timed laps
1:56 min total
BW 164.4
BF 11.2 ~!?
W 57.4
total surprise across the board. but I'll take it
Tomorrow: back to 140 lb press and another attempt at 5x5
Saturday, January 14, 2017
40 kg One arm swings 10x10/10, barbell hacks PR,sandbag pushups, rear delts
Back to strong. Back to normal. this felt really, really really good. Easily the best power output and height for a 40 kg workout of any kind. I feel like whatever 'bug' that I was fighting I finally beat. No wooziness of any kind of late.
But I also feel like the volume work is necessary , even just the little bit extra on Wednesday seems to have helped . Of course it could just be all in my head
One Arm Swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
28 kg x 5/5
32 kg x 5/5
40 kg x 10/10 x 10
17,600 lbs work!
A++ day
Barbell hacks
65 x 6
95 x 6
115 x 6
135 x 5
145 x 5 pr!
strong here, too
Sandbag pushups
bw x 12
32 x 12 x 3
slower and stricter,strong too
Rear delts
3 sets of 12 with 20's
BW 165.4
BF 11.2
W 57.7
( took bath right before )
Ok DRY ruck tomorrow will be nice for a change
Thursday, January 12, 2017
Strong Ruck
Good one today. Quick and dirty. Still feeling good, back to "normal". Nice and brisk out today so it was easy to push fast a bit
No rain too but sloggy sand.
45 lb Ruck
6 laps
no timed
55 minutes
BW 165
BF 11.7
W 57.3
No rain too but sloggy sand.
45 lb Ruck
6 laps
no timed
55 minutes
BW 165
BF 11.7
W 57.3
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
24 kg Speed swings 16 min, BW walking lunges,parallel bar pushups, side delts
Same with any physical training. Win, or learn
This was a good day. Back on track, I feel. First, I think I'm over whatever sub-clinical virus I've had. I feel "normal" again and that makes a HUGE difference. I think I've been fighting something for almost a month. No real symptoms other than 'not feeling normal" and a bit "woozy" at various times.
But I think I kicked that.
Second I think I figure out, with good friend Geoff Neupert's help, where I went wrong with my program. When I switched from 10 x 10/10 with the 48 every week to every other week I dropped my volume by 50 %.
And when I did the same with speed swings, going from 15-20 minutes of work to 10-12 I also cut the volume by 50%.
After 5-6 weeks of this I de-conditioned. I just haven't feel strong since I did this and it surprised me. I expected my 200 rep days to be EASIER ,not harder!
I hit my best effort after 8 weeks in a row of 200 rep beast workouts
and the 52 kg bell was only 10% heavier but I dropped volume again in half.
So, back to work.
Back to 200 reps each sat( this week with 40 then next with 44 then back to 48) and also back to cycling speed day from 14, 16 18 then 20 minutes
This is an important work capacity day. I just let my base down just a bit and with that bell ( Beast) I just can't. Or so is the next hypothesis.
Another thing I realized is that when I dropped keto I also but my protein intake especially my red meat and that means creatine! Precisely what I need to fuel this energy system. So back to red meat ( ribs and grass fed ground beef) and supplemental creatine power ( 5 gms a day)
This test is close I've got to get my shit together
today was great
Speed swings
24 kg
15:15 x 10
16 min
320 reps
16.960 lbs
No problem no double breathing. this is the weight. Speed has to be fast, Power up.
BW walking lunges
3 sets of 40 steps
also going to keep this just at bodyweight.I need the more severe leg stretch in the bottom of each step more than I need added load
Parallel bar pushups
3 sets of 26 PR
strong,using the fast descent definitely helps grind out a few more reps
Side delts
3 sets of 12 with 15's
excellent, shoulders are really responding
BW 164.6
BF 12.3
W 56.7
ok ruck it up tomorrow if it doesnt' rain
Monday, January 09, 2017
130 lb Military press 5x5, 44 kg belt squat,Floor pushups PR, crawls, rear delts
Solid day. First time in awhile I don't feel like I'm "fighting" something. Feel normal. I just haven't been right and I think my dismal performance on Saturday was from that.It's very weird though; I've never had anything like this. No real symptoms but fatigue AFTER I start training and "wooziness" intermittently.
Today was solid though
Military press
stick x 5
bar x 5
65 x 5
85 x 3
105 x 3
120 x 2
130 x 5 x 5
started out looking ahead like last week but it was making my balance weird so I went back to looking up and it was fine. Have to really remember to drive the bar up and back at the top. Glutes are arch were solid and I was able to really attack the weight as much as I ever have. Felt confident in my groove and my strength
Helps not being dizzy and feeling winded
44 kg belt squats
13, 15, 17, 20
best performance in awhile. wind was solid and no problems
Floor pushups
4 sets of 30! PR all time
about freaking time! this was good and on the last two sets I had to really speed up the negative rep to get through, a ballistic pushup if you will and it worked great. really saved energy to get the last reps
3 sets of 70 ft
strong here too
Rear delts
3 sets of 12 with 20's
strong again :)
Nice ! Hope this translates to Saturday. really having to analyze what I'm going to do as I work into this peaking cycle. One thing for sure is I'm starting creatine. I realized today I hardly eat any red meat and that' an important source of creatine. taking the powder is an easier way to handle it.
stretch and roll tomorrow
BW 164.8
BF 11.4
W 57.3
Sunday, January 08, 2017
Walk in the wet park ruck
This is the ruck of dreams. The PenYFan ruck a 24 km ruck up and down the Brecon Becons with a 20 kg bergen ( british for rucksack) that has become synonymous with the entrance exam to the famous SAS and SBS Elite Special forces of the UK
I thought a lot about it when I was going to the UK the last couple years and this year a friend of mine Matt Shore and Olly Drew from the UK completed it!
Serious Respect
Matt completed it 4 min under the SF time in 3hr 54 min! In some serious serious cold and wet weather.
With all the hill climbing it probably isn't the best idea for me to even try with my knee but it's a great motivator.
And when I saw the post this morning just as I was getting ready to go out into the worst rain story in the recent NorCal history I realized my walk was nothing hard at all
Hell, it was warm ( 58 or so), FLAT surface, nice soft sand and two blocks from my house. No worries.
I like walking in the rain as long as it's not freezing. then I turn into a giant baby.
I can be seriously tough in the heat. In the cold, I'm a wuss.
So off I went and it was easy. Legs were heavy and tired as expected but lower back was fine and that's everything
Took it slow, didn't even LOOK at the stopwatch and worked to keep my effort low.
It got tough , as it usually does, around lat 7 or so, but I stopped to let my HR come down and enjoy the showers and crazy beautiful sky and dark clouds. I love weather like this.
I used to love to run in it, back in the day
And, I have to keep remembering, and never forget, what a gift it is to just be able to walk as much as I want to with no pain. That's everything
50 lb ruck
12 laps
2 hours even
11 isometric supported squat stretches
no laps timed
BW 164.8
BF 12.3
W 56.7
"The greater the suffering, the greater the pleasure" or Embrace the suck
130lb barbell presses tomorrow 5x5
I thought a lot about it when I was going to the UK the last couple years and this year a friend of mine Matt Shore and Olly Drew from the UK completed it!
Serious Respect
Matt completed it 4 min under the SF time in 3hr 54 min! In some serious serious cold and wet weather.
With all the hill climbing it probably isn't the best idea for me to even try with my knee but it's a great motivator.
And when I saw the post this morning just as I was getting ready to go out into the worst rain story in the recent NorCal history I realized my walk was nothing hard at all
Hell, it was warm ( 58 or so), FLAT surface, nice soft sand and two blocks from my house. No worries.
I like walking in the rain as long as it's not freezing. then I turn into a giant baby.
I can be seriously tough in the heat. In the cold, I'm a wuss.
So off I went and it was easy. Legs were heavy and tired as expected but lower back was fine and that's everything
Took it slow, didn't even LOOK at the stopwatch and worked to keep my effort low.
It got tough , as it usually does, around lat 7 or so, but I stopped to let my HR come down and enjoy the showers and crazy beautiful sky and dark clouds. I love weather like this.
I used to love to run in it, back in the day
And, I have to keep remembering, and never forget, what a gift it is to just be able to walk as much as I want to with no pain. That's everything
50 lb ruck
12 laps
2 hours even
11 isometric supported squat stretches
no laps timed
BW 164.8
BF 12.3
W 56.7
"The greater the suffering, the greater the pleasure" or Embrace the suck
130lb barbell presses tomorrow 5x5
Saturday, January 07, 2017
48 kg One Arm Swings 10x 10/10 ( 14th), barbell hacks,sandbag pushups , side delts
Now that was an ass kicking! My ass, that is. Not sure why but I must be fighting some virus. Just haven't felt "right" all week but no specific symptoms other than that. Everything felt good this morning except my wind. I had NO endurance and had a hard time getting my HR/respiration down to start another set even after 3 minutes of rest.
Lately I haven't been this fatigued til the last 2-3 sets but this time set 5 was already hard and it was a serious struggle to finish.
I cut the height of the swings the last 3 sets and that helped a lot but I was wondering if I even could finish!
The weight felt light, grip was solid, everything was good,Even slept great last night but I felt "woozy" a bit this AM. It didn't get worse but it didn't get better til after the workout.
Right now, 6 hours later I feel normal. Weird.
One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
28 kg x 4/4
32 kg x 4/4
36 kg x 4/4
40 kg x 4/4
48 kg x 10/10 x 10
200 reps
21,600 lbs
65 x 5
85 x 5
105 x 5
125 x 5
135 x 5
no problem
Sandbag pushups
bw x 12
32 lb x 12 x 3 sets
Side delts
3 sets of 12 with 15 lbs
BW 164.4
BF 11.1 ( hot bath right before)
W 57.7 :)
big ruck tomorrow if this storm allows
Friday, January 06, 2017
Wednesday, January 04, 2017
24 kg Speed swings 14 min, sandbag lunges, parallel pushups,rear delts
Back to speed work today with the 24.Took a short very hot bath before and it makes ALL the difference, as it always has, on pre warming me up for that meat locker I call a garage gym.
I'm sweating the first set. Mind was ok today, not perfect and it took a bit to get in the groove but I did. Power was good and lungs were too but I was working. When it's lighter I go harder and faster which makes me think I'm out of shape but I'm just working harder.
Speed Swings
24 kg
15:15 x 10
14 min
280 reps
14,840 lbs ( wow that adds up fast)
a little double breathing at the end but not much. haven't done anything longer than 15 minutes in forever. might have to go there
Sandbag walking lunges
4 laps of 20 steps plus shoulder carry back 32 lbs
stronger and slower but still have to really pay attention. these are not easy yet
Parallel bar pushups
3 sets of 25
1 set of 15
lol I actually thought I MIGHT get 4 sets of 27 . not yet :)
rear delts
3 sets of 15 with 15
nice to go lighter and stricter, too
4 am
BW 165.4
BF 12.3
W 56.6
THEN at 1 pm after bath
BW 164.4
BF 9.5 !!
W 57.7
drank tons of green tea and had my normal 2 handfulls of almond but another two poops. TMI I know but it's interesting, My gut has been weird lately and my "regularity" has been not regular since the time change
ok ruck up tomorrow in the rain
Monday, January 02, 2017
120 lb Military Press 5x5, 40 kg belt squat, floor pushups,crawls, rear delt
Glad I made myself take this deload. I almost talked myself into trying 140 for 5x5 one more time but knew better. Today's weight felt SO light. It's not too long ago at all that this was my 5x5 pr and was as hard as 140 is now
The lighter weight also let me play with technique and position a bit and I think I figured something out. Instead of looking up I looked straight ahead during the press and didn't have ANY reps that drifted forward. Perhaps it's just cause it's lighter but it felt great AND my lockout seemed better
We'll see if it holds next week
Military press
stick x 5 x 2
bar x 5
65 x 5
85 x 3
105 x 3
120 x 5 x 5
much less layback needed for this, again, we'll see it holds at heavier weight
40kg belt squat
12, 14, 15, 16
off plates, strong and wind was good
Floor pushups
3 sets of 31
1 set of 25
118 reps, could be a pr
3 laps of 70+ feet.
Rear delts
3 sets of 12 with 15's
slow and strict
ok feel good after the last three days. stretch and roll tomorrow
BW 165
BF 11.9
W 56.7
drank a lot of water, tea and overall fluids yesterday. obviously I was dehydrated
Sunday, January 01, 2017
Fast and easy ruck
Yesterday's 52 kg one arm swings didn't leave me sore or tired this morning. A wee bit too much wine but other than that, good to go.
I was a bit worried when I started the ruck as my right glute and hammy were a bit tight but after doing an iso squat on the first lap it started to loosen up very quickly.
I didn't think it would be a fast day but my legs felt great and recovery after a hard lap very quick
50 lb ruck
12 laps
11 iso squats
6th lap 7:44
8th lap 7:22
11th lap 7:09 !!
nose breathing the whole time, too.
BW 165
BF 12.9 ?!?
W 56.2
I guess I didn't drink as much tea as I thought between wine :) oops
ok tomorrow is 120lb presses for speed work and de load.
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