Friday, November 08, 2013

Active rest

Had a solid 1.5 hours off this am and put it to good use. I always love to do my training first in the morning, and except for Saturdays this rarely happens. Today was good.

100 ups
High strides ( 4 laps of 30 feet)
Rocking with head nods ( toes dorsi)
Rocking with head nods ( toes plantar flex) : alternate between the two for 10 rep sets 100 total
Crawling 3 laps of 30 feet alternated with close stances dynamic squats bodyweight
Overhead hang work all grips
Reverse overhead stick stretches

Stair work
3 steps up 3 down
4 up 4 down
5 up 5 down
6 up 6 down
7 up 7 down  4 rounds

realized I have to lean forward more on descending to get the knee flexion I want

then 10 up 10 down  2 rounds
rowing machine 5 minutes ( not enough knee flexion help so abandoned)

this was solid stuff. I really liked the stair routine and I could feel a serious quad pump after ,especially the vmo. perfect.

heavy swings tomorrow, can't wait. finally back on non jet lag time. whew!


1 comment:

Kikolu said...

out of nowhere i will ask you a question:

whats your opinion on chest expanders as a stand alone tool for the upper body?

210 chin press Pr, rolling db extensions, laterals, rear delts rev bar curl

 This went well but those small jumps are interminable! Completely necessary but SO hard to say calm while doing; I feel like I'm wastin...