Thursday, November 14, 2013

active rest leg work

100 ups Marching

50 continuous close stance squats ( supported)

50 alternating knee to heel lunges ( supported) - in sets of 10 short rest/ sets

( serious quad burn and pump here-just what I wanted)

Stair work
pyramid 3 up 3 down etc up to 6  up and down and then full two flights three times

down is getting MUCH better. has a rhythm to it almost. I can remember when I could run down stairs and my body still remembers

Need to add to this day:

neck nods
crawling forward and back

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210 chin press Pr, rolling db extensions, laterals, rear delts rev bar curl

 This went well but those small jumps are interminable! Completely necessary but SO hard to say calm while doing; I feel like I'm wastin...