Thursday, August 16, 2012

Two hand swing day.

First week of this new schedule and that means today starts with Two hand Swings as the main course. I actually never thought I would rehab to the point where I could do this most basic of swings as my foundation movement of the workout.

I mean, after 9 + years of failing, who could have predicted it would work in the 10th year? Not me, certainly. But it has and today is certain proof.
Not my strongest effort as it was a extra long day with clients and little food and just a hard start but I knew as soon as I started sweating things would be ok and they were.

Funny how that works:))

5:30 am

Rifga and Primal move practice
30 min

10:30 am
Primal Move practice 30 min

Since I am VERY limited as to how much of this new type of training/movement my body will allow me to do I have found I have to go back to my visualization roots and practice doing the movements, perfectly, in my head, as often as possible. It's not as easy as it may sound and it seems that the brain sends the exact same signals to muscles, it the exact same patterns as it does when you do the move in real time, when you just "see it" in your head.

It really reminds me of how I used to do this when I was a gymnast. MUCHO time spent practicing routines in my head

Two hand swings
20 kg x 10 x 2
24 kg x 10
28 kg x 10
32 kg x 10
36  kg x 10  8 sets!

the video above is the eight set with the 36 and 13th overall set! not bad at all.

Snatch Holds
16 kg x 30 sec
         x 45 sec
20 kg x 30 sec
         x 40 sec
         x 25 sec

Wow, another of those drills that I can't believe I stopped doing! the first set was unbelievably tough and ugly but then I found my position, my left shoulder settled down and things went great. This is perhaps the strongest this has felt. I definitely see the 24 kg for 60+ sec sets soon. Nice set up for Sat snatch workout, too.

One KB row
28 kg x 3 x 8/8

not bad but getting tired now

Bodyblade laterals
3 x10/10  

again this is proving to me an essential drill for shoulder stability for me.

time to eat!


1 comment:

jockeRKC said...

You are a Sisu Mr Rif =) You are like a real good wine, just getting better by the years.

175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...