Thursday, August 23, 2012

Power swings

It's been a rough couple days with all the stuff going on with Pavel and the RKC plus today is a long workday so I decided on power swings instead of the ballistic version. Just from the idea of less work:))

But they rock and I think I love this version of the two hand swing best. It feels completely safe and I get to re create my best position for the start and the finish of the two hand swing each rep.Plus I can handle some decent weight in it as well

Yesterday got a full hour of Rifga stretching in at 6 am followed by another full hour of Primal Move practice at 8. Nice work finally and my PM practice is coming along, at last. It's hard to do these moves when your left ankle, knee and hip don't actually bend :))

Plus I am feeling strong and like my reserves are returning again. As it looks like I won't be traveling for certs for awhile I will be able to get some momentum going again as well

2 pm

Power swings
20 kg  x 8 x 2
24 kg x 5 x 2
28 kg x 5
32 kg x 5 x 10 sets

these went very well, the weight felt like, the bell speed high and the body cooperated nicely although all the PM got my left hammy tighter than it should . need more static stretching.

CB swings
2 15lbs x 15 x 3 sets
CB swipes
2 15 lbs  x 15 x 3 sets

Just messing about. Inspired by Capt America's double 45 lb cb swipe work

One kb row
24 kg x 8/8 x 4 set

3 x 10/kg x 8/8  x 4 sets

quick and dirty. much more on saturday


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