Saturday, August 25, 2012

Sets and reps

Just another day at the office. Saturday's are my heavy day( relative, obviously)  and I'm continuing to feel stronger and recover faster. Hardly felt any after effect from Thursdays workout which I just what I am after. The more work I can do in a workout with no DOMS or stiff the better I feel I am adapting.

Got in another good stretch/ primal move session as one client cancelled and it's a very productive way to spend the off time. that is getting easier as well.
Found a great source of adaptogenic herbs and can really feel those helping as well. I used  to take quite a bit of Ginseng and Rhodelia and Moomio years ago and they really helped. Doing the same again this time out.

Energy is good too. about freakin' time :))
My  version of overhead hangs is definitely getting to the source of my shoulder issues and that is more stable than it's been in awhile although it's still not perfect. Still have to spend more time in the undergrip hang to fully open up that left teres major, the psoas of the upper body.

Just as big a pain in the ass for the upper body as the  spinal version is for the back :))

one arm swing warmup 16 kg x 5/5 x 3

16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
         x 6/6
         x 7/7
         x 8/8 x 2 rounds
104 reps
5512 lbs

Ok this is a good start back. Both nick and glenn are banged up so it's harder to push more when they're down but it's good to build back slowly. The time to be most careful is when you feel the best :)) At least for old, banged up high mileage guys like me :))

Belt squats
32 kg x 20
40 kg x 20
44 kg x 20

these always feel good now and the perfect balancer to all the swings and snatches

Two hand Shield casts
25 x 10/10
35 x 5/5 x 2

the 35 was heavy but not too bad a set.shoulders were a bit more fatigued than I thought

BB laterals
3 x 10/10

the perfect finisher.

Now, just to keep this momentum going!



guy said...

BossMan, another wonderful post. I have not commented on your blog for awhile, just been lurking and reading(up till now everythings been ok :))but I have a nagging question? When is Mark Reifkind going to write his own book?! Thanks Sisu!

Mark Reifkind said...

lol, thanks guy, I get asked that a lot, actually. the truth? when I get enough money to not have to work so much so I can have the creative energy to do it.

I really can only write worth a damn first thing in the am and that's when my work starts( 5:30). so when i can afford to give up 2-3 clients a day I will start it:))

thanks for the compliment though:))


210 chin press Pr, rolling db extensions, laterals, rear delts rev bar curl

 This went well but those small jumps are interminable! Completely necessary but SO hard to say calm while doing; I feel like I'm wastin...