Thursday, August 30, 2012

Stronger still, two hand swings and snatch holds

Despite getting some GI troubles yesterday I went in to todays workout actually feeling strong. I love this feeling. I remember it well and used to actually LIVE in this state. But for many many years, almost more than I can recall it's been just a fond memory.

Now this is not to say I'm not tweaked at all. Of course I am. I woke up Wednesday with a serious kink my neck from sleeping wrong( sign number one you're old) and with a Primal Move Instructor cert video to perform- at 6 am! I got it done but it was no fun and my neck was "out" all day. But I got it stretched or rolled and moved out and it woke up this morning almost 100%.
Til my wrist tweaked a bit doing just a 'wee' bit too much crawling. Ack.

That's the problem, one doesn't know where the edge is until you've already stepped over it and it's too late. Here's hoping you weren't wearing your weighted vest at the time :))

But my work capacity, strength and strength endurance is coming along nicely as is my lower body mobility from all this ground work. Yet I still wish I had a full hour EVERY morning to fully stretch out before training. I just can't get up any earlier the 3:45 am. That's it.

Two Hand Swing
24 kg x 10
28 kg x 10
32 kg x 10
36 kg x 10
40 kg x 10 x 3
36 x 10
32 kg x 12
28 kg x 15
24 kg x 20

127 swings. Nice<.haven't done more than 10 two hand swing since I taped tracy's video "Give and Take" and that damn near killed me. This was damn near easy.My groove is getting very solid too and it's so interesting that this is so much easier on my left shoulder than one arm swings, my mainstay for the last ten years.

Snatch Hold
16 kg x 60 sec
20 kg x 60 sec
24 kg x 30 sec( easy)

this was great and proved to me that my decision to do these twice a week was correct. This exercise works almost everything I am weak on in the t spine/shoulder girdle and it's getting better quickly.I could have held the 24 for 45 easy.

Kb floor triceps ext
20 kg x 10
16 kg x 10 x 3

I thought 20 kg would be easier but I felt the first set more in shoulders than tri's so I dropped down. I did the negative slower and didn't release tension in the pause but held it. Just another way to increase resistance without increasing mass of weight

BB laterals S/S rev grip band kickbacks

Just wanted more blood in the triceps. this worked great but have to keep the torso upright to keep the shoulder out of it


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Getting stronger, finally. One arm swings with 28 kg

It's nice to be settling back into a training and life rhythm again, i.e no travel . It's impossible for me to do anything but go backwards slowly when I travel a lot or don't get time to rest and recover.
One can only adapt to the workloads they use if the have the ability to recover from them. That includes active rest for sure but also REQUIRES  actual down time: Rest. It's expensive real estate and most people feel lazy and unproductive when they are taking down time but without it, recovery is just a wish. And I've been getting that, with a nap each day and 7-8 hours of good sleep.

My new adaptogenic herb regime is helping a lot too and it's great to actually feel STRONG again.It seems like it's been forever.

I've been getting in a lot of rifga stretching as well as Primal Move work; both by myself in getting ready for my cert video and with my clients. I don't teach them a "class" of PM but intersperse it into their warmups, active rest/sets, and cool downs as they have interest and ability.It's been making a difference in my ankle,hip and knee mobility in ways I didn't expect.
As well as my left shoulder stability, although I have to be careful as it's a fine line, and easy to do too much,especially in the concentric pushup stuff.

I got to train an hour early today too, and that always helps.

One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5/x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
28 kg x 5/5
         x 5/5
         x 7/7
         x 8/8
142 reps 
8946 lbs

these finally felt solid on both arms and to my surprise my calluses on my left hand started to really complain! haven't felt that in eons so I took the easy way out and stopped at 8/8 on the second ladder although I had thought about 2 ladders of 5-10. next time.

There's always a next time. If you're lucky:)

Snatch Holds
16 kg x 30 sec
         x 45 sec
20 kg  30 sec
24 kg x 30 sec

these ROCK! I have to not ever take these out in fact I should do them twice a week,along with belt squats; they are so good for me

Belt squats
32 kg x 35
         x 30
         x 25

yup I will work up to a 100 rep set here. Love this move and my quads do too..

BB laterals
3 x10/10

now I'm tired.  Solid hour of training. Good day, all the parts are still attached and not hurting too bad.


Saturday, August 25, 2012

Sets and reps

Just another day at the office. Saturday's are my heavy day( relative, obviously)  and I'm continuing to feel stronger and recover faster. Hardly felt any after effect from Thursdays workout which I just what I am after. The more work I can do in a workout with no DOMS or stiff the better I feel I am adapting.

Got in another good stretch/ primal move session as one client cancelled and it's a very productive way to spend the off time. that is getting easier as well.
Found a great source of adaptogenic herbs and can really feel those helping as well. I used  to take quite a bit of Ginseng and Rhodelia and Moomio years ago and they really helped. Doing the same again this time out.

Energy is good too. about freakin' time :))
My  version of overhead hangs is definitely getting to the source of my shoulder issues and that is more stable than it's been in awhile although it's still not perfect. Still have to spend more time in the undergrip hang to fully open up that left teres major, the psoas of the upper body.

Just as big a pain in the ass for the upper body as the  spinal version is for the back :))

one arm swing warmup 16 kg x 5/5 x 3

16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
         x 6/6
         x 7/7
         x 8/8 x 2 rounds
104 reps
5512 lbs

Ok this is a good start back. Both nick and glenn are banged up so it's harder to push more when they're down but it's good to build back slowly. The time to be most careful is when you feel the best :)) At least for old, banged up high mileage guys like me :))

Belt squats
32 kg x 20
40 kg x 20
44 kg x 20

these always feel good now and the perfect balancer to all the swings and snatches

Two hand Shield casts
25 x 10/10
35 x 5/5 x 2

the 35 was heavy but not too bad a set.shoulders were a bit more fatigued than I thought

BB laterals
3 x 10/10

the perfect finisher.

Now, just to keep this momentum going!


Thursday, August 23, 2012

Power swings

It's been a rough couple days with all the stuff going on with Pavel and the RKC plus today is a long workday so I decided on power swings instead of the ballistic version. Just from the idea of less work:))

But they rock and I think I love this version of the two hand swing best. It feels completely safe and I get to re create my best position for the start and the finish of the two hand swing each rep.Plus I can handle some decent weight in it as well

Yesterday got a full hour of Rifga stretching in at 6 am followed by another full hour of Primal Move practice at 8. Nice work finally and my PM practice is coming along, at last. It's hard to do these moves when your left ankle, knee and hip don't actually bend :))

Plus I am feeling strong and like my reserves are returning again. As it looks like I won't be traveling for certs for awhile I will be able to get some momentum going again as well

2 pm

Power swings
20 kg  x 8 x 2
24 kg x 5 x 2
28 kg x 5
32 kg x 5 x 10 sets

these went very well, the weight felt like, the bell speed high and the body cooperated nicely although all the PM got my left hammy tighter than it should . need more static stretching.

CB swings
2 15lbs x 15 x 3 sets
CB swipes
2 15 lbs  x 15 x 3 sets

Just messing about. Inspired by Capt America's double 45 lb cb swipe work

One kb row
24 kg x 8/8 x 4 set

3 x 10/kg x 8/8  x 4 sets

quick and dirty. much more on saturday


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Swings and squats.

Strange day today. Felt strong and ready but both my training partners were jacked up so it was a bit slower than expected. Finally feeling like I've got some strength back after all that travel. Shoulder is getting more stable everyday and my primal move practice,once I really slowed it down and went back to serious basics, is progressing well too.

Haven't felt more stable in the creep and crawl positions since I learned them. I was just doing too much too fast and my body was telling me to slow down. today I listened and it nicely cooperated.

One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5/5  x 3
20 kg x 5/5 x 3
24 kg x 5/5
         x 6/6
         x 7/7
          x10/10 x 2 rounds
180 reps 
10,1520 lbs
decent overall volume even though the intensity was low. I need the volume to be sure, first.

Belt squats
32 kg x 20
         x 25
         x 30 !

Nice. I want to stay with 32 kg on this day and build up to 100 reps on the first set, and then one down set with the same weight

KB floor extension
16 kg x 12
          x 15
          x 15

first too sets were touch and go and the last set was pauses. just some variety. time to move up to the 20 kg though

Body blade laterals
3 x 10/10

these are the perfect finisher

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Snatches, belt squats and arm casts

Felt strong today! Lots going on in the RKC and life and the result was energizing, not fatiguing. Haven't done much snatching with the 24 in the last month much less anything over five reps but I felt good and got back to some decent volume.

One arm swing warmup:
16 kg x 5/5/5 x 3

16 kg x 5/5x2
20 kg  x 5/5/
24 kg x 5/5
         x 6/6
         x 7/7
         x 8/8
         x 9/9
         x 10/10

this was solid but tough.Haven't had much 24 kg time much less the 8s,9's and 10,s but my form held and my shoulder felt fine. I have to really keep the elbow much closer to the head than I thought necessary but it makes ALL the difference in my shoulder stability.

Plus, proprioception was off before and I thought it was closer than it was.

Belt squats heavy
32 kg x 20
40 kg x 1
         x 125
48 kg x 10

these might not look like much ( they don't to me either) but they are a huge step for me. I haven't been able to work my quads in 10 years and although there is little knee ROM it is much more than of late and my quads feel worked and my knee feels fine. SO weird to actually feel the front of my legs working as well.
I'm also really trying to get my knee to move forward and work ankle dorsiflexion as well  in this. Just wanted to show the setup. NO stress on the back at all

Two Hand Clubbell Arm Casts
25 lbs x 10/10
35 lbs x 10/10
45 lbs x 5 ( right side only)

nice! :)) my maiden voyage with the Bruiser. Only did the right side as I didn't want to risk tweaking anything on the left. It actually didn't feel that heavy at all. I can feel my strength coming back :))


Thursday, August 16, 2012

Two hand swing day.

First week of this new schedule and that means today starts with Two hand Swings as the main course. I actually never thought I would rehab to the point where I could do this most basic of swings as my foundation movement of the workout.

I mean, after 9 + years of failing, who could have predicted it would work in the 10th year? Not me, certainly. But it has and today is certain proof.
Not my strongest effort as it was a extra long day with clients and little food and just a hard start but I knew as soon as I started sweating things would be ok and they were.

Funny how that works:))

5:30 am

Rifga and Primal move practice
30 min

10:30 am
Primal Move practice 30 min

Since I am VERY limited as to how much of this new type of training/movement my body will allow me to do I have found I have to go back to my visualization roots and practice doing the movements, perfectly, in my head, as often as possible. It's not as easy as it may sound and it seems that the brain sends the exact same signals to muscles, it the exact same patterns as it does when you do the move in real time, when you just "see it" in your head.

It really reminds me of how I used to do this when I was a gymnast. MUCHO time spent practicing routines in my head

Two hand swings
20 kg x 10 x 2
24 kg x 10
28 kg x 10
32 kg x 10
36  kg x 10  8 sets!

the video above is the eight set with the 36 and 13th overall set! not bad at all.

Snatch Holds
16 kg x 30 sec
         x 45 sec
20 kg x 30 sec
         x 40 sec
         x 25 sec

Wow, another of those drills that I can't believe I stopped doing! the first set was unbelievably tough and ugly but then I found my position, my left shoulder settled down and things went great. This is perhaps the strongest this has felt. I definitely see the 24 kg for 60+ sec sets soon. Nice set up for Sat snatch workout, too.

One KB row
28 kg x 3 x 8/8

not bad but getting tired now

Bodyblade laterals
3 x10/10  

again this is proving to me an essential drill for shoulder stability for me.

time to eat!


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Back to Basics

And for me that means the one arm swing. It is my base, my foundation move and I haven't been training it enough of late.It's impossible to fit EVERYTHING I want to do in the equation as my recovery abilities are limited as well as my time availabilities but when I do make the time for it it definitely makes all things kb better

Realized I hadn't been stretching from the chin bar enough and that perhaps that would help the shoulder so went back to basics there too and got a great result for the 10 minutes of overhead stretchout I did.

Left shoulder felt the best it has in months today and I don't doubt why. The overhead hang stretch, which I do with toes still on the ground and the heels 1.5 inches off the deck really unloads the lats in a way nothing else does.

"The only thing harder than figuring out what to do is remembering to do it"

I will remember this one, I believe.

Also did  45 minutes of Primal Move practice this morning. 15 minutes with my first client and 30 minutes with my love, at 8:30. this started rough but ended up stabilizing the shoulder even more and was my best PM session yet.

One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 /5 x 3
20 kg x 5/5/
24 kg x 5/5
         x 6/6
         x10/10 x 2 rounds
180 reps
9540 lbs

these felt great! fast strong and light and the shoulder was 'in' the whole time.Nice.

Belt squats
32 kg x 20 x 3 sets

these went great as well and are my 'light day' I can see working up to a set of 100 in this as well for a light/endurance workloads.

KB floor extensions
16 kg x 12 x 4 sets

I love these

Bodyblade laterals
3 x 10/10

these are essential for my medial delts and suprspinatus.

I"M BACK :))


Saturday, August 11, 2012

You have to crawl before you walk

A down day.
Not a planned one, as it has been a good start to this comeback week( thursday was great) but my shoulder didn't want to play nice. I decided to listen and back off rather than fall off whatever edge I guess I am on.

No worries, still a decent workout and there is ALWAYS another one coming up soon. I also need to do lots more Primal Move work to get ready for my cert video.

6:30 am -7:30am

stretchout and primal move warmup

One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5/5 tr x 3 

16 kg x 5/5x 2
20 kg x 5/5
         x 6/6
         x 7/7 x 2 rounds
          x 5/5 

call it a day. first rib won't stay put.

two hand swings
24 kg x 10
28 kg x 10
32 kg x 10
40 kg x 10
         x 8 x 3 sets

SO NICE to finally have this most basic, and stable, exercise to fall BACK on,lol/Simple, solid, basic, heavy and stable.shoulder felt fine on this.

Two hand shield casts
15 lb cb x10/10
25 lb cb x 10/10 x 3 sets

not bad but could feel the shoulder. thats enough for today.
I do want to put belt squats in the routine 2 times a week they are really helping balance my body out and they are a solid heavy move for me now.

I am also feeling, despite the success on thursday, of taking the press out of my workout again. the cost benefit ratio doesnt' seem to be there for it anymore, despite getting closer to a no painful version all the time. Making it a 'lift' rather than a shoulder move has been the key but I want to focus my pushing efforts in Primal move work more than kb pressing, which I've done for years

I think the payoff will be better for my shoulders, as well. We'll see.

The schedule would look like this:

Belt squats ( heavy)
Two hand arm casts
bodyblade laterals

One arm swings or max vo2
Belt squats( volume)
kb triceps ext
bodyblade laterals

Two Hand swing
one kb row ( heavy)
Snatch Holds
bodyblade laterals

Thursday, August 09, 2012


I will admit that I do not usually think of my training as "practice" but "training". I practiced gymnastics every day for 8 years and never thought of it as working out but ever since then my training has been, well, training. Running, bodybuilding, powerlifting and kbs have always been about working towards a goal, usually a numbers goal but also technique goals.

Not that I don't practice my skills and techniques and polish weak points. That's a given and I work on that all the time. Sometime in the gym and sometimes just in my head, mentally.

But since my left shoulder has been so unstable in the press I've realized trying to 'train' it is not the best way to progress. I have to stop worrying about my press workout and start 'practicing' my press.

So that's what I did today. Just single and just focused on finding the right technique, the right groove, the right path. It worked great! I put up the 28 kg for 4 easy singles and the 24 for 3 and NO clunking or instability in the shoulder. AND I found pretty much exactly where to place the bell for maximum shoulder stability

16 kg x 5/5 x 3

16 kg x 5/5
20 kg x 2/2
24 kg x 1/1 x 3
28 kg x  1/1 x 4 sets!

this was great and the above video was the first set. they got better. My right arm it feels like a feather but I don't want it to get ahead of my left by too much in actual loading.

Bottoms up cleans
16 kg x 5/5
20 kg x 3/3
24 kg x 3/3 x 3

nice! haven't been able do these in years. left shoulder was just too unstable. I thought about going up to the 28 kg ( my best is the 40kg for 3s) but decided not to be greedy.

Belt squats
32 kg x 20 x 4 sets

I freakin' LOVE these!!! great quad work and no knee issues. I wish I could get deeper but in time.At least I'm squatting again.

Bodyblade laterals

3 x 10/10 

brought this home from the gym I love this for the suprapinitus.

KB floor extensions
16 kg x 12, 11, 10

triceps were surprisingly sore from the heavy club work on Tuesday.

nice training about 45 minutes . Did 1/2 hour of stretch and PM kata early today. Need more time though, on both.


Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Pushing Re Set

I haven't swung a kettlebell since last tuesday  and I feel it.It was a great weekend at the bodyweight cert except for my training :)) I walked more than ever( of late) and things worked well but I lost about 5 pounds the last week and it wasn't fat.
Time to get back on track. A wee bit of everything today.

5:30 am
stretchout and primal move. I still have to get back to my full hour stretchout, somehow, AND practice my PM move to prepare my video for my certification.At least now I will have some time. lot of work to do, though

1 pm 
one arm swings
16 kg x 5/5/ x3
20 kg x5/5 x 2
24 kg x 5/5 x 2
28 kg x 5/5/ x 4

these were tough at first. when I go this long without lifting or swinging my body forgets it so fast. I seem to lose 'connection' to my body way too easily. at least for strength. Movement stays but strength goes fast.

16 kg x 5/5
20 kg x 5/5x3
24 kg x 5/5 x 3

these felt decent. The 24 actually didn't feel heavy after all that warmup.

KB press
20 kg x 5/5 x 4 sets

found a good groove here, too. will press the 24 on thursday.

two hand cb arm cast
15 x 10/10
25 x 10/10
35 x 5/5

DONE! These felt better than expected, even the 35er.Time to eat :))


Five mile ruck

 It went well but I was so close ( 9 laps = 4.7 miles it seems) that I tacked on a longer walk home to get to five slow start again 35 lb ru...