Saturday, March 03, 2012

24 kg snatches and pr deads

It's been a good birthday week so far. All the bodyparts are staying their respective places and the workouts have been good. I feel like I have some forward momentum again and I don't have to get on  an airplane until mid April so I have some time to increase my strength and conditioning.

My knee position experiment seems to working out and the ankle and calf are adjusting as well. Shoulder is behaving as well as my back. Time to get worried, lol :)) I'm as close to square plumb and neutral as I have been in eons.

Now is the time not to get greedy and just enjoy this:))

7-8 am stretchout

todays focus was on quads, especially the left one which I have been neglecting. stupidly. It's just so dam tight and takes so much energy to not even budge it sometimes I think it's not worth it. But it is; because if I don't stretch it I lose even more ROM and when 90 degrees is all you've got in a joint that is supposed to be 135 at LEAST, then you can't afford to lose even one degree.

SO wrap it up and pull on it in my brettzel, do the couch series as well as my normal quad stretch against the bed.

back ot the hammy strap stretch as well as the toe work ( also really opens the knee) and then the standards back over ball. up and down dog, straddle splits etc.

Warmup ( 40 deg in garage)
One arm swings
16 kg x5/5/5/ x3

16 kg x5/5 x2
20 kg x4/4

24 kg x 7/7
          x 7/7
96 reps
5184 lbs

a great workout! haven't been up in these rep ranges for too long and they were solid and not hard at all.Nice to have all the parts working together and the groove pretty solid.

Deadlifts( double overgrip, no hook)
135 x3
185 x2
220x1 ( big jumps!)
240x 1 x 4 sets!!! pr time baby. baby pr's I mean but they still count!

these felt great and it was cool to make the almost normal jumps again. the double overgrip with no hooks should keep me sane about weight at least for awhile:)) definitely helping the grip strength too.

I felt very square with this technique although I still need to internally rotate the left leg more. way more than I think I have to and that will take some getting used to; to "feel" where I need to be and just go there without having to think about it so much.

This is completely different than my old style powerlifting deadlift, which was mostly back, abs and balls :))

I am really trying to spread the load much more evenly and , most importantly, wedge myself under the bar. Today's weights felt light , square, fast and safe. this is important. No specific loads on the lumbar spine.

Two hand CB swipes
15 x8/8
25 x 8/8
35 x5/5 x 2

cooked. these were hard. definitely time to back off. Those 55 swipes took their toll on Thursday.

band tri extensions
purple band x 3 x 20 supersetted with

floor handstands
3 x 5- 8 second. 

THIS is an indicator as I had a hard time getting locked in overhead. too tight! time to get more bodyweight and mobility stuff in and back off the loads a little.

Great end to a great workout week

Sisu/Never Quit

Sunday Post workout report:

goal achieved. I feel NOTHING today. No shoulder "out", no knee or ankle issues, no back or hip aches. Nothing but general tired which is perfect. That's my goal; to do harder progression training and feel like I've done nothing the next day. That's how I know I'm getting in shape and squared away.

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145-205-185 side and rear delts,band pushdowns, reverse band curls

 This went ok but actually thought it would go better. I thought I should be able to 1) stick at least one 205 and get two. I missed a bunch...