Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Snatch Vo2

I do believe we have a winner. As far as my workout routine is concerned. Snatch endurance is out and max vo2 is back. This fits into the schedule and my body seems to like it much more than long slow sets( as evidenced by my back tweaking last week).

As I wrote last week, I never ignore the signs and signals my body sends me before, during and after a workout;especially a change in the workout. Either in the workloads but more importantly, the form.

It took me many years of ignoring what my body and instinct were telling what was correct to do in both form and loading to finally realize that doing so is at your own risk! No longer. I have to do my own program and be feel to change it whenever I need to or sense I need to. That's hard on training partners but that's ok when your training partner is the Queen of the KB swing and snatch and can do whatever workout she wants in that arena at will.

So Tracy took it in stride when I told her we were doing snatch vo2 work today in our ( her third) workout of the morning, Just another day at the office for the Swing Queen :))

But for me it was a lot of work, albeit a lot easier at 8:30 am, with Tracy, in the air conditioned Girya with 2-4 16 kbs to sub out when I sweated too much ,lol. 2 pm on no food, alone in the garage was never any fun.Plus it was tough to do anything more than jsut survive the workout and I need to make progress in this again.

Last time I had any progress in Max vo2 was back when Tracy and I were training together so that's a clue

6-7 am stretchout

lots of emphasis on hip mobs with monster mini bands for distraction in all directions.Really like this but i'm new to it so just sussing it out.Also, using boxes and steps and benches of varying height to essentially get my left hip into a deep(er) squat position. Another Starrett genius idea and it works great.

Front and side split work, Overhead stretches in lunge with front leg elevated, calf and toe stretches, rkc v 2 hip flexor stretch and brettzells of course.Also normal back over stability ball bend, up and down dog and thai squat work.

8:30 am
16 kg swings x 5/5/5/5 x 3

max vo2
40 sets of 7 strict
16 kg
280 reps
10,080 lbs! nice to see some tonnage again.

this felt great and having Tracy doing 8's in her max workout really inspired me too.
I can see working up to 60 sets of 7 ( 30 minutes) and then blending in 8 rep sets until I can do 60 sets of 8. That's reasonable and still leaves plenty of time for the arm casts and bodyblade work,

Arm cast
20 x10/10
25 x 8/8
35 x 8/8

Capt America Arm cast( slides)
35 x 8 x 3

yeow! these were hard but strong.these start like a regular arm cast but slide to the opposite shoulder and pullover to the guard position on that side. I switched starting hand each set. EIther way the most sets with the 35 lber I've ever done.

Bodyblade Laterals
3 x10/10

these KILLED after all the shoulder work and I did each rep very slowly. excellent medial delt and supraspinitus work.



Diana said...

I see from lots of posts on blogs and facebook out there that the "endurance" thing seems to be in. I gotta go with you on this one-I'm much more comfortable training MaxVo2. For some reason I can easily do 80 sets of 8 reps with a 12kg. If I were to attempt snatching the 12kg for 10 minutes straight-my heart hates it. I gotta go with the fact that I have a "not so perfect" mitral valve and it's not easy for me to go on and on and on without a rest like I get in the MaxVo2. I would love to be able to say that I can go forever, but it's not me.
That reminds me, I haven't done MaxVo2 with the 16kg for awhile...I guess it's time! LOL

Mark Reifkind said...


it's not my heart that gives me any trouble on the long slow sets but my back. I need the powerbreathing to stabilize it and the endurance breathing always creates problems.

altering technique to minimize stroke length also doesn't work well for me.

175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...