Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Snatch Vo2: 50 sets

When I hit my 50,000 snatch in the Snatch challenge, one year ago. doing, what else? Snatch Vo2

It may have it's detractors but I love Snatch Vo2 training. Known also as Viking Warrior Conditioningor max Vo2 snatch training, I first heard about it from it's inventor, former MRKC Kenneth Jay, as he unveiled it at the Level 2 cert in 2007. I immediately tailored it to my own abilities and needs( from 2-3 workouts a week to one, and from a 6-8 week training period to a weekly one) and realized immediately what an incredible workout this was for me.

The fact that I was given "permission" to actually train light was a liberating experience. Much like being able to squat at 60-70 % for my speed day, training the snatch light but for speed and power made it really work for me. At the time injury and re injury was a constant companion and I wanted to be able train more but couldn't train any heavier than I was without tweaking something.

Plus I really wanted to get some volume in and this stuff added up fast! I never missed a weekly session for three + years and got my goal of 80 sets of 8 with the 16 kg in about a year and a half. At the time it was monumentous. It still is because I'm no where close to that level of work capacity right now :))

But I'm getting closer. Being able to train it with Tracy on Tuesday AM really works for me as she just pulls me along with her amazing Kb cardio ability.The air conditioning and fan help too :))

Last week was 40 sets of 7 and 5 sets of 8 in the 15;15.Today was 44 sets of 7 and 6 sets of 8. It wasn't as easy as last week but it got done. Back off week next week, the day before we leave for Hungary.

Having to go fast really illuminates flaws in your form. The most prevalent,( and deserved) criticism of max vo2 training is that the trainee's place too much value on speed and higher and higher rep per 15 interval and end up butchering the form, with short snatches and non lockouts.

if your can't do it right it's too fast for you, regardless of whether it gets your heartate to the right level or not.

As far as lockout goes, I think there is a distinct difference between a lockout position and a PAUSED lockout position. You can't pause the overhead position in snatch Vo2 training and create the training effect you are looking for: increased cardio conditioning and total body power and rate of force development (RFD).

You HAVE to throw the weight DOWN as soon as it hits the lockout position. BUT it has to hit the lockout position first. Remembering to really throw the weight down has made a big difference in the speed of my snatches the last few weeks.Hit it and flip it ,lol.

6-7 am

Full stretchout. Focus on splits, three ways and lunge stretches and mobs. Left bicep tendon not happy, Need to really work my forearms, both sides as well as the metacarpals, just as I do the metatarsals of my left foot to release the knee, opening up the hand might just open up the shoulder.

Rifga set starting with back over stability ball. up and down dog and sumo squat stretches. Then brettzels,rumble roller, strap hamstring work, rkc hip flexor 2.o with dorsiflexion, wall toe/calf stretches. band hip distractions, shoulder and arm band distractions overhead and behind back stick stretches. etc etc etc. lol

8:30 am

snatch vo2
16 kg
44 sets of 7
6 sets of 8
340 snatches
12, 240 lbs my favorite part :))

Capt America arm cast
20lbs x10
25 x 10
x 20
35 x10 x 2

Shield cast
25 x 10/10 x 2
One arm shield cast
15 x 10/10 x 2


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175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...