Thursday, July 07, 2011

Light two hand swings and handstands.

After last weeks heavy two hand swing fest I knew I should back off a bit for this weeks training. But after getting a very long forgotten back twinge after Tuesdays endurance snatching I definitely knew I wouldn't be taking my new 48 kg BEAST for a ride today,lol.

I think the lack of power breathing got me as my TVA and diaphragm were locked up pretty well on Wednesday and it gave me a chilling reminder of what I went through last year. Don't even want to think about going back there! A nice tap on the head from g-d and I listen, thank you very much.

Endurance work just might not ever work with my back and the only thing worse than tweaking yourself is tweaking yourself with a 16 freaking kg bell! For high reps no less. Okay, back to max vo2.

Any kind of hollowing, or anatomical breathing during snatch work seems to always destabilize my spine and get nice sciatic symptoms activating. No thanks.

SO I planned on some nice, crisp powerful two handers with the 24 kg and it was the perfect choice.

Two hand swings
16 kg x10

24 kg x 10 x 15 sets
150 swings
7950 lbs work

these went great. fast and light and powerful. Short rests probably about 45 seconds. form and groove and symmetry were on.

self spot against wall 5 sets of 8-15 seconds

Free handstands
7 sets of 5-10 seconds

these went great as well although I finally realized why my current handstands are SO much harder than the ones I did 35 years ago: I'm THIRTY FIVE POUNDS HEAVIER than I was,lol.
I just really realized that today.

That's A LOT more weight,lol.

Now I feel better.

Sissy squats

4 sets of 10.

these seem like so little work after anything with a kettlebell, yet I feel they are going to very good for my toe dorsiflexion, knee flexion and hip extension. Plus my quad size, of course :))

And soon, the Beast will be swung. It's nice to have it here. My collection is complete.A 44 is NOT a 48.

datsit. Sisu

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175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...