Rob O'brien decided to take advantage of my recent setback to turn up the heat in our race to 50 thousand snatches. Good man,I would have done the same. Here's a picture of me when I was Rob's age. Wish I would have had a kettlebell then,lol.
It ain't over yet Rob!
Good Lord Sweetie.....talk about Beefcake! Yum-yum!
I am glad you are here to push me
When we get to 50k it is not like we are going to stop snatching....100k is next.
I wish I had kettlebells @ 20.
Thanks Honey,lol. It was fun being that big, for awhile,lol.
yes, after 50 k, 100k!
I often tell people that if I would've had kettlebells earlier in my life, I may have never found myself in the situation of being more than 120lbs overweight.
I didn't lose weight via KB's, my diet did that, but KB's totally transformed my body and turned me into an athlete....and that's so motivating, it would have been hard to lose that feeling by gaining a ton of weight.(literally)
Kettlebell training is absolutely responsible for the fact that I've been able to manitain my weightloss, going on 4 years now!
I would love to assit you I'm am upcoming RKC and/or HKC. My wife would probably be interested as well.
once you are RKC you have to wait a year before you can assist at a cert.Thanks though for the offer. looking forward to meeting you one day soon.
I agree with you that kettlebells have made the experience as enjoyable as the results but you are such a strong willed woman it would have happended anyway. Keep up thre good work. You enspire me.
Fabiana and I passed the RKC in April in St. Paul.
Next up....RKC II.
PS - I passed you this am b 6 reps. I almost killed myself doing it but...whatever.
Merry Christmas to both of you!
nice job but one thing,and I wrote this when started this snatch "race";I was never going to alter my workout schedule just to accumulate numbers. I was( am) snatching and cycling my mvo2 one day and my 24 kg heavy day on the other.
It was( is) a goal,the 50k, but more tome about stahing accountable to myself than racing.
again, well done.
I agree. I just wanted to get back into the flow. I took 8 weeks off this summer to give RTK a try.
I am having fun with the competition with you but it is more about enjoying the process than winning. You win by doing.
Going forward I am going to do MV02 a few day a week with regular training the other days.
I know you had a long layoff. No worries man. Check the board though, i survived( well we'll see tomorrow)my first 24 kg snatch workout back after my tweak.
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