Saturday, December 12, 2009

Tracy kicks butt.

While I was extremely happy to be able to swing and snatch the 8 kg today without pain Tracy took and CRUSHED the USSST with the 16 kg bell, getting a 40 rep personal best in the process! This is what results from continous progressive training, serious pr's!Here's the video, almost the full ten minutes, we start a minute or so into the set.

I was very impressed. it's an amazing feat.


Laura Nepodal said...

Amazing, Tracy! Extremely strong all the way through, REALLY impressive!

Mark Reifkind said...


you can comment directly to her on her blog here:

Tracy Reifkind said...

Thanks Laura....I've been training and posting video for over 2 years now, and alot of my training is inspired by the KB training of others.....both women and men!

When you see, or hear about, what someone else did, sometimes you feel as if it's time for you to test your limits, and then train to make them stronger....faster.

I've already heard from other KB athletes that are now going to try this, or train for this. The SSST and USSST have been around since, probably, 2005, but who's training for it, or testing it? It's a great way to compete against yourself....your own numbers.

I can do this better, I know. So now, some more focused training is in order and I'll test stronger next time....I can't wait! Besides I have a great coach!

guy said...

Ok, I have had my suspicions for awhile now, Mr. Reifkind, come clean... the Missus is from Krypton!! Must be man alive that is great!

175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...