Monday, September 15, 2008

More sets not reps.

Man I hate doing reps. And by that I really mean anything over 5. I mean I'm not as bad as Brett Jones who considers anything over 3 cardio but if I had my 'druthers I would be doing low reps all the time.But ' that ain't my bag anymore, baby' and I have to get used to it. But I dont have to do them all at one time and I decided today that I didn't have to do both arms at once either, lol.
I do that all the time with snatch vo2 but never really considered it for swings. Knowing I should do at least ten reps per arm today since I was only using the 24 kg I realized I didnt have to do both arms at the same time and I could still get the job done.
SO it was ten reps per arm, put the bell down and rest about 30 seconds before switching to the other arm. Swing VO2, if you will. I wasnt strict on the rest but I felt good today and was moving quickly after the warmup.
I just much prefer going all out for short periods of time,before doing it again. Give me a million sets just not 20 reps,lol.

One arm Swings
16 kg x5/5x3

24 kg x 10 reps per arm
35 sets
350 reps
18,550 lbs

two hand sheild casts
15 lb clubbell x

still a short workout and need to add another exercise in but just not ready yet. I have to remember all the extra work and days of training I am doing with the yoga and not get freaked out with the lower volume of kb training.



Boris said...

I feel your pain Rif. I hate reps too. But, I've decided that I'm not exactly a powerful, sprinting animal... If I were a wild animal, I'd probably be a woodpecker...

Mark Reifkind said...

I go do either low intensity volume( long distance running for eg) for high intensity ( powerlifts) but not so good in the middle.doing lots of medium rep sets seems to be a good middle ground.

Franklin said...

".. I mean I'm not as bad as Brett Jones who considers anything over 3 reps cardio"

Now that's pretty funny!

Interesting that what you consider not a particular high volume day is pretty darn high!

.. and I like the MaxVo2 style swings.

Brett Jones said...

I resemble that remark ;-)

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks franklin,

I sometimes forget that I am a volume freak and what passes for low volume for me is actually not bad.

and yes brett you do,lol.

210 chin press Pr, rolling db extensions, laterals, rear delts rev bar curl

 This went well but those small jumps are interminable! Completely necessary but SO hard to say calm while doing; I feel like I'm wastin...