Wednesday, September 10, 2008

36:36 Max vo2 PR

Well ,I finally got the real Pr in the 36:36 version of the snatch vo2 with the 16 kg.As you probably don't recall last month I did a mini pr of 26 sets before quitting and going into my house to get my butt handed to me by Tracy who insisted we go out into the gym and do the last 4 sets and get it done, regardless of the time break.And we did but I never counted those 30 sets as my real pr; just the 26 sets I had done back to back.
So today, with Tracy training with me this time, I got 31 back to back sets of 16 reps in the 36:36 max vo2 protocol. No problem except for excessive sweating which really plays a number on my grip which is hard enough, thank you very much, in this routine as it is! Still not the top end goal of 35 sets that Kenneth set out but that will get done next time.
Used a corkscrew technique on both hands, which really is cheating, (it makes it SO much easier) I don't think my heartrate was high enough, but no matter, I got it done and it was legal, so there,lol.
When you have to snatch to save the grip it really makes you focus on economy of effort, and efficiency as well.That's why I like the 15:15 so much better, it really lets you hang it all out, power and explosiveness wise. It's all good though and this certainly has it's place.

Snatch Vo2 36:36 16 kg
31 sets of 16 reps PR
496 snatches
17856 lbs

One Clubbell Swipes
15 lb club
5 x 10/10

wanted to do these continuous but the sweat hurts the grip here even more than with the kettlebells.Had to stop after each set, towel off, chalk up and restart. Don't like the cold but this sucks.

Two Clubbell swipes
2 15's x 20 reps

Two hand shield cast
15 x10/10

These are great, havent done them in quite awhile. Elbow is feeling fine as well. Somewhat thinking about having a go at the ten minute SSST with the 20 kg this Saturday as Jordan and a friend are coming to Stones Gym( aka the Rifstonian Institute) to test their TSC skills.
I am completely not ready for it in any sense of the word but especially mentally but I am still considering it.
I just dont know if I will be in the mood for that particular type of suffering quite that early this Saturday. We'll see.

datsit.Bikrams for sure tomorrow! I will be strong but I will gas,lol.


Jordan Vezina said...

If you bust out a 10 min. SSST that would be awesome. I'll be snatching the 32 kg. this time around, so there will be plenty of suffering for all.

Mark Reifkind said...


it's a possiblity but my right scap/trap is a bit congested today after doing all those right arm corkscrews after not doing that for months.I'm a bit worried about pushing myself too hard a week before a cert.we'll see.
either way you'll be suffering :))

The Endos & Morenos said...

Congrats Rif, that is a ton of snatches -- actually 7.936 metric tons of snatches!

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks richard,

that is a ton of snatches!

Aaron Friday said...

Very nice PR, Rif. Those reps really add up fast at 36/36. Nice round number, too (31), LOL.

I can't believe Kenneth recommended 35 sets, when it could just as easily be 36 ~ as in the 36/36/36 program.

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks aaron,

I don't know why I didnt think of that! Now 36 sets will be my goal. it has a perfect symmetry to it
36:36:36 with the 36 lbers!

175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...