Sunday, September 14, 2008

Just the body.

I really accelerated my journey to real rehab for my knee, back and shoulder when I decided last year to try to "get back my gymnastics body". What I meant by that was restoring the range of motions,flexiblities,center of balances, stance, gait and basic posture(s) that I had before I blew out any of my joints. I didn't know if it was possible at all, and, if I was, what level I could return to and if so what the actual effect would be on my rom's and my pain.

I just had a gut feeling that the path I had been on was right,and that this new one was also the correct direction. My rifga stretches and close stance stretching work really put me on the right path, and then Z made things accelerate even greater with the most basic of joint mobility there is.

Then I found Mr Bikrams yoga and things have just done a quantuum leap forward again. And it became very obvious that one of the things this yoga and my old gymnastics practice have in common is that it is just you and your body. No other tools, or appliances or distractions. Just you and how you can or cannot move. Naked Warrior indeed. And of course it makes sense that if you cannot handle your own body weight; your own inherent resistance, if you will, you really don't need to add additional loads.

Of course, it's so much fun but that's another story.

It doesnt get more minimal than just one kettlebell unless there are no other tools at all. Like the most basic gymnastics and the most basic yoga.Going against your own internal resistance, which is as apt a metaphor for the struggles of life if there ever was one.

The combination of the most minimalist of weight resistance tools and the naked warrior approach of yoga is an amazing combination for me. Yoga and gymnastics are also so similar in the desire to obtain total and complete control of all parts of the body similtaneously. No easy task!
Tracy has informed me that after coming back from the September cert we will be doing double classes on Sundays. 3 hours of yoga, back to back classes with a 30 minute break between.Now this should be a challenge.Had a great class today even though I slept for beans last night. Sleep is for sissies :))It was way tough, strength wise, but my focus and concentration were good and that's what really counts. Didnt't help that the teacher took us way over in time for lots of the toughest poses but oh well. I will aim for tues/thursday and double class on sunday which will mean 4 practices a week with 3 kb sessions.Now this should be interesting,lol.

I can see now where my yoga practice will be as integral a part of my training as my kb practice.I wondered what would be the compliment for the other days as I healed and now I know. Yoga.

Who'd a thunk it, but in retrospect, the symmetry is perfect.

Handstands are next. Coming soon.Plus Stones gym is undergoing a MAJOR rehaul. Rif the powerlifter is no more and Stones gym is now being reborn for Team Rif Kettlebell adventures and Tracy's soon to be produced dvd series.Pictures soon.



Phil Scarito said...


I have been training with rings for several months now. I find that my strength has increased and I just feel great. of course, I still swing bells all the time, but just wanted to get your thoughts on "rings".

Phil Scarito, RKC, CK-FMS(training)

Mark Reifkind said...

watch your shoulders. rings are the worst shoulder killers they are. even if you are young, light and VERY strong and mobile through the shoulders.
Rings take the shoulder through waaaaay too much ROm with too much force too easily. fun stuff but be very careful.

Joe Sarti said...

Great stuff Rif! Love you summation and I saw Jordan pics of, it is transforming and for great reason. Really happy for you and Tracy and look forward to her DVD series

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks joe,

stones is transfroming rapidly and it's not close to done yet. Just SO much more space to swing bells and stretch the body.a new beginning for us for sure and I love the new direction.

A Headless Place said...

Man, every time I even think about doing double Bikram classes I immedietly sit down until the thought passes.
Good luck're tougher than I am!


Mark Reifkind said...


it's not me, its Tracy that's tough. It was her idea. I will just try to survive,lol./

Rannoch Donald said...


Been reading back through your blog. What a terrific journey.

I find myself at an ashtanga class once a week at present plus home practice on a couple of days. What an eye opener. the synergy between KBs and yoga is extraordinary.

Like you I think I am settling into a practice dedicated to longevity. Changed days indeed. But all the better for it.

Are you going to Denmark 2009?

I will be there this year. Very much hope to meet you then!

All the best


Mark Reifkind said...


good to hear from you brother. I know what you mean about the symmetry between yoga and kbs. I'm amazed more yoga people don't explore it.Unfortunately I am no in Denmark until next year, I will be sorry to miss you.
Keep up the good work and hope you stop by my blog more ofter.

175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...