Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Work Capacity

One of the things I have realized these last 10 days regarding my newfound ability to walk is that the large volume of ballistic kb work I have done has had a HUGE impact.
I havent engaged in any cyclic type exercise for a LONG time.I stopped in 1985 becasuse I wanted to gain mass for bodybuilding and powerlifting and then havent done it since 1998 because I couldnt.
Even though my legs had gotten strong I had taught them to contract as hard as possible for a few times. Not keep on keeping on.This really became a problem after I couldnt squat or dl anymore and my legs got weak AND had poor endurance!oh yeah and bad ROM too. And all this tension that I need to be strong with was playing HAVOC on what was left of my blasted left knee.I thought that the joint was just shot, that a knee replacement was an inevitablility.Now I'm not so sure.

Now that it is back in, I just didnt realize just how far out of alignment it was.

Enter the kettlebell( pun intended). The cyclic nature of the swings and snatch mimic the cyclic nature of walking running and jumping.These last two years have really increased my overall work capacity, but even more so my legs strength endurance. Since I have stopped squatting as a loading exercise and just use it as stretch and mobility movement things have gotten progressively better.
Considering the small range of motion the legs go through in swings and snatches I just cant beleive that just doing kbs ballistics have made my legs so much stronger throughout.And there's no question about the enduring part. way better.
But I do use the "hardstyle" approach and try to hyperirradiate the entire leg as long as I can whenI swing and snatch. Rooting if you will, after the static stomp.

Now that I have gotten the spasmed tonic muscles to release most of their hold the legs can work much better for much longer. What a difference!
Even if it doesnt last I know how to do it again and thats key. But I think it will . Passover points are like this; they just happen.
When I was a cyclist and hadnt ridden 100 miles in one ride yet everything over 50 miles was tough. After I had done a hundred mile ride successfully NOTHING up to 100 was tough. I just crossed over to a new level and BAM you were there.
Just didnt expect this is all. BUt I'll surely take it!

SO in that vein I decided to do some swing combinations today to increase my legs work capcity even more.

1) One kb swing, high pull, transfers:
warmup with 16 and 20 kg for 48 reps/set

24 kg
set one:1/1 transfer, 2/2, transfer, 3/3 = 29 reps
two same equal 29 reps
three 1/1 trsfr,2/2,trsnfr,3/3,transfr,4/4= 47
four 1-3 =29
five =29
six =29
seven =29

total reps = 207
total weight= 10,971

2) Hi pulls
24 kg x8/8
total reps =78
total weight=4134

total reps today=285
total pounds today= 15,505

rack walks with 16 kg
200 feet per arm, 400 feet per lap
1600 feet total

side press:
26x5x4 sets
right side only, as corrective exercise. this set the shoulder back in place. was out a bit during the swings.

bw 160.6
bf 8.8%
water 60.9%
146.67 lean.

datsit, staying loose.


Royce said...

I am very happy for you dude.
I am constantly amazed at your body awareness and knowledge of corrective action.
I bet that walk to the RKC will be as satisfying as any PR

Brett said...

I am currently where you were regarding cycling. I've been 80 before. Haven't done the century yet, but I'm looking forward to it? Who's legs are those anyway? I wouldn't mind quads like that ...

Mark Reifkind said...

royce you are right. if I can do that walk it will one of my most satisfying prs of all time.

not sure whose legs they are but they are a pro's,thats for sure.

Randy Hauer said...

Agree with you on the nature of swings. The full range benefits of swings despite the limited actual ROM involved reminds me of the phenomenon that Power Factor Training exploits. I was telling Brett yesterday on his blog that I think swings, snatches etc helped improve my lateral tracking patella issues too.
I can relate to the cycling example. My first century, my first 700 mile week and my first (and only) double C were equally transformational. I recently sold my last bike (a red 1996 Bike Friday Pocket Rocket)and I will miss it...but I think I get a better quality workout in less time and have almost as much fun (OK - as much much fun as a hot humid C ride anyway) with KBs as I did on a bike. And - I don't have to slather the naughty bits w/ antibiotic chamois creme every day either.
Randy H

Mark Reifkind said...


I miss my bikes too. Havent been able to ride at all for years as the right side psoas always gets too much work and tweaks my back. havent thought about bike short chamois's in a long time.

700 mile weeks! now THAT;s some miles. My best was actually during my triathon days; 400 miles on the bike, 70 running and 10 swimming.but 700 is a whole nother level.
I absolutely agree with the swings and snatches helping to balance out and align the leg least it has for me and lots of my clients.
thanks for the post randy.

Randy Hauer said...

I only did a few 700 milers and none of them happened all in the same season...when I was a pup my roomies (both Cat 1 riders)and I would take a week off work and do two or three a day training rides...50/50 rides weren't too bad...then. One year I put the miles in on the RAGBRAI (with the same guys...we treated it as a stage race "the tour de corn". I also had a female roomate in Chicago who did 100 a day rain or shine...when the roads were too icy she would put 100 in on the rollers in front of the T.V. and a fan. Now that was dedication. Sunday night she would sit in front of the tube and patch her tubulars. She could ride my legs off.

175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...