Saturday, April 04, 2020

205 lb press and weight ladder for form,pistols, floor pushups

this wasn't right either. had a hard time not throwing my head and keeping my chin in. A bit disappointed now. It seems it's all about the same when i get over 205 now. I can do it any number of ways but it's never smooth line that I'm looking for.

Definitely over thinking it now

Felt good, rested strong focused but I'm truly back in my power squat looking for the "right" technique instead of just going by feel and not trying to understand it yet

 Up and down the ladder

65 85 105 x 3
135 x 2
155 x 1
175 x 1 not as fast as I'd liked
195 x 1 decent!

 205  miss!
205 miss x 2 more! ack!!
175 x 1 changed  back to false grip
185 x 1
195 x 1 easy
205 x 1 the video above
210 x miss but the groove seemed better false grip definitely easier on the shoulders and a more tricep dominance. safer probably too

4 set of 5/4

floor pushups
3 x 56
strong too how I did that is a miracle . knew I felt strong today

BW 172.6
BF 12.5 bath

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Shit press day

 Man I could do NOTHING right  today. Played with  few ideas early but abandoned them quickly ( false grip load the bow ) etc but by 195 wen...