Wednesday, May 04, 2022

155-170 weight ladder,24 kg swings, floor pushups

 I thought this was going to be easier, actually. I wasn't that sore at all but the muscles were tired and instead of greasing the groove with these weights I actually had a harder time finding the groove

But, I learned a lot

1) I learned I need swing roll my elbows at the same time I roll my torso when I get under the bar. I think that makes my torso  more of a complete unit that if I go torso, then elbows
see here, the 195 Monday is swinging the unit and todays 195 is torso then elbows. Monday's better

So I worked up to 195 first to check to see that Monday wasn't a fluke and it wasn't but the elbow thing put me a hair off
then down to 155 x 5 then 160 x 5 ( shown) that was perfect
elbow directly under the bar and NOT swinging forward too much on the touch at chest
then 165 x 5 was that good but not easy
then onto 170 x 4 which was hard. PLUS I lowered the bar too high on the fourth rep causing me to push the bar forward too much flaring elbows. that's why rep 4 was slow
I repeated for another set it was a bit easier but I see my mistake
then 185 for a decent single
if the elbows are in front of the bar when it's on my chest then they flare out on ascent. they need to be directly under the bar at ascent.

Re thinking 5's as it's too  easy to muck up the groove. Probably 5 sets of 3 instead next week

24 kg swings 5 x 8/8

floor pushups

2 x  55 strong

BW 175.2 at noon

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190 x 1 x 12, 210/225 static holds, 24 kg goblet squats, floor pushups 30, 20

 This went VERY well almost all reps identical. Realized I get better drive AND minimize shoulder stress if I unrack it with more weight on ...