Saturday, June 30, 2018

44 kg One Arm Swings 10 x 8/8, 165 lb hack squats,crawls, combo laterals

Hot one today. 90 or so at 8 am. No problem, we've got a fan :)

 Felt strong today. no real issues. weight felt light, wind felt good.

One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
28 kg x 4/4
32 kg x 4/4
36 kg x 4/4
44 kg x 8/8 x 10
160 reps
15, 520 lbs

95 x 8
115 x 8
135 x 7
155 x 7
165 x 7 ( could be PR or ties it)

3 laps of 80 ft
very strong

Combo laterals
3 sets of 8/8 20s

BW 171
BF 12.9

not as good as I want. tighter today


Thursday, June 28, 2018

Strong Rucking holds

Another good one and another ruck in my low top Salomon 3D X's. It seems to be the difference. I'm actually feeling kind of, well, fast! I'm challenging my lungs more than ever now and definitely not my calves. Crazy but the devil is in the details. That's what I'm always searching for anyway, that one thing that turns the corner all at once.

Like these damn shoes.

If this keeps up I might not buy the GoRuck MacV 1's.Well at least not pre order them ,lol.

45 lb ruck
6 laps
55 min
last lap 7:29  a wee bit faster than the others but not by much.

BW 170.4 ( back down the lb)
BF 13.4
W 55.7

lower carbs

ok rest and roll out day tomorrow


Wednesday, June 27, 2018

24 kg speed swings, 16 min x 9 rpa, 105 lb strict press practice, walking lunges, wt pushups

Hard one. Tired today even though lots of rest and sleep yesterday. Hot as hell today too which never helps energy

24 kg Speed swings
15:15 9 RPA
16 min
288 reps
15,264 lbs tonnage
Mostly mental which made the physical that much tougher

Strict Press
45 x 5
65 x 3
95 x 3 ( new jump! easy with this new technique!)
105 x 3 x 10

fantastic. technique worked perfectly and I really got to practice and and play with the timing of the layback AND touch and go reps!
 Never ever been even able to do this before. Since this is a speed/dynamic day it might be perfect. we'll see but either way the groove was grooved!

No belt

Walking lunges
4 laps of 40 steps

also better than ever with my new ( left leg focus) technique during both steps. really giving the left leg the extra work it needs PLUS taking the added pressure off my right

Wt pushups
bw x 8
53 x 8 x 3

forgot about these the last couple weeks. not sure where to put them but I can't think of anywhere else

it was fine

Thinking about switching this day to

1) Press Practice
2) swing practice with alternating weights : 20. 24 and 28 for a set volume. Have to think this through more but the swing vo2 isn't working for Glenn and it might be time for a change anyway

BW 171.4
BF 12.4

too much carbs

ruck up tomorrow


Monday, June 25, 2018

192.5 Strict Press PR!,44 kg belt squat, floor pushups, combo laterals

What an amazing freaking day! A perfect press workout. Everything went right and nothing went wrong. Felt great, mind was strong. the new technique worked like a charm from the start, I was as calm as could be and unafraid!It's THESE days that I live for, keep working through the much for,  keep hoping aren't gone forever.
The FLOW. The Moment.

The belt definitely helped but it wasn't the deciding factor, the technique change was

Strict Press
45 x 5
65 x 3
85 x 3
117 x 2
135 x 1 ( HUGE jump , went easy!)
150 x 1 very fast, groove was there, double layback technique,)
165 x 1 also fast and strong
180 x 1

this also went better than ever

190 x 1


this was an important hard rep. Not because the technique didn't hold, but because I didn't trust it, didn't commit to it completely. I knew that if I did 192.5 would fly. I had though about 195 but didn't want to get too greedy. I totally believe I would have made it.

HAVE TO TRUST the technique which is this:
regular setup into layback
Then, layback again THEN push the bar. IF I don't lay back first, and hard it looks like the 190. OR if I try to layback and push simultaneously I can miss out in front
Setup into initial arch (1st layback )
Them layback then push the bar
Then get under it at lockout.

172.5 x 3 PR
165 x 4 PR
155 x 5 ties PR

the technique held very well.

freaking psyched!

44 kg belt squats
13, 16, 18 , 20

feeling great

Floor pushups
2 sets of 47

just tired

Combo laterals
2 x 10/10 with 15's

again beat now

BW 169.6
BF 12.4


Sunday, June 24, 2018

Fast Ruck and strong Ruck!

I cant' believe switching to the low top shoe has made all the difference but it seems to have. Today was magic. I almost felt like I could run with the pack. My legs started out loose and fast and stayed that way. Calves were never a problem and neither were my feet, even at the end. Can't believe it! But man am I happy. After yesterday's heat fest this morning was actually very cool and over cast, just like I prefer.
I did do a few squat stretched on the first two laps as I thought it would help and it did but on the third lap I stopped and did no more
 Legs stayed loose and fast
The picture above was from a gentleman I met in the park walking his dog early this year. He was  TV reporter from China as was amazed at the whole deal with my heavy pack, etc He wanted my pic to show his friends and today he was back with printed copies to show me! Very  nice guy
 I still can't get over just how great it felt to fly though the air rucking. really reminded me of my old trail running days. Perhaps I'm just finally getting into some kind of shape but I think the shoes made all the difference

45 lb ruck 
12 laps       
1:45 min !!!
Last lap = 7:16 !!!
RPE 4.5 !

I honestly don't think the average laps for the each was that much more than 7:35-40 as the last lap wasn't much different than the others

BW 169.8
BF 13.3

ok big press day tomorrow


Saturday, June 23, 2018

40 kg One Arm Swings 10 x 10/10, 155 lb hacks, crawls, laterals

This was freaking hard. I felt fine, slept well, made weight etc. but it's just a whole bunch of heavy high rep work that always challenges me. Especially when it's just two of us and the pace is much faster.

But we got through it and speed and power were fine, but it was really hot today. First real hot day of the summer so it looks like it's time to really get in shape. There's no shape like being fit in the heat, but it always sucks

One Arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
28 kg x 4/4
32 kg x 5/5
40 kg x 10/10 x 10
200 reps
17,600 lbs tonnage!

Glad when that was over!

95 x 8
115 x 7
135 x 7
155 x 5

strong. this is my leg move. doesn't seem to jack me up. time tested

3 sets of 75 ft.

LOVE doing these on saturdays now. Going to up this to 4 sets and eventually 100 ft

3 sets of 8/8 with 20's

BW 169.8 !!!! Yes! got it done! just cut out the carbs and the lbs dropped off. Nice to know this actually works I was getting worried :)
BF 12.5

ok salomon 3 D X tomorrow for the whole ruck . lets see what happens


Thursday, June 21, 2018

Strong,loose and fast ruck!

Finally a good one! I wore my Salomon 3d Pro's and man they felt great. I looked at them closely and realized that the lacing doesn't really start until the start of the toes. My 4d salomons start lower as do the Danner boots. The mid cut Salomon  are close to the 3 D's and the Magnums are right on the edge of the toes like today's 3 D's .

There is something to this

Anyway pretty fasted and hungry so I wanted to get it going and my gait felt light loose with easy turnover from the start

Feet felt perfect and I definitely had the sensation that my feet were really light in these shoes ( which they are- more trail running shoe than hiking boot) from the start

And, it finished like this with absolutely zero ball of foot or metatatsal soreness at all. !!!

 Fast pace and all things good. Nice to work the HR and not have to work around foot and calf tightness or pain

45 lb ruck
6 laps
55 min

BW 171.2 ( down a lb)
BF 13.3

happy with this. expect to be 170 or under tomorrow


Wednesday, June 20, 2018

24 kg speed swings 14 min 9 PRA,120 lb strict press,137 x 3. walking lunges, compound laterals

Good one today, all things considered.

24 kg speed swings
15:15 9 PRA
14 min
252 reps
13, 356 lbs tonnage

lots of mental distractions prior and, actually during, but physically felt pretty good

Strict press
45 x 5
65 x 3
85 x 3
107 x 3
117 x 3 x  5 sets
127 x 3 x 3 sets
137 x 3 x 1
127 x 3 x 1

The layback seems to be the most reliable trigger. Before I did the layback and finished in that position, as I didn't have mobility to get under the weight. It's not perfect but now I have way more so I can actually get under. But, timing is everything

Also, used the belt today. It felt ok. I alternated some sets with and without it and couldn't tell a lot of difference but there's no reason to believe it wouldn't help me get 200. I could live with that :)
I will use it Monday and see

Walking lunges
3 laps of 40
slow and deliberate. completely concentrating on JUST the left leg on each step has made all the difference. Right TFL and psoas are no longer locking tight and the flow is better. Plus getting more left leg work thats' needed

Left VMO is too small to my right. Time to make time for banded TKE's for high reps

Compound laterals
3 sets of 7/7 with 20's

BW 172!!!
 BF 12.2

ok either I'm fatter or more muscular. Either way, no carbs today a real fast morning as I have to be no more than 170

datsit. ruck up tomorrow

Monday, June 18, 2018

190 lb Strict Press miss, 40kg belt squats, floor pushups, compound laterals

Felt strong but missed anyway today. Weird. Woke up yesterday with my right thumb out of joint and painful as hell. Wasn't too bad the start of the day but got worse as the day went on and had to work the crap out of the hand and forearm to try to unlock it. Not the best way to spend  fathers day but I had no choice.
It was the 40 kg goblet squat for sure and the radius of the lower arm and the scapoid bone of the wrist weren't sitting right and I couldn't even get down on the floor and place my palm flat against the floor.! Unacceptable so I worked on it it
Pulled out all my tricks, even voodoo flossed it ( which seemed to help)  but only when I taped my wrist with athletic tape did I realize it was mainly the radius that was twisted and not articulating correctly with the shapoid. Started stretching palms down as best I could ( as little weight) and externally rotating elbow pits and things started to mobilize, move around and things felt better

Slept with tape and woke up much better. Still required work all day today and I had no idea how the workout would go, especially since I was planning on taking 190!

So while I was tired and tweaked I also felt strangely mentally ready so I gave it a go. Warm-ups went deceivingly well and I actually thought I might make 190 after the THIRD try at 180!!

Strict press
45 x 5
65 x 3
85 x 2
120 x 2
135 x 1 strong!
150 x 1 even better
165 x 1 decent
170 x 1 a bit out on front
180 x X out in front
180 x X same
180 x 1

190 x  X

190 x X not as good as above

I'm just driving with my triceps more than my front delts and the bar is going forward and not back enough. Given my still serious lack of full shoulder flexion it's not a  mystery why but I still think I can find a work around, lol

Never quit trying!

170 x 2 way too hard, still in front
160 x 3
150 x 3

done. have to figure out a different groove. back to study videos

40 kg belt squat
4 sets of 12
close stance feel goo

Floor pushups
( found a position that didn't hurt at all a good sign)
3 sets of 40 !

combo laterals
3 sets of 8/8 with 15's

dead tired and hungry

BW 170 !
BF 12.9

datsit a needed day off!

Sunday ruck 45 lbs

This went pretty well. calves still got tight despite wearing the mid top Salomons  and only carrying 45 lbs. Going through a weird phase it seems

But I didn't stop to squat and things loosened right up after the second lap! Still had to stop every now and then to just let HR come down and legs relax a bit but definitely better. fast pace overall

finished 10 min ahead of time feeling ok

45 lb ruck
12 laps
1:50 min total time
RPE 6.5

nice and cool and overcast for most of that

BW 169.4!
BF 12.7


oh yea just saw these boots and have to say I just may not be able to stop myself from getting them

Saturday, June 16, 2018

60 and 68 kg One Arm Swings, 40 kg Goblet squats,crawls, lateral combo

This went very well. I felt surprisingly strong today. Even my grip didn't give me much grief on either of the heavy bells and the height and transfer with the 60 kb were solid. Only the second workout ever with it but my instincts were right about this bell. It's the right size for my real overload day. Don't really need to do the 68 but I don't want to lose touch with it.
Still not ready to transfer, especially after 7 sets with the 60 but the three sets I did with it were solid

Got to remember to breathe more though, I almost passed out on the start of the second hand on the second set! Some serious freakin tension there!

One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
28 kg x 4/4
32 kg x 4/4
36 kg x 4/4
40 kg x 4/4
44 kg x 3/3
48 kg x 3/3
60 kg x 5/5 x 7 sets 70 reps = 9240 lbs
68 kg x 5/5 x 3 sets  30 reps = 4500 lbs
13,740 lbs tonnage


Goblet squat
24 kg x 5
32 kg x 5
40 kg x 5 x 2

as usual holding these is the biggest overload

3 laps of 75 ft
really prefer doing these on this day as opposed to Wednesday

combo laterals
3 x 8/8 with 20

BW 171 !~ shit
BF 12.4

not bad but was 170.4 yesterday and was hoping to go in the other direction


eat less

Thursday, June 14, 2018

45 lb ruck hot and fast

Summer is completely here and the ruck at 1 pm was at 88 deg but  I felt pretty good about it. Acceptance is the first key to heat tolerance training I think. The more you fight it the hotter it seems but I think I was just in a good mood.

Easy day just two clients, everyone else cancelled. Got new tires on the Mustang and did some things I rarely get to do during the week so when i got to the ruck I was actually eager to go.

I wore the Danner's with XOSKIN crew socks and made sure to lace the boots lightly. That seemed help.

I didn't time laps but I was moving and things felt pretty loose and fast. My lunges for a change were the bodypart being challenged

I did stop every couple laps as the fast pace was tightening my calves up but they released quickly. finished 10 min early too so I know it was fast

Last lap the right foot at mid sole started to ache a bit it felt like the pace not the mechanics but it's fine now

Good one

45 lb ruck
6 laps
50 min
pace : fast

BW 170.4 !
BF 13.4

should be under 170 tomorrow am.


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

24 kg speed swings 12 min 9 RPA,120 lb strict press practice,walking lunges, wt pushups. compound laterals

Good day today.Solid sleep, woke rested for a change. Was still overweight ( 171.4) so it meant a full intermittent fast today (almost perfect) and felt very good again doing that. As long as I caffeinate correctly

Decided to bump up the reps per arm to 9 ( thought about 10 but it was freakin hot today= 87 deg ) and thought best to ramp slowly

it was fine

24 kg Speed Swing
5:15 x 9 PRA
12 min
216 reps
11,448 kbs tonnage
RPE 6.5

the extra rep per set go the HR a bit higher than usual, but that was the goal. It worked. It sucked just a little at the end but other wise strong

Strict Press
45 x 5
65 x 3
85 x 3
115 x 3
120 x 3 x 10 sets

good one too. got under the bar a bit more on the takeoff and that seemed to help make the bar/body connection more solid
ach back
then elbows up and squeeze the bar

also practiced NOT pushing forward for the lockout, and just staying back but guiding the bar overhead and that worked pretty well but in the video above I pushed forward under the bar more than I wanted to

still a good practice

walking lunges
3 laps of 40 steps
same as last week, focus on it like it's a left leg only movement and things felt very balanced. I was overweighting the right leg and that was getting it way too tight in the TFL
much better now

Wt pushups
bw x 10
53 x 10 x 3 sets

very strong

compound laterals
3 x 8/8 with 20's


BW 171.4
BF 12.7

need to get below 170 again


Monday, June 11, 2018

Strict Press 180x1, 187.5 x X, 48 kg belt squat, floor pushups, combo laterals

This was a tough one. I good one but a tough one. This freaking move is SO freakin delicate. The groove has to be SO precise that one little mistake and it's done. Almost impossible to save. Not like any other lift I've done. Crazy in it's precision requirements and so much to remember and control under the most intense pressure!

Strict Press
45 x 5
65 x 3
85 x 3
105 x 3
120 x 2
135 x 1 good

150 x 1 strong too
160 x 1 ok ten pound jumps
165 small jump 160 not that strong
170 better groove
180 x 1 big jump but not tight enough at start

185.5 x X SOOOO close

ALways remembering ONE thing but forgetting the other! I remembered to really lean back at start but forgot to re lift the elbows. well. I didn't forget as much as decided not to as I was leaning back so much and thought the elbows were high enough
They weren't, or, something else mechanically or elastically is going on but it wasn't good enough. I should have made this .
185.5 x X bad miss. No where near layed back enough at start. Too much on my arms at walkout and not enough on torso
172.5 x 1 ! shit
172.5 x 2  better layback and elbows!
165 x 3 strong!
155 x 5 Best! 

48 kg belt squats 
( oly shoes no plates)
close stance
12, 14, 16, 18

these were tough. Liking this new groove. Not as much depth but interestingly, more leg involvement!

Floor pushup
2 sets of 45
1 set of 30


combo laterals
3 sets of 8/8 with 15's slow tempo

BW 170.6
BF 13.3


Sunday, June 10, 2018

No stop 45 lb ruck

Confused me this morning. Slept well, stretched out, did my 100 ups to warm-up, and lightened the ruck by 5 lbs to 45 total and still my left ankle ( this time) decided to tighten up making me slow up again, right from the start!
Relaced the boots ( idea was they were too tight at ankle juncture ( that helped a bit) but then I thought that perhaps it was the isometric squat stretches that I do each lap that had something to do with it.

Hell, I don't know but I haven't tried it so why not. My legs in general just were getting tighter as well as the feet. It shifts from right foot ( 3rd metatarsal to ball of great toe to left calf OR anterior tib, also on left! I'm sure the heavy work on Saturdays is at root cause but that's not going to change so I have to figure it out as is.

So on lap 5 I went straight through , and that seemed to loosen things up, then again on 7 and 8 and by now I was really loose and fast and was flying!  That's weird! But it felt great, much like I did on Thursday. It would be so nice to have my lungs and conditioning be the limiting point and not my calf tightness

I so remember being on 'autopilot' when I ran and sometimes when I cycled but I haven't felt that in so long rucking. This might be the right thing to do. I get plenty of human chair squatting these days and it's easy to come by if I want more

Stop breaking the rhythm and tightening things up every lap might help. Hope so. It's been a real drought for my rucking of late.

45 lb ruck
12 laps
1:50 min ( not squatting saves time too)
last lap : 7:17!!
5 iso squats ( first five laps)

BW 170.4 oops
BF 13.3

ok lets see if I can pull my head out of my ass mentally for tomorrow's presses

also rewear mid height salomons too. I'd hate to have to buy ANOTHER pair of boots but I have to get the right ones.


Saturday, June 09, 2018

48 kg One Arm Swings 10 x 10 , 36 kg goblet squats, crawls, compound laterals

Solid workout but using the Push band really messes with my focus and concentration. I think I have the numbers I need; I'll be taking a break now from it for awhile.
One thing I did get from it: my dead stop swings ( the hike pass rep) REALLY generates the most power of all the reps!! That's interesting

Pavel said he estimated they required 30%+ more effort and it looks like they produce almost that much more in power than the reps of the set of reps.

One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
28 kg x 4/4
32 kg x 4/4
36 kg x 4/4
40 kg x 4/4
48 kg x 10 x 10 one arm at a time
Not a bad output. Plus pretty consistent across all reps and sets

Goblet squat

24 kg x 5
28 kg  x 5
32 kg x 5
36 kg x 5
very solid! this is my new saturday squat!

4 laps of 70 ft

actually think I'm going to like doing these here. I could really concentrate on them and they felt like a very full body lift. The heavy ass pushups definitely not the best prep for a max effort monday

combo laterals
3 sets of 8/8 with 20

BW 169.6
BF 13.3
W 56.4

 45 lb ruck tomorrow


Thursday, June 07, 2018

45 lb ruck fast and light!

I have NO idea why today was so good. None at all. Up at 3 to take Tracy to the airport I was groggy til about 10 am. But when I hit the park things just clicked. Legs felt light and fast and pace was very easy. Zero foot problems and I can't blame it on just using 45 lbs as that is my normal Thursday weight.

Just one of the moments when Grace lays it down in front of you and just have to pick it up and ruck with it. Wore the old Magnum combat boots again and XOSKIN crew socks and it worked perfectly. Just felt great

Just in time to remind me that I haven't lost my rucking mojo forever

45 kb ruck
6 laps
55 min

BW 169.6
BF 12.7
W 55.6

datsit need some sleep

Wednesday, June 06, 2018

24 kg speed swings 16 min, strict press 10 x 3 ,walking lunges, wt pushups. combo laterals

Strange one today. Numbers with the push band pretty low although I'm sure I did it right. Not sure where that 3671 peak power number came from

The swings felt solid and lungs and hips were good.
Saturday's beast workout should tell me more

24 kg speed swings
15;15 x 8 RPA
16 min
256 reps
13,568 lbs
  Doing the same thing as  usual so who knows what it means?

Strict press
45 x 5
65 x 3
85 x 3
105 x 1
120 x 3 x 10

some of the best yet

really focused on the arch set up again, then re setting elbows then squeezing the bar for trigger. best practice yet and back to 120 lbs

walking lunges
3 laps of 40 steps

really focused on loading left leg on both steps and that helped my over contracting right TFL. nice

wt pushups
bw  x 10
32 x 12 x 2
32 x 10

this will work fine here

combo laterals
20 lbs x 3 x 8/8


BW 170!
BF 12.7


Monday, June 04, 2018

185 Strict Press, 40 kg belt squats, floor pushups with PushBand, combo laterals

It was just a tough workout , but for no good reason. Slept really well. weight was perfect, hydrated, etc but mentally I did not have five seconds between work ( phone call on way home) and getting under the bar to concentrate and that hurt. But, just a bit. And I couldn't get my mind right even after we started.

But all in all I pressed some big numbers even though I could have done better

Strict Press
45 x 5
65 x 3
85 x 3
120 x 2
135 x 1
155 x 1 ( decent but not fast)
165 x 1 better
170 x 1 good
175 x 1 slow
180 x 1 ok
185 x 1 decent ( vid above)
187.5 x 0 just didnt set up well too vertical I now think but it got pretty high just not back enough
175 x  1.5  tri's shot
165 x 3 still
155 x 5 eh
150 x 5 SO EASY 
THIS is what I should have been doing all along I was just TOO VERTICAL  on my set ups! layback more than I think I should and lift my elbows more than I think I should. It absolutely HAS to happen!

187.5 miss

Realized also, that doing heavy wt pushups one day before this is not the best idea. SO weighted pushups now go on wednesday, after lunges
Crawls will take the place on saturday of pushups

40 kg belt squats
not standing on plates

x 12, 14, 16, 18

these felt good. closer stance than I can get standing on plates and decent, below parallel depth anyway

Floor pushup with PushBand
3 sets of 40, 40, 35
set one .38 m/s 275 watts
set two  .33 m/s 264watts
set three.29 228 watts

high of .68 m/s
Ave of .45 m/s

combo laterals
3 x 8/8 with 20s

BW 169.2 !
BF 12.0 !

finally decently hydrated


Sunday, June 03, 2018

slow ruck, again

This is getting old, this not feeling stronger, faster or easier on this two hour ruck. My calves were fine throughout ( did the 100 ups warm-up and made sure to lacrosse ball the plantar fascia prior to the ruck) and the right foot was fine til the last lap when the  area right behind the great toe started to get achy but mainly every step was heavy and tight!
Started very slowly too, on purpose but it never really got light. It was better from laps 5-9 then hard again. I changed gait a bit too locking out my knee into stance phase more like one does on an unloaded walk  and that worked good until til right peroneals started to tighten up

I actually took the pack off, used the concrete bench to rollout the peroneals and stretched hammy and calf and bit and it felt MUCH better but man, I've been so much stronger here!

I had to stop and shake it loose way too much in addition to the iso squats for stretching

Going to lighten the pack to 45 lbs next week and 40 lbs on Thursday and see if that helps. Then build back up

This ain't workin

50 lb Ruck
12 laps
11 iso squats
2:08 time
last lap 7:45

BW 170.4
BF 12.7

did not help that it was very hot and humid even at 7 am this morning. time to get in heat shape it seems!

Saturday, June 02, 2018

44 kg One Arm swing 10 x 8/8, hack squats, weighted pushups,combo laterals

Interesting session. Used the push bands and got some excellent and very interesting numbers

those are some VERY high watt outputs unless I'm missing something. I think doing both arms at the same time could have messed something up as their are too many "numbers" on the grid showing the averages

But the peak number is real for sure and that's HUGE.

This will certainly validate what I''ve been saying for years about virtual force. It's real :)  with barbells the key is the mass, the weight on the bar, for the kb ballistics it's the acceleration because that's what produces the real force numbers

not the easiest user interface but I have to learn to navigate it better,too.

One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 4/4
28 kg x4/4
32 kg x 4/4
36 kg x 4/4
44 kg x 8/8 x 10 sets
160 reps
15, 520 lbs
9.8 tonnage
73.8  total KJ

barbell hacks
85 x 8
105 x 8
135 x 7
155 x 5

really focused on overusing left leg. both legs are tight :)

wt pushups
bw x 12
53 x 12 x 3 sets

strong time to go up

combo laterals
3 sets of 8/8 with 20s strong

BW 169.4
BF 11.9


see how the feet are in tomorrows ruck. ready for it to get stronger again

210 chin press Pr, rolling db extensions, laterals, rear delts rev bar curl

 This went well but those small jumps are interminable! Completely necessary but SO hard to say calm while doing; I feel like I'm wastin...