Wednesday, January 14, 2015

2015 Training Routine

One arm swings
Goblet squat
Clubbell arm cast
Horizontal  bar pushups
Leopard Crawls

Ruck March

Barbell Mil Press
Barbell Hack squats
Floor pushups
Sled Pull

Snatch Vo2/ 24 kg Snatch ( alternate weeks)
Walking Lunges
( Pullups)*
Parallel Pushups
Leopard Crawls

30 lb ruck for 60 min

* to be added,


Morgan L. said...

Might be good to do a once a month trail ruck on your Sunday march? There are so many incredible trails in this area and trail walking on single track in the hills is a great workout. I figure I can walk twice the distance on flat ground as on the trails.

Morgan L. said...

Where's the swimming?

Chris said...

Snatch VO2 max? I thought you'd given up on the snatch and were using the swing?

Mark Reifkind said...


where's the pool code? lol
actually tracy wants to ruck with me on thursadys ( for now) so that's where that went.
really want to add that in though

as far as the hills until I can KILL the 2 hours with the 20 kg pack I'm not going to add in hills
Plus the idea of driving to walk doesn't appeal :)
eventually though

Mark Reifkind said...


I was, but I thought that if I could do a handstand again my overhead might be good enough to snatch. and it was MUCH better

I can't help it, I love being able to snatch and hate the thought of not being able to do it.
Truth too, the swing vo2 workout is much freakin harder ,lol and I'm not quite the masochist I once was

210 chin press Pr, rolling db extensions, laterals, rear delts rev bar curl

 This went well but those small jumps are interminable! Completely necessary but SO hard to say calm while doing; I feel like I'm wastin...