Saturday, February 08, 2014

48 kg One arm swings, 10 sets of 5/5

Thought about doing more sets of 6/6 than I did last time or even trying sevens but I knew I had much refinement work to do with this animal before I go up in workload. So I went back to sets of 5/5 and concentrated on being stronger,  more powerful and more in control.

Seemed to work although, as usual, the first few sets are SO tough. Grip started off challenging but then got strong as I warmed up around set 4, as usual. Didn't feel like anything was going to rip off and the bell floated higher than last time.

Slept very well last light and shoulders feel the best they have in ages given the T spine release mob I've been doing with the tennis ball peanut and this stuff from Mike Reinold working on my internal rotation.
Havent' done this stretch as I thought it was opposite what my  issue was, which is too much internal rotator tension. But locking in the scapula to keep it from moving made all the difference, and the lacrosse ball work on the teres minor during that stretch is gold.

I also started throwing back in very basic arm circles in all the ROM's as well as figure 8 PNF rotations in the frontal plane and the shoulders felt better  immediately.
I can actually cross my arms across my chest for the first time in eons. THAT'S how tight my shoulders are ,lol.
But not anymore.
Full 30 minute stretchout, lower and upper body.

One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 3
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 4/4
28 kg x 3/3
32 kg x 3/3
40 kg x 3/3
48 kg x 5/5 x 8
          x 10/10 x 1
10 reps
10,600 lbs
definitely stronger than last month and the last set of 10/10 wasn't that bad although I was running out of air but needed to pressurize to hold that stability at the end.Not great fun til it was over:)

I don't if they look better but they felt better. And I'm sore already :)

Two kb swings
2 16's x 5
2 20's x 5
2 24's x 5
2 28's x 8

these felt great but I need to increase the volume, somewhere, somehow :)

Clubbell arm casts
20 x 10/10
25 x 10/10
35 x 8/8

this move is coming back quickly but it sure has been awhile and this sure is specific.

Rope triceps extensions SuperSetted with P bar pushups( feet on floor hands on horizontal bar_ all paused )
3 x 15, 12, 10/ 3 x 5

done dun de dun dun. Done.

very please with this and tomorrow is good ruck walk if it's not raining too hard. if so then just an unweighted walk.


the Super Muscles. and mine are super sore :)


Morgan L. said...

That is STRONG!

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks Morgan, I felt good this morning. I really like being able to work this bell once a month it's helping. Not too often not too infrequent.

145-205-185 side and rear delts,band pushdowns, reverse band curls

 This went ok but actually thought it would go better. I thought I should be able to 1) stick at least one 205 and get two. I missed a bunch...