Monday, February 17, 2014

22 kg snatch, rack lunges, pistol practice crawls

Got to train early today, which is always a treat but it didn't help the energy all that much. Monday's are just tough after my two longest and heaviest days. But's it fine; the ability to do a large amount of work over the course of many days is a large part of what my goals for training are.
The relative loads are not as important as that I condition myself to do more and more work and still recover. Today was a good sign. It was tough but still improved from last monday's work and it was easier. Good stuff

Got a solid stretchout, about 45 minutes and made sure to prep the shoulders for overhead. Not too bad an outcome

swing warmup as usual

16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 4/4
22 kg x 7/7 x 9 sets
126 reps
6174 lbs work

purposely lowering the arc worked very well again. the bell handle is still legal, still way above my knees and this puts my hips higher , in my strongest position , much like my deadlift which appeared almost stiff legged. It looks like all back but it's actually where my hips do kick in.everyone has their own lumbo pelvic rhythm and this is mine.

wind was good as well as hands. the lockouts felt just a tad better, certainly no worse although my right side of my neck was a bit jacked up from my tv watching posture last night, of all things :) By the end of the sessions things had re set. Usually works that way for me.

Rack Lunges
bw x 10/10
12 kg x 8/8
16 kg x 8/8
20 kg x 5/5

this was good but hard, and even though I like this version of the lunge it has an automatic depth limiter built in and I still need more ROM than strength on that side. SO I thought it was time to try some lunges !

Other than the first rep these weren't bad at all. Holding on to the rack lets me sit back too much and I need to go straight down instead. the last four reps were better.

I actually think I need to try these holding a bell next time, that might work better , from a mechanical viewpoint, than holding on in front.
Either way I'm very happy with these. Knee felt great

4 laps of 60 ft.

these always kick my ass

Pbar horiz pushups
3 x 8 touch and go



3 sets of 20 seconds. good to stretchout the lats.


time to rest!


Morgan L. said...

Carol said the fact that you're able to do full body weight pistols so soon after a TKR is incredible.

Unknown said...

First time comment, long time follower. This is the most natural and comfortable your snatches have looked in as long as I can remember. Keep listening to you body, you're an inspiration. Always great to hear your thoughts on the training journey!

Mark Reifkind said...


I'd hope you'd show Carol. Excellent :) thanks

Mark Reifkind said...


thanks for following and commenting. and I agree, letting the bell go lower made a huge difference as well taking more time to stretch out the shoulder prior to snatching.
I will figure out this overhead position it's just a matter of time.

145-205-185 side and rear delts,band pushdowns, reverse band curls

 This went ok but actually thought it would go better. I thought I should be able to 1) stick at least one 205 and get two. I missed a bunch...