Tuesday, July 17, 2012

One arm swings

I have been giving my one arm swing training short shrift lately. Even though I did almost nothing else for near on 8 years prior to regaining enough function to do other movements I haven't done much lately.

It's been great to do two hand swings after all this time and heavy and fast snatches but I know that keeping my strength,form and condition in the basic one hand swing is critical.After training in Primal Move for 8 hours on Saturday and 6 on Sunday, flying home late Sunday and getting a solid 4 hours of sleep before getting up at 4 to work I knew Max Vo2 wasn't a smart choice for training today.

So we did one arm swings and I'm so glad.
They felt great and I felt like I had come home again.When my Saturday workout consisted of just one arm swings  my PR was 600 with the 24 and 400 with the 32( in sets and reps,of course) I really felt the power in this movement and today was nowhere near the volume but almost the same feel.

My groove is solid. And the one arm swing groove is THE key swing for snatch and clean power and I need to keep it up. What I think we'll do is alternate one week Snatch Vo2 workout and the next a one arm swing workout.It should't compromise anything else and I'll just make the 5 set jump every other week in Snatch Vo2

today 6 am

rifga stretch and primal move play 30 minutes

1 pm
 One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5
20kg x 5/5
        x 8/8
24 kg x 5/5
28kg x5/5 x 3 rounds

This went great. I thought about doing sets with the 32  but decided to play it safe. Haven't done heavy one arms in awhile and while I felt better than yesterday my body was still recovering from the weekend.

Two Hand Swings
28 kg x 10
32 kg x 10
36 kg x10
40 kg x 10
32 kg x 10

These rock and I'm so happy I can do them again. When I do snatch vo2 week I'll do kb rows but when I do one arms I'll do ballistic two hands and do power swings on saturday after 24 kg snatch work.
On the week I do snatch vo2 I'll do ballistic two hand swings on saturday.

One arm CB Shield Cast
10 lb CB x 10/10
             x 12/12
             x 15/15
15 lb CB x 10/10 x 2

these went great and my left shoulder held perfectly.

I had an amazing and transformative time this weekend at the Primal Move Cert. I felt very close to how I felt when I first discovered KB's: incredible energized, motivated and excited to read, learn, practice, absorb, master and teach this new system of movement.

It is so beautiful, in design concept, function and execution and it is pulling me in quickly.I have SO much information to study and learn that it is a bit daunting to see where I will fit it in but I will, as it is a priority; which means it will come first. Something else will have to drop off but this will find it's place.



Diana said...

I see Emily appears to making the rounds!

Love the Primal Move video....that last part where he's walking on all 4's was incredible. My wrists hurt just watching that!

Mark Reifkind said...


my wrists took a beating this weekend,but I was doing it for 8 hours on sat! I love everything about this.

Roland Denzel said...

I'm glad to hear Primal Move was such as success! Can't wait to hear (and see) more!


Mark Reifkind said...

thanks Roland I have much study and practice to do.

hou said...

What I think we'll do is alternate one week Snatch Vo2 workout and the next a one arm swing workout.
meizu mx5 review
meizu m2 review
meizu mx5 price

175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...