Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Easing back in.

It's been a long two weeks without a break. First the Primal Move cert two weekends ago and then the Max Barbell Workshop this last weekend. That means I missed two heavy snatch days back to back.

I could have played around with some bells at either cert but I never do that as it never seems to feel right. I take forever to get to my work weights and I hate to be rushed when training or do so with half concentration. I got in some presses last Thursday, of course, but pressing and swing/snatching is not the same for me.

I am NOT a hip dominant athlete and the "feel" for my legs and hips disappears amazingly fast,even after all these years. Not so , at all, with my upper body but definitely with my hips, even more so than my legs.
And with the hips go the back so I am extra careful

Snatch Vo2 is today's main workout but I knew that was not going to happen. I didn't eat or drink enough this weekend( never seem to) and I didn't need to cook my already sautee'd CNS. Nor play around with the 16 kg. I needed to restart my strength again and 5's are always my default rep scheme of choice. That a nice slow pace should push the reset button firmly.

One arm swings
16 kg  x5/5/5 x 3
20 kg x 5/5 x 3
24kg x 5/5 x3

These felt surprisingly strong and the groove felt perfect.That's my main thing, not losing this groove. The pattern, timing and rhythm are right for me and I want to keep it that way:))

16 kg x 5/5 x 3
20 kg x 5/5 x 2
24 kg x 5/5 x 3

These felt very solid as well and the bell didn't feel heavy at all, in the hand or overhead. I was just barely 155 this morning and that's 3-5 lbs too light for me but my strength felt fine.

Dead stop swings
24 kg x 5
24 kg  x 2 swings and five dead stops x 3

these went well but I could start to feel my adductors wake up and I didn't want any of that.My body acts like it's never swung before ,lol.

One KB Rows
24 kg x 8 x 4 sets


Belt squats
24 kg  x 20 x 2

perfect compliment to take some of the tension out of the hammies.

This is just what I wanted, a little heavy bell , light volume variety workout to ease me back into the program. I get one more week of training before I go back to MSP to teach the Bodyweight Cert with Pavel and Max. I should be perfectly back on track before I have to stop again but  I do love this cert:))



Boris T said...

I am just curious to how you came to the conclusion that you're not a hip dominant athlete?

Mark Reifkind said...

Boris, my developmental years were spent on my hands as a gymnast. plus I've always had very small hips and legs.Even when I was a bodybuilder TRYING desperately to develop legs and glutes it was very tough going.

Leg size would disappear in a heartbeat where as my upper body,even with ultra training and NO upper body still was decent

Unknown said...

Hey Mark! You and Tracy are looking great and looks like you're both enjoying what you are doing.

Sounds like you are still adjusting with all the effects of all the years of training though but that's how we keep learing isn't it.

Anyway, just wanted to say hello. Drop me a line sometime if you have the time.

Scott Waits

210 chin press Pr, rolling db extensions, laterals, rear delts rev bar curl

 This went well but those small jumps are interminable! Completely necessary but SO hard to say calm while doing; I feel like I'm wastin...