Thursday, September 29, 2011

Clubbell and handstands. Density work

I really look forward to clubbell day now. Instead of feeling guilty I'm not doing more kettlebells my arms and shoulders are happy for the break, and the counterbalancing effect the clubbells have on them.

It's a particularly tough day as well as I have to train at the end of a 7 client day and it starts early. Clubs are easier for me to get up for though that kbs and that helps.
Last weeks order worked well so it was the same today

torch swings

Torch swings
2 10's x 5 + 5 swings x 2 sets
2 15's x 5 x 2 + 5 swings x 2 sets
20's x5 x 3 sets

Wow, these were both much easier and harder at the same time. The lighter sets were much stronger and more stable,as was the first set with the 20's but then the second set got very wonky on my left side grip.Just lost my thumb and the whole thing felt like it would crash. Got it locked down on the third set but it was weird.

Clubs have HUGE and very different grip requirement but it's very good. a weakness and a good solution.

Two clubbell swipes
2 10's x20 x 2
2 15s x 20 x 5

this was great! These finally felt strong again and my groove just kept getting better each set although I don't think I could have done another set of 20. But WAY better than last week.

This is the type of density training I need to do to get back to being able to do 100+ reps in one set again. I have been thinking that my PR in this with this weight was 150 non stop reps but I checked and it's only 110. I did 50 a month or so ago and it was hard but 100 seems doable- 150 did not and was freakin me out how I could have lost SO much in this move.

Turns out I didn't :))

Need to do some one arm work here too and work up to the 25 lber and eventually the 35 lber in the one arm swipe.

Handstands( wall start)

10 sets of 10-15 sec and these were even stronger than last week. Felt I could have stayed up as long as I wanted to! Did few that started without touching the wall and on the others tapped off in just a second but the next level is no wall. Not quite yet but soon.

Rockits / Black mini band extensions
2 15's x 20 x 4 sets
ext x 20 x 4 sets

these went great and I got a second wind that made things cruise. Could have done another set each but it was enough. Leave some for next time.

datsit. Sisu.


ramon25 said...

Hey, rif, keep up the good work! I had a quesion for you. So are you saying that clubbells are easier on the shoulders overall? latley i have been considering focusing pretty much on clubbells as my soul weight lifting tool mixed in with some of your, eric cressey's and gray cooks corrective work. Also some intuflow Does that sound like a healthy combination?

Mark Reifkind said...


for me they are just easier work wise, they don't raise my heartrate as much nor seem as taking on my overall structure, KB ballistics just kick my ass and challenge my strength and strength endurance more.

as far as your program I would NOT keep kbs out of the mix that's for sure.

ramon25 said...

I also have quite a few structural issues. Kb's just seem to hurt me hardstyle. Back and shoulders. I know its most likeley me doing something wrong but my body doesnt like that direct loading very much. Maybe the soft style might be better? anyways why would I be unwise to leave them out? Oh I while back I asked you about foam rollers because I was hesitent to use them because of a z health article I have been using them sense you said to and its worked out great you know your stuff!

Mark Reifkind said...


I believe it's not the kbs that are hurting you it's how you are doing them.
you should have them in the mix if you can figure out how not to hurt while doing them because they work so many qualities simultaneously.

soft style would be even worse for your backand shoulders because of the anatomical breathing patterns and lack of rigid structural support for the back.

shoot me a video of you doing some swings and I can tell more.

ramon25 said...

Wow, okay.Thanks for the offer, Let me see If I can figuere out a way to do that.

Mark Reifkind said...

you can put a video up on youtube and make it private. just put only my email in there and only I will be able to see it.

ramon25 said...

Oh okay, Let me see what can do about a camera. Also I was just reading an older blogpost where you state that the narrow stance of clubbell lifting was hurting your back, is there something particularly bad about the narrow stance?

Mark Reifkind said...


back then I was having trouble doing ANY bilateral work because things were so imbalanced.My stronger side would just dominate my weaker( left) and pull me out of plumb quickly.

I can tolerate it much better now after all this corrective work.

ramon25 said...

Thats exactly what happends to me. my left side is way weaker than my right. Im working on it. Im gonna get your restoring lost physical function dvd soon and gray cooks secret of the hip and knee. But yeah. Does a narrow stance exagerate that?

175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...