Sunday, January 30, 2011

First California RKC ReCert in the books.

Had a great time this weekend teaching at the first ever California RKC ReCert in beautiful downtown LaJolla at Franz and Yoanna Snidemans Revolution Fitness center.
This was the second of it's kind, a new concept in keeping one's RKC certification current as prior to this you had to either assist at an RKC weekend( three days) OR go through the cert itself again as a candidate.

That was a big commitment of both time and money and the new availability of these one day recerts, lead by a Master Instructor, will provide a much more efficient way to keep one's certification current as well as really sharpen one's skills as an RKC instructor as well as have one's technique and teaching ability critically assessed as well.

This was not about the physcial challenge that the three day course brings as much as it is about the intellectual and professional challenge of being the best RKC you can be.

I really enjoyed the intimate atmosphere of this approach and could really dig deep into the skill level of each of the candidates as we explored all six RKC drills in great detail as well as got them up to date with the current standards,progressions and approaches.

Everyone seemed to learn a lot and have a great time. Many , many questions were asked about every aspect of the all the drills and this always makes me happy. There should always be questions....

Our next one is March 12 at Park Road Fitness Center in Burlingame California and although it's not listed on the DragonDoor website right now it will be asap. Any RKC's interested should sign up as soon as space is limited as well as ready your manual closely.This is going to be way tougher in a completely different way than your original cert :))

Watch this page on the DD website for the registration form


Anonymous said...

Hi Mark,

it is important for me to see that such great expert like you and Yoanna&Franz Snideman still learn on the basic's!

A move like the T.G.U. has such a great effect throughout the body and i always learn more from rep to rep....

Kettlebell training is more than just swing a bell in the air...

However i like it when expert have still question's like a normal guy ;-)

Take care!

Mark Reifkind said...


exactly one should never stop learning and asking questions.we are 'normal' guys, btw, lol.

175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...