Tuesday, September 07, 2010


I've earned my wings,lol. From gymnastics, to bodybuilding, powerlifting and kettlebells, one things all these strength sports had in common is an uncommon need for lats and back strength.

Back in the day 1987:


Tracy Reifkind said...

Good God sweetie....forget about those gigantic lats....what about those triceps? Talk about legitimate 18 inch + arms...no freakin' joke!

Muscle density sweetie....you build it over years, you earn it....no one can buy it or hang on to it for long....training is the source.

Mark Reifkind said...

you're the best my love :))

jockeRKC said...

Real BB there Rif, you have the Mike Mentzer look

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks man, Mentzer was definitely one of my role models and we did plenty of his style of high intensity training.

my boss at golds gym at the time was Jerry McCall who was Mentzer's training partner for years.

My training partner at the time was Pro Bodybuilder Scott Wilson, another real deal guy.

Boris T said...

Wow! That is some serious muscle, but I have to say the stache makes the look.

Mark Reifkind said...

Boris, DUDE, the 'stache was the thing back in the 80's ,lol.now it's just, well, not nice.

As Jordan says, people don't kill people, people with mustaches kill people.

210 chin press Pr, rolling db extensions, laterals, rear delts rev bar curl

 This went well but those small jumps are interminable! Completely necessary but SO hard to say calm while doing; I feel like I'm wastin...