Thursday, July 22, 2010

Top of the cycle.

It's really been a great run up in my pressing workouts. What used to feel heavy for doubles and singles(28 and and 32 kg) Just as it should be. Be we are on the road again next weekend for the National HLK in Minnesota and then the Hungary RKC the weekend after that!

Time to go back to road warrior status and let the heavy stuff rest for awhile. Surviving the travel is key now.
But today was the last heavy workout and I wanted to do multiple sets of doubles with the 32 kg.I had planned on training with Tracy at noon after my last client but the morning fell apart when two clients called in sick and one was already on vacation. A three hour gap meant I had to train early by myself. Not the plan but one has to adapt and overcome.
My car was in the shop so there was no place to run, no place to hide.

KB clean and press
16 kg x5/5
20 kg x5/5
24 kg x 3/3
24 kg x2/2
28 kg x 1/1

32 kg x2/2 x 4 sets

these were all strong but it was too early for me to go this heavy and I felt it. They moved fast, which in my world means easy, but they didn't feel that good. Had a hard time really focusing but I got it done and now I can back off a bit.

5 sets of 10 seconds

these are feeling so strong since my pressing strength has come back. Start against the wall then clean my feet and hold. very solid.

Double snatches
I had to try these after Tracy told me about her double snatch workout max vo2 based, the other day. Man, set after set of 20 reps in the double snatch in 36 seconds. crazy. I haven't even tried a double snatch years so today seemed like a good time to play with it.

2/10 kg x5
2/12 kg x5
2/14 kg x 5

great fun! it's light but I'm just happy to be able to do the damn movement!

Lots of stretching.the usual for 30 minutes.



Jordan Vezina said...

Rif, it's been very impressive to watch you go from barely being able to move, to pressing the heavy bells again. I can safely say I never thought I would see you doing double snatches. Great work.

Mark Reifkind said...


Thanks man, it's nice of you to notice,'s been a long journey back to training hard again but I knew what I have been doing, correctively, would work; it's just slow.

the double snatches were fun, I think double bells and bilateral work in general is the next thing to come back. can't wait.

210 chin press Pr, rolling db extensions, laterals, rear delts rev bar curl

 This went well but those small jumps are interminable! Completely necessary but SO hard to say calm while doing; I feel like I'm wastin...