Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Double presses

I have been wanting to be able to tolerate either two handed swings and or two kb swings and presses for years. My back has not liked bilateral work after so many years squatting and pulling barbells with my serious asymmetries but I have missed the feeling of that "squared off" work that only bilateral training can give you.

Didn't like the back pain afterwards, however so I stayed alway, always taking a foray or two into that land to see if my reality had changed at any time and always having to pull my hand back quickly before it was bit off.

Today was one of those forays and we'll see how I am tomorrow but so far so good. I had planned to make today either my swing day or my light snatch day but given that I have a press dvd planned for later this year I figured another day of press training as the main event was prudent. Especially since I had snatched plenty on Saturday.

I did start slowly given I usually don't know something isn't going to work til the next day.I know that my double overhead position isn't "behind my head" enough given the flexibility restrictions of my right shoulder but I do have a position that is very strong and I went for that. Almost like a military press with a bar. Any port in a storm, as long as it doesn't hurt I'll take it.

Two kb clean and press( long cycle)
2/10 kg(!) x 5/5
2/12 kg x5/5
2/14 kg x5/5
2/16 kg x5/5
2/20 kgx5/5
2/20 kg press only 5 reps(one clean)

these felt great albeit weird after not doing this movement like, well, forever! I hesitated to start so light but it was early, I was tight and I had no idea if I could even do these or not. It was very different standing so wide to clean the weight as well.

The weight felt like but a bit restricted overhead as the video shows. still it was nice to easily put up over head the weight( combined) that is my goal for the dvd.I think I am going to do two press workouts a week one heavy for the single bell and one light to medium with double bells( if my body tolerates them) and or bottoms up, palm press or other variations as assistance and muscle building work.

16 kg x15/15
x12/12 x2
20 kg x 5/5

I know now for sure that it is vital for me to balance out my pressing with snatching(especially the holds) as my key rotator cuff exercise.Nothing seems to stabilize my shoulder better than snatch holds and I will try not to forget that again.

One kb press
20 kg x3/3
24 kgx3/
3 x3

Just these in to make sure the doubles hadn't thrown off my one arm groove, no worries. everything felt light always a good sign

rack walks

16 kg x 1200 feet switching hands every 200 ft.

these were harder after pressing and snatches than just swings,lol.

30 minutes stretching

strap hamstrings
down and up dog
overhead and behind back stick stretch
hip opening squat stretch
foam roller

datsit. a good light day.


Bill said...

Hi Rif,

Could you explain "brettzells".

Thanks to you and Tracy for the great blogs and inspiration!

Bill Sadler

Mark Reifkind said...


thanks for the kind words and for stopping by. do a search on my blog for brettzell and the video by brett will come up. for some reason I can't copy it from the computer I'm on right now.

Bill said...

I found it. I'd thought "Brettzell" must be some arcane gymnastic stretching maneuver, and had a laugh when I realized where the name originated.
Wonderful stretch though that nicely complements the daily windmills I've been doing lately. Nice to replace cracking and creaking with a "glow" in the neck and upper T spine.
Thanks again.

210 chin press Pr, rolling db extensions, laterals, rear delts rev bar curl

 This went well but those small jumps are interminable! Completely necessary but SO hard to say calm while doing; I feel like I'm wastin...